“Don’t take it too lightly, Vegeta! This monster is not simple!! Sun Wukong stepped forward with a serious expression.

He’s not Vegeta, and as things stand, he’s more cautious than Vegeta.

Probably because he was still the identity of the deceased, his mentality was completely different from that after the resurrection of the hereafter.

He could see clearly, although the illusionist Hilde Gang had indeed been crushed by Vegeta’s blow and flew out, the reason why it was so easy was only that Vegeta took advantage of the sneak attack.

If people had known about Vegeta’s existence from the beginning, would they have been beaten away by Vegeta so easily?!

“Ahem! Kakarot, after seven years of not seeing, your personality is very different from before, and vigilance should indeed be there, but you may be too long for others to destroy their own prestige. Vegeta glanced at her face and shouted.

Maintaining the form of the second order of the Super Saiyan, Vegeta’s current combat power is still rising.

He had broken through the limits before, and his current limits were far from being reached.

At the node of 420 billion combat effectiveness, it is still vaguely rising, but after rising, there is a decline, and it has always been maintained between 420 billion and 430 billion.

Vegeta did not listen to advice, and Sun Wukong could not, only thinking about Vegeta’s strength, he could really win this terrifying monster.

He also shot???

Sun Wukong didn’t dare to think about it, after all, it was Vegeta’s hand that came first, if he also shot at this time, let alone deal with Hildegang, the two of them were afraid that they would fight again because of the scramble.

Ten meters behind Sun Wukong, Bik, Sun Wuyi, Tianjin Rice, Kling’s face was heavy, and now with a close feeling, they could clearly feel the tyrannical and evil aura on Hildegang’s body.

It’s horrible!

Ye Yu was also on the sidelines, shocked by Hildegang’s strength.

The combat power is 800 billion! It was completely beyond his expectations.

Although Hilde Gang is stronger than the ordinary form of the demon Buou, this is the message of the original book. But up to 800 billion, it is properly more than the fat devil Buou’s 200 billion combat strength!

You know, the fat demon Buou’s combat strength Ye Yu has always identified that there are 600 billion! Based on the combat strength of Sun Wukong and Vegeta Super Two, he is even more certain that this value is not wrong.

The gap of two hundred billion is indeed outrageous! This is already a dimensional gap, and Hiard has just been able to evolve, and the fully evolved body power is far above the current mature body.

The most important point, 800 billion is probably not the full power of Hildegang, this is just the power he currently has!

In this world, as long as individuals can continue to improve, Hildegang and the special demon people such as the demon Buou can easily improve their strength due to anger and other emotions than ordinary people.

This point was felt by Ye Yu in Vegeta’s body, even if Vegeta did not break through the limit and improve much, but the combat strength value was an unstable factor and would change at any time.

“Vegeta is afraid to lose. The strength of this illusionist Hildegang is above Vegeta who surpasses the Super Saiyan. Ye Yu opened his mouth, and a sentence fell, which made several people around him stunned, and they all looked at him.

They couldn’t clearly distinguish between strength and weakness, but Ye Yu could.

“You little boy, sure enough, after coming out of the Spirit Time House, your strength has surpassed us and reached an unbelievable point.” Bick spoke, a bitter smile on his face.

However, the expression is like this. But he was still very happy in his heart.

After all, he had already guided Ye Yu as a child like Sun Wuyi, and the stronger Ye Yu was, the happier he was.

“Although it is very unwilling to be surpassed by the younger generations, I have to say that Ye Yu’s natural potential and even the pursuit of martial arts are far above us.” Tianjin Rice had already identified with Ye Yu, several contacts, several exchanges, and because Ye Yu had excavated the hidden power in his body, he had already regarded Ye Yu as a friend who treated each other sincerely.

Listening to the words of Bik and Tianjin Rice, Klin also said good words on the side: “If the martial arts conference can continue, I really guess Ye Yu will not win the final championship.” ”

When the three of them spoke, Ye Yu smiled awkwardly, although these compliments were good, but at this moment, they were said to him, which made him feel like a noisy person: “I am not as outrageous as you say.” Uncle Bik, Tianjin Rice, Kling, in fact, I just happened to have a huge breakthrough in the Spirit Time House, and if you have enough time to tap the strength in your body, your strength is not comparable to mine. ”

Modesty was too much, but at this time Ye Yu had to say so.

Otherwise, it will appear that he is untamed.

In the past, Ye Yu may have been a very selfish and selfish person, but he has experienced more, encountered more, his mentality has been changing, and he has become stronger in the past by using more or less z warriors to get rewards, and now he has become strong enough, everyone is becoming more and more familiar, and he will not be the kind of person who only knows his own benefits.

“Ye Yu, don’t be modest. As everyone knows, in fact, your strength is even higher than that of Uncle Vegeta. We didn’t know Uncle Vegeta was going to lose, but you could see it before the battle even started. Sun Wulian had five flavors of grains in his heart, but it was not easy to say anything at this time.

He regarded Ye Yu as his lifelong best friend, in fact, Ye Yu was very strong, he was very happy, but he would still be jealous, because seven years ago he was the strongest on the earth, but to this day, he is the weakest.

Behind the Z warriors, the Eastern King God and Jabit could not interject.

After being frightened by the illusionist Hilde, the Eastern King God and Jabbit intentionally or unconsciously avoided a distance, and when the Eastern King God saw Tapien on the ground, he suddenly realized that he pulled Jabit to the ground.

The Eastern Realm King God did not yet know what was going on, but only through the Divine Officer Tapien.

He did not know that at this time, Tapian was still only a brave man, had not experienced the encounters of the original book, and had not traveled through time and space to the past era, so he did not know anything at all.

All he knew was that his seal had been lifted and that the evil magician had taken control of the illusionist Hildegang.


‘Roar roar roar roar roar !!!!!!!roar ’

A roar erupted from the mouth of the illusionist Hilde.

After a short pause, he received the control of the magic master Hoe, stood up recklessly, and opened his teeth and claws to face Vegeta, the culprit.

The fierce breath was also fully displayed at this moment, with a bloody smell that was enough to make people vomit.

“Cut !!! Will it just roar?!! Sure enough, the monster was just a monster, or a controlled monster. Lowering his chest-hugging hands, Vegeta exploded, golden flames surrounding his body, and tiny lightning bolts constantly pulsating and swimming around his breath.

In terms of momentum, it can be said that Vegeta is not inferior to Hildegang.

But is this really just the true strength of Hildegang?! Definitely not.

Hildegang, who was under control, was unable to exert his full strength.

“Damn!! Is it you guy who made the Dark Hand?! I don’t know if I’m alive or dead, kill him for me, Hildegang!! “Hoe Yi was relieved and expelled the effects of the previous shock caused by the fall.

Originally everything was in his calculations, but now an accident has occurred, making him extremely angry.

Hilde had just received the order, and in an instant, the huge body could also exert great speed, and a punch was thrown, shocking the originally calm Vegeta.

However, it is obviously impossible to hit Vegeta so directly.

With just a flash, Vegeta dodged the attack, but the next second, under Vegeta’s grim smile, a pillar of flame erupted from Hilde’s mouth and shot straight out.

“What?!!!” Frightened by this blow, Vegeta hurriedly opened her protective shield to defend.

He had thought there was no great attack, which brought him a great threat and caused his entire body to be taken out along with the protective shield.

‘Boom!!!!! A huge explosion caused a mountain to collapse directly.

The flames hit the ground, burning the earth and breaking out of a scorched black track, even if Vegeta deliberately tried to hide, there was no chance.

This scene shocked the Z warriors, and also surprised Sun Wukong, and his face was full of surprise.

“Such a terrible attack, even Vegeta …” Inhaled a cold breath, and Sun Wukong concentrated his breath for the first time.

In his perception, Vegeta was unhindered, but anyone could think of what would happen if he could suppress Vegeta so easily.

‘Roar roar roar roar !!!!!roar roar roar A fierce roar continued, and Hilde Gang seemed excited for revenge.

In the light of the explosion, Vegeta burst out in anger.

“Damn bugs! Do you think I, Uncle Vegeta, are you going to provoke and play with at will?!! “Strong Vegeta, go all out.

A punch was thrown, but in an instant, it was empty.

Hildegang’s body dissolved into an illusion, disappeared without a trace, and in a flash, appeared on the other side of the earth, and a huge tail came straight at it.

‘Boom!!!!!!!!!!! With a loud bang, Vegeta flew straight out, shattering several mountains in a row.

Breaking through the four hundred billion combat strength, what a powerful force this is?!! But in front of Hilde, who can’t fully exert his 800 billion combat strength, it is no different from a toy.

In fact, even a being like the fat demon Buu would be injured under the attack of Hildegang.

Vegeta was treated playfully, a situation that made all the Z Warriors’ hearts beat faster.

Although Ye Yu hinted that Vegeta could not defeat the illusionist Hildegang, but this gap was inevitably too big.

That’s the Super Saiyan Second Order Vegeta!!! Three or two strokes and a defeat! And there is no suspense!!

“Damn!!! We were all careless!! This monster is far from what we think!! Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and directly exploded into the second order of Super Saiyans, the powerful breath soared into the sky, in order to avoid Hilde Gang chasing Vegeta, he directly launched an attack, and the qigong wave slammed into Hildegang’s body.

As a result, exactly the same as when Vegeta attacked before, before touching Hildegang’s body, the qigong wave seemed to sweep through the air, shooting straight into the distance, shattering a mountain.

“What the hell is going on here?!” The first time he encountered this ability, Sun Wukong felt tricky.

The next second, there was a chill in his back, causing him to turn around quickly and raise his hands to resist.

‘Boom!!!!!! Hield just appeared behind him at an unknown time, and a huge fist swept in.

Even if he had the heart to resist, Sun Wukong was also taken out by this fist, ‘boom’ a roar, straight into the mountain.

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