Chapter 79 What kind of people are the shocked Erina and Scarlet Sand!!

It wasn’t until almost seven o’clock that Erina and Scarlet Sand arrived at Saeki-senzoemon’s office, and Sakuchi-senzoemon was still reading this food transportation report at this time.

“Grandpa, here we are.”

Cut Immortal Zuoweimen nodded and said: “Oh, you two are here, sit down for a while, it’s still early, and we’ll leave later.” ”


At half-past seven, eight, eight, twenty, Erina, said softly, “Grandpa, you…”

Chexian Zuoweimen looked at the time before nodding and saying: “Well, it’s almost over, you two come with me, remember, you can talk along the way, but no matter what you see when you get to the place, don’t exclaim, understand?” ”

“Huh? Got it.”

The three of them walked on the road that could already be regarded as empty, and Erina said suspiciously: “Grandpa, where are we going?” It’s already so late, if it’s to see Senior Ye… Could it be Senior Ye’s dormitory?! ”

Erina’s inexplicable excitement is also a little excited, and Crimson Shako is also a little looking forward to it, what does Senior Ye’s dormitory look like? But Xue Qixian Zuoweimen directly said in a deep voice: “No, after a while, even if you go to Ye Mu’s dormitory, you won’t see him.” ”

“Huh?” x2.

Erina and Wisazi looked at each other with puzzled faces, but they didn’t say anything, until they arrived in front of a wood, they were stunned, and Erina said suspiciously: “Grandpa, there is nothing in this forest.” ”

“Yes, there is a noble cook in this forest…”

“Huh?!” x2.

The three of them went straight to the place where Sakuchisen Zuoemon and Shapel were watching before, and Erina looked at the open space and said suspiciously: “Grandpa, what about people?” ”

“It’s not time yet, wait, don’t be impatient, it’s worth the wait for you now”

“Okay.” x2.

The three of them waited quietly, Erina was also curious about what this noble cook meant, she knew that it was Ye Mu who was talking about, but why did Ye Mu come here? What does this open space have to do with cooking?

Time passed so quietly, just when Erina’s feeling a little sleepy, suddenly heard a sound of footsteps, Erina, and Crimson Sand hurriedly looked over, facing the moonlight, they saw Ye Mu carrying a cloth bag and a large iron pot, holding a jar of sand, coming over.

“Senior Ye… Senior Ye this is…”

Erina’s was about to go over when she was pulled by Sakuchisen Zuoemon, and the old man shook his head and didn’t say anything, and Erina’s two watched silently.

But then, both of them felt shocked, and Ye Mu could ensure that what he practiced every day was pot throwing, knife skills, and some other small skills, and he really had no way to play the piano for the time being.

However, Erina and Crimson Shako covered their mouths the whole time and looked at this facing the moonlight, with determination in their eyes and a faint smile at the corners of their mouths, demanding themselves with almost cruel standards over and over again, but always silent, always maintaining that perfection.

This was just a dumping of the pot, and the knife skill after that made Erina and Crimson almost exclaim without fright, but these two people were silent when they saw Ye Mu still expressing that he was not satisfied enough and was far away.

Erina’s just looking at this Ye Mu, who was facing the moonlight, although sweaty, completely without the previous elegant male god image, facing the firm and confident gaze of the moonlight, the faint warm smile at the corner of her mouth, she really felt very attractive, and even she felt some heartbeat accelerating, this picture, she couldn’t forget.

During this time, Ye Mu was also used to looking like someone was watching, I don’t know who it was, but no one came out, no one said it, and no one came to disturb, so Ye Mu didn’t care.

At this moment, Ye Mu suddenly took out a few things, Erina, and Weishazi were stunned, it was some small purse, and Xue Qixian Zuoweimen nodded and said softly: “It’s sniffing training.”

“Huh?” x2.

Before Erina’s reaction was made, Ye Mu took out two balls of tissues and stuffed them in his nose, and he didn’t know that he thought he had a nosebleed, put on an eye patch, and put on headphones, completely becoming a state of not being able to smell, hear, or see.

Erina’s whisper, “Grandpa, Senior Ye this is… Huh? How to kick the purse away! ”

“Look at it well, how Ye Mu this kid trains his sense of smell and perception.”

“Huh?” x2.

Erina, who was about to speak, saw Ye Mu walking unhurriedly in one direction, and only after reaching one direction did he pick up a purse from the open space on the side and whispered: “Grass fruit, pepper, licorice”

“This is Zakako… Over here…”

Erina’s and Crimson Sand were shocked, although they couldn’t hear it clearly, but looking at Ye Mu’s lips seemed to be saying something, and they could find it, no wonder Ye Mu could know that it was the aroma of Gezuzi, and he could find mixed spices in the woods in this way, and Erina’s was completely shocked at this moment.

It wasn’t until Ye Mu left at the end that Erina and Crimson came to their senses, and Crimson said blankly: “Senior Ye, Senior Ye originally paid so much sweat behind his back, which can obviously be said to be very perfect…”

Chexian Zuoweimen said softly: “Do you know what this kid’s philosophy is?” ”


“If you can’t be the best, then it’s better not to compare.”

Erina’s heart beat faster, and under the moonlight, with a firm and warm smile, she gritted her teeth and insisted on tempering what can be said to be a very perfect skill, but she still felt that it was not good enough, Erina’s feeling that Sakuri Senzoemon was right, this boy who greeted the moonlight was really a noble cook.

Sakuchi Senzoemon said in a deep voice: “Talent, he does have a strong talent, but he also understands that if you want to become stronger, you have to work harder than ordinary people, so that you can temper your talent, Erina, he has been learning to cook for ten years, from the beginning of practice”

“Even if you have talent, under such an ordeal, you have long become a terrifying point, which is the third side of this kid.”

Erina’s saliva swallowed and looked at the position where Ye Mu left for a long time and could not return to his senses, and Sakuchisen Zuoemon said in a deep voice: “Erina, if you want to grow higher, then observe this kid more, maybe you will have a lot of new insights…”


Erina’s bed was lying on her bed at this time, staring at the ceiling, the scenes she saw in the palace, the calm appearance in the face of thousands of customers, the appearance of constantly tempering herself in the face of the moonlight, Erina’s still felt as if these pictures were right in front of her, clearly visible “Senior Ye… What kind of person are you…”

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