“Kakarot!!!!!! Vegeta!!!!!!!! ”

A cathartic roar erupted from his mouth, and Broly, who was in the air, constantly appeared around him in a circle of energy diffusion.

The power that is so powerful that the power of transmission pulls the ripples of space seems to change the world.

Broly’s energy, because of anger, because of mood swings, is stronger.

[This monster… Is it already strong to this extent… Even now, my body can’t help but tremble…”Sun Wukong fell cold sweat on his forehead, feeling Broly’s strength, and his body was a little out of control.

“It’s going to be on!! Vegeta!!!! With a loud cry, Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and his momentum suddenly changed.

At this time, he had already taken out all the strength of the current Super Saiyan Third Order state.

“I said don’t order me !!! Kakarot!!! Vegeta narrowed her eyes and retorted in a cold voice.

Reluctantly, he still mobilized all the energy in his body.

He knew that Broly was different from just now!

He’s over the limit, yes, the Broly guy, too!

In an instant, the ground under his feet was shattered, and at the same time, Sun Wukong and Vegeta flew out, one after the other.

Golden streamers intertwine and form the same body, changing positions between each other back and forth.

“Kakarot!!! Vegeta!!!!!! Seeing the enemy approaching, Broly grinned his teeth, his face showed excitement, he roared in his mouth, and then his body fell like a meteorite, with an irresistible momentum, rushing towards Sun Wukong and Vegeta.

‘Boom ~~~!!!!!!! ’

The three strands of energy collided, the aftermath of the explosion spread, and wave after wave of spatial ripples rose up between heaven and earth.

Hundreds of miles in all directions… No!! The whole earth is shaking violently because of this!!

Golden streamers and brilliant green streamers mingle with each other, shuttling between heaven and earth.

After Sun Wukong and Vegeta fought against Ye Yu, they once again joined forces against Broly, and the Guixian Liusun Family Combat Technique improved by Sun Wukong and Vegeta’s Prince Tactics were once again fused, one side perfectly unloaded Broly’s attack, and the other side gave a heavy blow.

If it were not for the blessing of the power of the transmission of the super form, causing Broly’s body to become more indestructible and impenetrable, I am afraid that the body of ordinary people would have been bombarded into fragments of powder by this indescribable blow.

Endless attacks, like rainstorms of pear needles, poured down on Broly, and every move and every style carried the power to destroy the world and the earth, enough to instantly destroy a thousand-meter mountain.

Such a dense attack, Rao is now Broly can not defend at all, can only be forced to stabilize in the hurricane-like fist attack.

And his body has been unconsciously hit by countless blows.

Replaced by someone else, he has long since collapsed, but he is the legendary Super Saiyan Broly, and his anger continues to soar as the damage he bears.

“Has an effect?? Beat him with one blow!! Vegeta!!!! With a loud roar from Sun Wukong, the speed of action and attack increased.

“Ahem!! Do you think I don’t know? Kakarot !!!! Although Vegeta was verbally unhappy, his attack became more and more fierce.

It’s all about this time, it’s a battle to get out of everything!

The two of them joined forces, and at the same time, they swung out a full blow.

‘Pound!!!!!! ‘ a muffled sound.

Broly’s strong body was directly hit by the fists of the two men, and even if it was resisted with both arms, it flew out like a cannonball.

‘Boom~~~!!!!!!!!!! ’

Broly, whose body flew upside down, smashed straight into the ground, and the aftermath spread, and the ground was smashed out of a hundred meters deep pit, and the soil mixed with sand and gravel was raised to tens of meters.

Sun Wukong: “You’re done!” Broly!!! ”

Vegeta: “You’re done!! Broly!!! ”

The two of them drank at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, they had taken the opportunity to condense the strongest trick and aimed at Broly below.

Sun Wukong: “Super Turtle – Pie – Qi – Gong – Bo !!!!!! ”

Vegeta: “Eventually—Flash!!!!!! ”

‘Boom~~!!!!!! ’

One blue and one gold, two streams of energy burst out from the hands of Sun Wukong and Vegeta, turning into roaring dragons, such as spiral energy cannons, carrying the power of destroying the world and attacking Broly.

The two energies are not just superficial fusions, they complement each other to form a higher level of skill: the ultimate turtle sect qigong wave!

‘Boom~!!!!!!!!!! ’

The energy exploded, mercilessly engulfing Broly’s body.

The aftermath of the diffusion almost blew up space.

Due to the explosion of energy on the earth, immeasurable mega-earthquakes occurred everywhere at the same time.

The dazzling white light spread, and the world, once again, was changed.

Huge mushroom clouds soar, towering straight up between the clouds, up to 10,000 meters, endless hurricanes sweeping the heavens and the earth, crushing everything, even if it is a naked eye, it will make people feel frightened, terrified.

The power of this move, even if it is a scene of a nuclear bomb explosion of a hundred million tons of weight, is far from being comparable, let alone a mighty power.

If you bombard the earth head-on, then the earth has long been reduced to debris and ashes in the universe.

The Z warriors had already retreated a hundred miles away, and such a terrifying explosion was difficult for even them to resist.

The power of this move far exceeds the power of any kind of move that has ever been seen.

Of course, except for the final confrontation between Ye Yu and Begett in the Realm King Divine Realm…


“Finally… It’s over…” High in the air, Sun Wukong took a few heavy breaths, and in the sense of breath, Broly’s breath seemed to be buried, turning into invisible, and also made him self-righteous think that he had killed Broly.

Vegeta was different, he still maintained a wary face, staring at the range of the explosion.

Sense of breath, constantly exploring.

During the time he played against Broly, Broly brought him too much shock, and he always felt that Broly was not so easy to be killed by him and Kakarot.

Everyone is in line with Sun Wukong’s idea, because he believes that when the breath disappears, the person dies.

Only Ye Yu, like Vegeta, stared into the smoke, and he could be sure that Broly was not dead, and…

The combat effectiveness data in front of him is not stagnant, but it is still growing!!

The Broly guy, undefeated, ate the combined moves of Son Goku and Vegeta head-on! It was like nothing at all!!!

The breath disappeared because the power of transmission was completely absorbed back into his body, and it seemed that some kind of change was taking place.


Three minutes passed.

“Kakarot… Vegeta… Aaaaa Whoop whoop !!!!!!!!!!whoop In the deep pit, there was Broly’s low, suppressed roar.

‘Boom!!!!!!! ’

With the instantaneous eruption of green energy, the endless smoke was dissipated, the terrifying energy rose sharply, and Broly’s figure gradually appeared in everyone’s eyes again.

His body was wrapped in a barrier of brilliant green energy, and his breath was getting stronger and stronger.

The muscles of the body, once again inflated, the terrifying force, spread in a straight line.

The atmosphere of the clouds moved, and the sky, which had been covered by smoke because of the explosion, was transformed into thunderclouds, constantly circling, and the brilliant green thunder and lightning landed from time to time, which was extremely terrifying.

Sun Wukong and Vegeta are terrified as if they are facing a great enemy, and at the same time are ready for a new round of battle.

“It’s all right… This guy is a monster, and he’s become even more terrifying than he was seven years ago… The qi now is so much stronger than just now… Vegeta…” Sun Wukong fell into a cold sweat on his forehead, and he couldn’t help but sigh, and at the same time called out to Vegeta, ready to listen to Vegeta’s opinion.

It was only where he knew that Vegeta was not in the mood to evaluate this.

“Cut! Fight the undead monsters! That was what Vegeta had of Broly.


“Kill!!!! Kill!!!! Kill!!!! Kill Kakarot!!!! Kill Vegeta!!!!! When Broly was angry, it erupted from the energy surrounding, and the brilliant green transmission power continued to boil.

‘Boom~~!!!!! ’

The super energy pool exploded, and Broly’s power once again exploded.

His combat power appeared in Ye Yu’s eyes, crossing the limit and reaching 120 trillion!

[Not good!!! If this continues, Son Goku will be killed by Broly along with Vegeta!!! Ye Yu exclaimed in his heart.

Reaching the level of more than 100 megabytes, and it has not stopped!!

This force is no longer at all what Super Three Sun Wukong and Super Three Vegeta can compete.

Even if they still join forces, they will be easily suppressed.

The gap is too big!!

Moreover, Broly was overwhelmed by powerful forces, gave up himself, gave up everything, and exchanged it for more powerful power.

Pure wildness has triumphed over reason.

No! It can also be said that reason triumphs over simple wildness! Make him more pure!

The terrifying killing aura in the blood of the legendary Super Saiyan engulfed Broly’s consciousness and completely changed him.

Now, what is in front of everyone is no longer the simple Broly before, but the real super, the real Broly!



Sensing something was wrong at the same time, Sun Wukong and Vegeta looked down at their bodies and trembled unconsciously.

Broly, just by the current pressure, makes them tremble and can’t help themselves…

“Kill!!! Kill!!! Kill!!! Vegeta!!! Kakarot !!!! The heinous killing intent spread rapidly along with Broly’s words.

Saiyan’s instincts drove him to fight, and his huge body, like a cannonball, rushed towards Sun Wukong and Vegeta.

This extreme speed, so fast that neither Sun Wukong nor Vegeta reacted.

‘Bang!!!!!!!!!! Pound!!!!!!!!!! Two deafening roars rang out.

Broly’s fist had sunk into their stomachs.

The terrifying force almost pierced their bodies and shattered them.

The breath became unstable, and the state of the third order of the Super Saiyan was almost scattered by this punch.

[This monster… When was the attack launched… I didn’t even see the afterimage…” Vegeta thought to herself.

The pain spread throughout his body, causing him to be unable to move, the pain was unbearable, and his hands could only hold his stomach and he could not make a sound.

Sun Wukong’s condition was not as good as Vegeta’s, his whole body muscles were paralyzed, not to mention moving, those eyes were already staring at the boss, obviously his consciousness had appeared in a trance.

“Hahahahahahaha ~~~~!! Whoops, whoops!!!!!!, whoops Broly seemed to be venting his emotions and punched out again.

‘Pound!!!!!! Bang!!!!!!!! The sound of a series of explosions was incessant.

Sun Wukong and Vegeta’s bodies were out of control, and the two crashed into each other, being slammed down by Broly’s punch and flying backwards like a cannonball.

It’s like a meteorite, straight to the table.

“Dead!!!! Die!!!!! Die!!!!!! Roaring three times, Broly burst out again, the extreme speed crossed the space in less than two seconds, and the full force of the blow was waved out again, and if this hit hit, whether it was Sun Wukong or Vegeta, it would undoubtedly die.

‘Bang!!!!!!!!! ’

At the moment of the thousand guns, Ye Yu could no longer turn a blind eye.

He also shot in an instant, reaching out his palm to block Broly’s attack.

He couldn’t take it anymore.

There is no suspense in this battle, and if it continues, Sun Wukong and Vegeta can only die.

Unless, for a short time, the two of them reached an agreement to use fusion techniques, or… Push the limits again at this time!

After all, miracles always happen to them, which is how the original plot is.

In any case, it is male one and male two, and the protagonist’s aura shines on them.


The situation suddenly changed.

Broly stared at him with a slight surprise, because his attack was blocked, his vicious expression was stunned, and the next second he couldn’t help asking, “You guy… Who is it?! ”

“Hmm!!! You don’t have to know. With a cold snort, Ye Yu’s look changed, and his palm turned into a fist, bombarding out with unparalleled strength.

Just one punch.

But this punch is like several punches, dozens of punches… The fist was transmitted through Broly’s fist to the arm, from the arm to the body, and deep into the bones.

‘Aa!!!aaaaaaa A scream emanated from Broly’s mouth, and his body flew straight upside down, his eyes blank, blood spurting from his mouth.

They were about to pursue again, but Sun Wukong and Vegeta suddenly stood up silently.

Just stood behind Ye Yu.

It surprised Ye Yu and also made the atmosphere very strange.

“Ye Yu… This is…… It’s our fight, so we…” Sun Wukong looked very weak, his hands on the knees of his legs, gasping for breath.

But at this time, he was still very tough, and even made Ye Yu admire.

“That Broly guy… How could it be so easy to crush me… This guy, it’s up to me to beat him! One hand tugged at the other, more seriously injured arm, and Vegeta gritted her teeth and said.

Such words shocked Ye Yu even more, and he didn’t expect that they had all been beaten to such a point, and they were even unwilling to accept defeat, but also had to fight themselves.

‘Boom ~~~~!!!!! There was an explosion.

Attention shifted, and Ye Yu stared forward.

“Damn the ants!!! Give me death!!!!!! Broly, who was forced to retreat by Ye Yu, rushed forward again like a chicken blood.

One punch throws.

He really can’t tell the difference between strength and weakness at all.

Vegeta and Sun Wukong can be teased by him, but Ye Yu is not Sun Wukong and Vegeta.

“Hmm!!! Bring about one’s own destruction!!! With a cold snort, Ye Yu slapped it.

‘Snap! ’

The sound of broken bones was so crisp that Broly’s body flew backwards again, and the pain swept through his brain, making his screams even more intense.

Ye Yu slapped it, and did not destroy Broly, but severely injured Broly, so that he also had a long memory.

Not everyone, he can play with.

“Uncle Goku, Uncle Vegeta, you… Can you continue to fight now? Ye Yu turned around and asked.

Now Sun Wukong and Vegeta, not to mention how much power they still have, their physical condition is far worse than they think.

If you continue to fight, you will die.

“Broly… That guy is our enemy and Saiyan, and as the legendary Super Saiyan, he’s here to find me and Vegeta!! So, if we choose to escape, then we will never be able to improve again… It’s up to us to beat him… Ye Yu… Please…” Sun Wukong knew that Ye Yu was worried about them and said.

“The Saiyan thing, we Saiyans solve it ourselves!!!” Vegeta’s attitude is even tougher.

Such an answer made Ye Yu take a deep breath and realize that Sun Wukong and Vegeta were different.

Perhaps, this is what he has never known, faith.

Once you have faith, even if there is a sword and a sea of fire in front of you, even if you will die, you will not be able to turn back.

“Well, it’s up to you to continue this battle, but if something unexpected happens, I’ll still be ready to strike.” Other than that…… Try my new abilities. After saying a word, Ye Yu approached Sun Wukong and Vegeta.

Dandy’s healing powers were unleashed by him.

This is also the ability that Ye Yu has been thinking about how to expose, after all, this is different from the move, it is a special ability that needs to accumulate precipitation to have.

Give Sun Wukong and Vegeta fairy beans, Ye Yu will not give them, because he only has four, and after giving them, there will only be two left.

“This is… Is it treated?? Ye Yu, I didn’t expect you to have Dandy’s ability to heal injuries. Sun Wukong, who was passively treated, recovered in a short period of time, sensing the repair of injuries and the return of physical strength and energy, and was surprised.

At the same time, his eyes stared at Broly, who was slowly climbing up in the distance.

The state of the third order of the Super Saiyan has disappeared, and what it is now is nothing more than the norm.

However, now he felt that his body had more power than before.

Vegeta, who was beside him, also felt the recovery from the injury, although shocked Ye Yu still had such ability, but he now paid more attention to Broly.

Clapping her fists, Vegeta let out a long sigh of relief, and then regardless of whether Ye Yu was still around, she directly exploded in one breath and once again transformed into the third order of Super Saiyans.

‘Boom~!!!!!!!! ’

Golden flames surrounded the body, accompanied by blue-white lightning.

No one knows better than Vegeta that he has recovered from a serious injury and is on a higher level!

Moreover, his use of the third order of Super Saiyans was much more handy, far beyond the previous realm.

“Aaa!!!!!!!a A deep scream emanated from Sun Wukong’s mouth.

Because of Vegeta’s transformation, he also transformed into the third order of Super Saiyans in one go.

The golden flame continued to rise, the momentum suddenly changed, and his breath was also transforming.

Before they knew it, they had crossed the realm they were in and become stronger.

In order to win, they will once again push their limits.

In the distance, Broly, with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, was jealous of Ye Yu’s existence, but the anger suppressed the jealousy and made him even more vicious.

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