People Are Hunter, The Strongest Killer Of The Zoldyck Family!

Chapter 286 The Game Is Over, Go To The Land Of Nirvana! (Seeking Subscription)

Star Child's complexion became very ugly.

By now, the son of the star already knew that he was bound to lose this arena battle.

However, the child of the star was not reconciled.

I feel very aggrieved.

First of all, Star Child feels that his own strength is above Wendy's.

In this game, the probability of winning is extremely high.

Second, if you lose in a normal battle, then the Star Child will admit defeat, and his skills are not as good as others, it's nothing.

But the development of the matter was totally unexpected by the Star Child.

In the beginning, when the Star Child was not ready to attack, Wendy came to the sky.

After that, directly create a huge tornado and attack the arena.

Lost the arena.

Without the arena, his ability to stay in the air is limited, and he is not as good as Wendy at all.

Then you can only lose.

It's so frustrating.

No fight, no shot, no defense...

Inexplicably lost.

But there was nothing to reason about, because what Wendy did was in line with the rules of the ring battle.

It's just that no one has done it before.

Ron also showed a somewhat astonished expression.

In this scene, Ron recalled the scene in the world of Dragon Ball, the Budo Tournament, and the scene when Tianjin Fan fought Wukong.

"I didn't expect Wendy to be such a choice.

"However, if you want to win, this is indeed a very good way."

"Also in line with the rules."

"There's more than one way to win."

The figure of the Star Child fell to the ground.

Wendy is still in the sky.

The referee hesitated and announced the result.

"Winner, Wendy."

Wendy showed a smile, gestured in Ron's direction, and then slowly fell down.

At this time, the aura on Wendy's body was completely different from the aura on the Star Child's body.

Star Child basically has nothing to consume.

Wendy wasted a lot.

At this time, if the battle continues, Wendy will have no chance of winning at all.

However, if the winner has already been decided, there is no need to fight.

In the auditorium, the middle-aged man in gorgeous attire looked at Wendy with a look of appreciation in his eyes.

"Good response."

After that, he set his sights on the Star Child.

"However, in terms of potential, this little guy will be even stronger."

"As for the Nirvana Conference, if you miss it, you will miss it."

"In this life, one must miss some things and have some regrets.

The middle-aged man looked to the side.

"Get ready and let them enter the land of Nirvana."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the audience in the auditorium, as well as most of the contestants, soon left only Wendy, the Son of the Star, the Son of the Beast, and the fourth place, four people.

A middle-aged man came in front of the four of them.

"Wendy Fiora."

"Roben Fiola.

"Ted Fiola."

"Linco Fiola.

The four saluted the middle-aged man at the same time.

"Master Achilles."

Achilles nodded slightly.

"First of all, congratulations for winning the top four places in the Nirvana Conference and having the qualifications to enter the Nirvana Land."

"This is the deed."

Achilles pulls out a few items.

These items are not ordinary items.

There is a strong breath of thought on it.

However, it is not considered a reading device.

The strength of breath varies.

The breath of a bone knife is obviously stronger than the breath of other items.

The rest, it's almost the same.

Achilles handed the bone knife to Wendy.

This is proof that, apart from the difference in the first place, there is no difference between the second place, the third place, and the fourth place.

Several people stepped forward one by one to receive the items.

But a few people noticed.

The four of them had received the items respectively, but there was still one in Achilles' hand.

This made the four of them a little puzzled.

Just at this time.

There was a sound of footsteps, and a figure came towards this side.

"Senior Achilles.

"Ron Zoldyck." y

Achilles handed the last item in his hand to Ron.

After seeing this scene, even Wendy was taken aback, let alone the other people.

Dominica didn't tell Wendy that Ron would enter Nirvana.

"Lord Achilles, why is he with us? I remember that only people from the Fiora royal family can participate in the Nirvana Conference? This guy is obviously an outsider.

Ted pointed at Ron and looked at Achilles with a puzzled look on his face.

Robben and Lin Ke also had doubts, but they were not so eager.

As for Ted, it may be due to the influence of the Dojo of Beasts.

Transformed into a beast, in terms of character, there will be a certain inclination to the beast.

"This is an order from His Majesty the King, do you want to question it?"

Achilles glanced at Ted lightly.

"Don't dare."

Ted looked down.

"It's good to do what you should do. It's not about your own business. Don't worry about it."

"To be honest, I am very disappointed with the results you achieved this time."

Ted lowered his head even lower.

Achilles has a very high status in the Kingdom of Fiora. Not only is he the younger brother of the current king, he has the status of a prince, but he is also the last son of the beast in the Dojo of Beasts.

No matter who you are, you can teach Ted a lesson.

"Come with me."

A group of six people, Achilles in front.

Wendy followed closely behind.

Ron walked over to Wendy.

Robben and Ted looked at each other.

Lin Ke was at the end of the team of 577.

"Wendy, your strategy just now, to be honest, I was a little surprised, I didn't expect you to make such a decision.

Robben snorted coldly in his heart.

——If you didn't adopt that strategy, I wouldn't lose at all.

"This is what I suddenly thought of. Since it is a group arena, without the arena, I will definitely win. It will not be easy to encounter a group arena again in the future, so I tried."

At this time, Robben suddenly interjected.

"Wendy, if you don't adopt such a strategy, what percentage do you think you will win?"

Robben was brooding about this.

Wendy looked back at Robben.

"If it weren't for the ring battle, it might be between June and Four. I am four, you are six. Your ability is still somewhat restrained to my ability. At present, I don't have any good solutions."

Hearing this sentence, Robben felt a lot more comfortable.

"What about me? What about me?"

Ted couldn't help but asked too.

"The previous results, don't they explain it?"

Wendy said: "For both of you and me, the ring battle is good for you and not good for me. If it weren't for the ring fight, I would have won more easily."

Ted: "........"

Robben looked at Ron.

"Wendy, why don't you introduce your friend to us?"

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