On this day, as soon as Ye Mu returned to the dormitory, he saw Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Tao both sitting on the sofa staring at a pamphlet, and Ye Mu was stunned for a moment before he said softly: “I’m back…”

“Oh! Welcome back, that… Junior, take a look at this. ”

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and walked over before he said with some doubts: “Huh? What is it? Friendship and communication…. Accommodation Guidance Guide….. Let’s create more memories together….”

“Don’t forget to bring something… Meow? Hiss…. This meow…”

Akane Kubo Momo narrowed her eyes and whispered, “Little Peach is not a cat that time, it’s a sheep… So it’s meh…. Not cute at all…. Senpai Taki has such bad taste! ”

“That’s not the point! The point is that in three days, junior you will go to the dormitory training! ”

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, “Hmm…. I’ll take a look….”

“Junior, you have to pay attention, the slightest mistake may cause problems!” Those examiners are amazing! ”

“Uh-huh…. Well? If you can’t bring a game console, can you bring a computer? ”

“This….. This can be done, mobile phones can be carried, computers should also be available, right, small…. Wrong! Junior! Listen well! ”

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, “Huh? Why do you think I’m at risk of being eliminated? ”

“Because I don’t know if you are suitable for what the examiners will ask!” So, give you a question, you say what you want to do! ”

Ye Mu nodded and said, “Yes, you say, it feels quite interesting.” ”

“Ahem, cough…. Forehead…. Use unconventional means to make a beef dish in two hours! What are you doing? ”

Ye Mu said directly and very casually: “Unconventional means? What does this unconventional mean? ”

“That is, a dish that no one would do in general!”

“Generally speaking, it means that some people still do it.”


“There are fewer people who know…. Mint beef, beef trotter roasted wheat, weird beef… Quite a lot. ”

Xiaolin gentian swallowed his saliva and said, “Strange beef? What kind of beef is this? ”

“A type of fried rice stir-fried with stinky tofu and chili pepper with beef tastes good, but some people can’t accept it.”

“Stink….. Stinky tofu?! Is it really delicious? ”

“It’s not bad, but it must be stinky tofu that has been processed, so it is qualified?”

“Unqualified! Unless you fry a copy! ”

“There is no stinky tofu in the dormitory…”

“Huh?! Well, it doesn’t seem to be… Ay… That junior, come on…”

Looking at the sunken Xiaolin gentian, Ye Mu didn’t say anything, just sat on the side and looked at the guidance guide with self-care, sighing from time to time.

In an office on the other side, Sakuchisen Zuoemon was looking at a document, and after a long time, he said suspiciously: “Shapel, the old man is very curious about one thing, among the graduates who came to the accommodation for training, why is this Hyuga the first to agree?” ”

“To be honest, I don’t know, I just called and asked, but she directly said that she had time, what specific reason she didn’t say, maybe just simply have time.”

“But didn’t she just close the door for a trip the other day?”

“Huh? She went on a trip? How do you know, Commander-in-Chief? ”

Xue Qixian Zuoemon sighed and said: “The old man went to run an errand, and when he came back, he passed by the fog house and saw a sign hanging at the door, saying that he had to travel for a few days because he won the first prize. ”

“That’s weird…. But none of this matters, now there are so many graduates coming, although not all, but also a lot, at least the graduates on the Tokyo side are basically in place. ”

“Well, so be it, let’s talk about what the itinerary looks like these days.”

Shapel nodded and discussed with Xue Chexian Zuoweimen, and after a long time, Xue Chexian Zuoweimen said in a deep voice: “Oh…. And this link ah, well, can make the resort earn back a lot of costs, maybe it will be profitable, okay, in the first few days? ”

“Day four or five, depending on the number of students left.”

“Oh! I see! Well, the old man has to think about it, so be it, but why is this cover a cat? ”

“This one…. This seems to have been decided by Kiku in the end. ”

“Kiku…. Oh! It’s the girl of Kikuchi Yuanguo! Then no wonder, much more interesting than last year’s sheep! ”

“Last year, it was Taki Kadozaki who finalized the plan…”

“Huh? Hahaha! No wonder, okay, so be it! ”

After Shapel left, Xue Chexian Zuoweimen closed his eyes and thought for a while, and finally called with relief and said: “Come to my side, with scarlet sand.” ”

“Well, now.”

“The old man is in the office.”


Not long after Sakeki-senzoemon put down the phone, he heard a knock on the door, and Sakeki-sen-zuoemon also said directly: “Erina, come in!” ”

Erina, looking at Sakuchisen Zuoemon and said with some doubts: “Grandpa, do you have anything to do with me?” Is there something to taste? ”

“Hmm! It’s a tasting, but it’s not a restaurant. ”

“That’s going….”

“Yuanyue Leaving the Palace!”

Erina was stunned for a moment and said, “What?!” Far Moon Leaving the Palace?! Can…. But… What is there to try in the cuisine of the palace? ”

“It’s not for you to try the food that leaves the palace, but for you to try the student’s food!”

“Huh?!” x2

Crimson Shazi hurriedly said: “Chief Marshal!” How can those students be qualified for cooking…”

Erina, waved her hand and said, “Crimson Sand, I think grandpa should have his own purpose, but I still want to ask the reason.” ”

Sakushi Xian Zuoemon laughed and said in a deep voice: “This time the accommodation training…”

After a long time, Erina Sakuchi stood outside the door of the office and said softly, “Let’s score it…. Learn by the way…. Interesting….”

“Erina-sama, what are we going to do?”

“Crimson sand!”


“Reservations for the fourth or fifth day after the start of the residential training in three days have been postponed! On the sixth day, the morning appointment has been moved to the afternoon! Cancellations after 3 p.m. on the fourth day! ”

“That is, will you come back at noon on the sixth day?”

“Yes, after all, I am still preparing the halberd, if the halberd wins this time, Shijie…. I’ll accept it unceremoniously! ”


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