Chapter 162 Why embarrass yourself, it’s really lucky!!

At this time, there are not many people in the café, and the reason is very simple, because most of the people who come to watch and test kendo basically prefer the tea ceremony, so they do not choose to come to the café.

Even if you come, it is estimated that it is a temporary rest, it is almost lunch time, and most people will still choose to eat a meal first than to drink coffee here that is not very liked.

At this time, in the café, Poison Island Renzi and Tianyu Slashed sat together, and Ye Mu sat on the opposite side, facing these two levels of existence, Ye Mu did not have a little panic.

This also made Tianyu Chopper a little surprised, although she was still expressionless, you know, in school, even those little fans who called her sister and adults did not dare to really approach her, let alone men, so she sat opposite as if she was nothing.

Ye Mu is still the first…

This also made Tianyu Chopper interested, and Poison Island Renzi breathed a sigh of relief and said: “It’s really hot, waiter, please give me a cup of Yega Shefei’s ice American style, Chop, Ye Jun, what do you want to drink?” ”

“Ice American.”

Tianyu said it very casually with a cold face, not knowing what this guy thought.

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, “Ice passion fruit lemon juice, that’s it, thank you.” ”

“Okay, wait a minute.”

Poison Island Renzi said with some surprise: “I thought Ye Jun you would also choose coffee, after all, I watch the dynamics, it seems that Ye Jun has sent photos of his hand-ground coffee before.” ”

Ye Mu waved his hand and said: “Although I am a tea wine and coffee lover, compared to coffee, it is really better to drink iced juice, and it is also more relieving of heat.” ”

Tianyu was stunned for a moment as if it was a little surprised, and Poison Island Renzi tilted his head and said suspiciously: “Although I said that, Ye Jun, you are really different from most boys.” ”

“If it’s as boring as others, I am me, and I can do whatever I want within the scope of the regulations, and there is no need to copy other people’s lives.”

Tianyu narrowed his eyes and said softly, “Huh. Worthy of being the one who can say those words. ”

“Thank you for the compliment, and, Poison Island-san, haven’t you found a thing?”

“Huh? What’s the matter? ”

“Do you think the boys who come to the café, especially the boys who come to the café with girls, do you think they really like coffee?”

Tianyu Slash and Poison Island Fukako were both stunned for a moment, neither of them paid attention to this problem, and after looking around, a trace of strangeness flashed in the eyes of both of them.

Ye Mu said with a smile: “It’s very interesting, many boys always think that when they go out on a date with girls, drinking a cup of coffee will make them look very stylish, and drinking a cup of bitter coffee will make them very mature.” ”

“Obviously bitter I can’t help but clench my fists, but I still have to have a smiling face, just like that, I just keep chatting, and I didn’t drink much in the end.”

“And the girls who follow the date can also see it, so it’s the expression now, why embarrass yourself?”

Tianyu chopped and said softly: “A group of childish little devils”

Poison Island Takeko said with a smile: “It’s really eh, I haven’t paid attention to it, but not all girls are willing to go to the café, don’t girls now prefer shaved ice, milk tea and the like?” Right, chop. ”

“I don’t touch the two things you said.”

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and said with some surprise: “Although I probably guessed it, I was quite surprised to hear it.” ”


Poison Island Renzi coughed lightly and said, “The slash is like this, Ye Jun, you…”

Ye Mu waved his hand and said: “Today’s protagonist is not me, Poison Island classmate, congratulations, the champion of the kendo competition in the second year of high school.” ”

Poison Island Renzi was stunned for a moment before he said with a smile: “Thank you Ye Jun, I just happened to be lucky.” ”

“No, no, no, Poison Island classmate, you are too humble I can see from the very beginning, other players are not at the same level as you, and by the time of the final, even if there is a break, the opponent is already a little tired, and you still look normal.”

“It’s amazing, thank you.”

When Ye Mu spoke, the drinks of the three people also arrived, and when Ye Mu was stirring the juice, Poison Island Renzi breathed a sigh of relief and said: “Ye Jun, you are really powerful.” ”

“That’s a good level, by the way, Poison Island-san, what did you just say?”

Takeko Poison Island thought for a moment before clapping her hands and saying, “Oh! Yes, almost forgot, Ye Jun! Have you traveled to the rainforest before? ”


Tianyu was also stunned for a while, her strength will not easily run to the rainforest, after all, she can’t beat those beasts, and there are all kinds of poisonous snakes and mosquitoes, the climate is also poor, everything is bad, then it is not a place where humans should stay.

Ye Mu nodded and said: “Well, I went, I walked for a long time, and finally came out, in fact, it is not far away about ten days, I was picked up when I walked to the river, and if I walked again, I was going to move towards the hinterland.” ”

Poison Island Renzi said with some emotion: “Well, that’s also very powerful, I checked, the rainforest is very dangerous, and it is still very hot!” There are a lot of mosquitoes and poisonous snakes, and Ye Jun, you have also suffered a lot. ”

“The preparation is relatively complete, not particularly miserable, but the heat is really hot, if it is an oven outside the rainforest, the rainforest is a steamer, because the vegetation is rich and the moisture is also very large, probably the same as taking a sauna from morning to night.”

Poison Island Renzi was stunned for a moment and said, “That’s really not the place where humans should live, Ye Jun, you are not injured.” ”

“No, I was lucky this way, I didn’t encounter a swamp or anything.”

“Did you encounter any wild animals then?” There seem to be leopards in the rainforest. ”

Ye Mu tilted his head and said: “I didn’t meet a leopard, luck is better, but I met a silverback gorilla, a forest elephant and a cobra, and a crocodile. Pure”

“It’s dangerous!”

“Yes, I don’t want to go again after this time.”

“Definitely, but Ye Jun, your luck is really good.”

“I think so too, otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here drinking coffee with the president of Hidechiin and the champion of the kendo competition, the two Qianjin.”

“Poof. What, it seems to be high and high. ”

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