Chapter 131: Hori Family Mother and Daughter!!

Because it was all home-cooked, it didn’t take Kyoko Hori long to make four dishes and one soup in less than half an hour.

Originally, the mother and daughter ate together, they needed eight or nine plates and bowls, but today there was Zhenxun as a guest, so they were prepared more heartily than usual.

In terms of eating, neon people use a divided meal system, although it is very troublesome to clean, but it is undeniable that the divided meal system is relatively clean and hygienic.

And unlike the majestic long tables of the Shinshō family, the Hori family’s meals are much more casual.

“Sasa ~ Try it and see~”

For example, at this time, when Kyoko Hori brought three dinners to the small table, Horiyuriko sat next to him and said with a smile.

Although she had let go of Mahiro at this time, she was still sitting beside him, and Kyoko Hori was not to be outdone and sat on the other side of Mahiro.

Well, she hasn’t forgotten that she is now playing Makoto’s girlfriend.

“Mom, you’ll embarrass Shinxun like this.”

“Huh? What does it matter? Or, Kyoko, are you jealous? ”

“Only, no!”

Well, it was said!

Seeing that Yuriko Hori and Mahiro are so intimate, of course, she is a little surprised. Whether it’s Horiyuriko or Makoto’s, you can say both.

“Okay Zhenxun, please don’t be polite, try it quickly~”

Of course, what Kyoko Hori is more concerned about at this time is that she doesn’t know if the dishes she made can satisfy Makoto, “I don’t know if the meals I cook are suitable for your appetite!” ”

“Well, then I’m welcome, I’m moving~”

Learning the habit of neon people to eat, after saying this, Mahiro also picked up chopsticks and picked up the dishes one by one to taste under the gaze of the mother and daughter.

“Chewing ~ very delicious, it tastes very good.”

“Really? Not lying to me? ”


“Thank you~”

Watching Mahiro start tasting, Kyoko Hori couldn’t help but become a little nervous.

Then after seeing Zhenxun’s evaluation, not polite, she was immediately very happy, and at the same time relieved in her heart.

“Hehe~ eat more if you like, and you can also let Kyoko cook for you in the future.”

And on Horiyuriko’s side, in fact, she was originally a little worried in her heart.

After all, from the limousine that Zhenxun was riding, as well as her words and behavior, it was not difficult to see that he must be the child of a rich family, and she was worried that Zhenxun would not be used to eating these ordinary home-cooked dishes.

But now it seems that she seems to think too much, and Shinxun is not picky or disgusted

In fact, the mother and daughter don’t know that someone actually has the attribute of ‘foodie’, as long as it is not a dark cuisine, or other strange dishes and the like, he will like to eat it if it is normal.

It can be said that it is very well fed.

Although Kyoko Hori is definitely not able to beat Kamojuyan and Mako, and cannot be compared with those top chefs, it is definitely able to reach the level of ordinary small restaurants.

“Hee ~ I’m moving~” × 2

After seeing the real chopsticks, it was not pretending, but really after eating

The mother and daughter looked at each other, and then after habitually saying ‘I’m moving’, they also joined the eating team.

“Delicious~ Kyoko, has your cooking skills improved?”

“Is it? But it tastes about the same as usual? ”

“Hehe, that’s the spice you didn’t taste in it, there is more of a taste of love than usual~”

“Poof-ahem~ mom!”

“What about Mahiro ~ Did you taste the dishes and integrate Kyoko’s heart?”


Is there such a thing?

Although I have heard that some gourmets, when tasting food, can visualize the taste of tasting in their minds, or immerse themselves in the artistic conception of the cuisine, they can taste the chef’s intention when preparing the food.

But this is not a luminous dish or a medicated dish, is it that exaggerated?

The taste of love, Zhenxun definitely can’t taste it, even if his sense of taste is stronger than ordinary people, but it has not reached such an exaggerated level.

But the question is, it was Horiyuriko who said this, can he answer ‘no’ or “can’t taste it”?

What’s more, Kyoko Hori was watching from the other side, so Makoto agreed and denied it, and in the end he could only vaguely pass.

“Mom! How can it be so exaggerated as you say, what kind of intentions… Isn’t this an ordinary dish? Why can’t I taste what love tastes like? Although she said that, after hearing Yuriko Hori’s words, Kyoko Hori’s face suddenly turned red. ”

Especially she involuntarily looked at Makoto, and then Makoto noticed the twist of her gaze, so after the two happened to look at each other so coincidentally, Kyoko Hori Kyoko’s heart rhythm was directly half a beat slower, and then of course there was no need to say more.

In the next second, while she hurriedly looked away, she also concealed her panic and said.

“That’s of course, because you’re stupid~”


Why is she stupid?

It’s a pity that in the face of her daughter’s doubts, Yuriko Hori didn’t mean to explain, but continued to eat while looking at Mahiro and Kyoko Hori with a smile…

“Kyoko, is there still miso soup? I’m done with this bowl. ”

“And some more, I’ll get them.”

“Well, what a good daughter, please~”

“Huh?! Do you know to praise me at this time? ”

Looking at the interaction between mother and daughter, Zhenxun, who was concentrating on eating, suddenly felt that the dishes had become much more delicious.

Simply put, it’s fun and fun.

“Mom, give.”


“I’ll help you.”

“No need, no need, I really want you to eat.”

Soon, Kyoko Hori returned with a bowl.

After sitting next to Mahiro, he handed the bowl to Yuriko Hori.

And seeing this, Zhenxun of course put down the dishes and chopsticks in his hand, and then raised his hand to help, which led to such a scene –

Kyoko Horiko handed the bowl, Yuriko Horiko took it, and Mahiro helped.

It was supposed to be like this, but it turned out that Horiyuriko didn’t want to trouble Mahiro and wanted to get it herself, while Kyoko Hori thought that Makoto had already caught the bowl, so she let go, but the problem was that Mahiro didn’t receive it.



“Be careful!”

So needless to say, the bowl in mid-air was directly overturned, and the miso soup in the bowl spilled to – Yuriko Hori!

Well, because she didn’t hold it steady, some of it also affected Zhenxun’s side.

It can be said that at this moment, if you put it in the anime, Mahiro feels like his perspective is slowing down.

Now he only had a few options, one was to sit back and watch, the second was to knock the bowl away, and the third was to push Yuriko Horiko away.

Of course, one will not choose, and the second will not work, because the miso soup has already been spilled, so you can only choose the third one.

But the problem is that the floor and furniture on the other side of Horiyuriko are not good if she accidentally falls to the ground when she is pushed away.

Besides, the situation is urgent now, where do you think so much?

So in the end, Mahiro can only choose to sacrifice his ——— arm clothes.


As mentioned earlier, Zhenxun’s physique and reaction are super strong, and a short moment is enough to make him think of a countermeasure.

It was impossible to push Yuriko Hori away, instead he pulled her towards him with one hand, and blocked her in front of her with the other, and sideways blocked the spilled miso soup.



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