
Chapter 191: Fanwaisi (completion)

Chapter 191: Four Outside (Completion)

Fanwai 4


Hair is easy to shave, but it is not so easy to grow back after shaving.

Feng Xiao touched her furry top, and said nothing in her mouth, secretly looking for those hair-generating remedies secretly, I wish I could pull away overnight like before.

Feng Er, who had always been extremely confident in her appearance, had some doubts about the half-length head of hair in the mirror for the first time when taking a picture of herself in the mirror.

He began to pay attention to hair care formulas.

This matter must be kept secret from Cui, otherwise the other party will definitely come up with ideas to pit him.

Qin Miaoyu has also been upset recently.

She took an errand.

Feng Erfu asked her to find a hair growth formula, and he must let his hair grow from half an inch to his shoulders within a month.

Because one month later, Jiejian Mansion had a mission to go to Jiangnan, Feng Er planned to go out in person.

You can't be too embarrassed when you go out.

But how is this possible?

No fairy can do it.

But since the boss has this requirement, Qin Miaoyu can only do his best to complete it.

Three days later, Feng Xiao was lost in thought about the various medicinal baths, acupuncture, smearing, and even the prescription of the magic spell of water in front of the mess.

Be jealous

Everyone in Beijing knows that Princess Lanling is full of enthusiasm. Although she has not been brazen because of her reserved personality, the empress cares for her daughter and raises family affairs to Feng Xiao four times. However, Feng He still refuses three times. After helpless, had to find another family relationship for the princess.

But Feng Xiao always felt that Cui's refusal to respond to the incident was too cold.

Indifferent, it was hard to feel, he cared about himself.

In the evening of the next day, Cui didn't go to the door in person, and when he talked to the Jiejian Mansion to talk about the business, he made a mistake.

Pei Jinghuan told him that Feng Er was not in the house and went to Changming Tower.

What place is Changming Tower, and also the place of fireworks willow alley.

But it is not the usual fireworks willow alley. This place brings together musicians and maikos from various countries in the north and south of Hainan and the western regions.

On the evening of the fifteenth day of the evening, night fell, and the Changming Tower was brightly lit and the music was loud, like the sound of heaven.

Feng Er went to the Changming Tower. In addition to appreciating songs and dances, looking for fun, can they investigate?

Cui does not like to go to Changming Tower. With this spare time, he would rather stay in the left month bureau than step out.

But now there is an urgent matter, and it is easy to delay people to talk back and forth. You can only go there in person.

Feng Erzheng sat around with the three, and the maiko danced in front of him. The jade body was hooked, and she was enchanted. When she saw Cui Zun entering, she raised her eyebrows slightly.

But Cui did not greet him but instead took a seat in the open seat.

From beginning to end, it seems as if they do not know Feng Ersu.

As the song and dance got better, the guests' interest was also picked up, and some left the party to dance with the maiko.

However, Feng Xiao found that Cui's eyes did not touch her.

The other party ’s eyes fell completely on the maiko, and they were unimpressed and focused, as if they saw the heavenly girl descending into the world, unable to extricate herself.

Feng Erfu's owner frowned slightly, never admitting that he was slightly unhappy.

Only slightly.

After the song was finished, the salutes of the maiko section retreated.

Feng Erfu found a head to Cui Buqi, and sat next to him.

"It's rare to see Mr. Cui here. It's a fate, why not have a drink?"

Cui didn't glance at him, didn't squeak, and went to see the maiko again.

Feng Xiao couldn't help but owed something and regretted it-he took the initiative to hold out his hand, pinched the other's chin, and forced Cui's unseen sight back to himself.

Speaking late, fast then, a sword wind came from behind!

The guests around were all dumbfounded and no one could react.

Feng Xiao quickly grabbed Cui Bu, and rolled away together.

Then he had a thought in his mind: It turned out that Cui didn't go to see the maiko, but the musician behind the maiko.

The musician drew his sword from the piano and swept towards Feng Xiao with a thunderbolt. He was anxious to put him to death.

It is a pity that Feng Xiao's martial arts, since the battle with Xiao Lu's wine restaurant, broke and stood up, has become a master practice, an ordinary master, a little bit of wind and grass, can not hide him.

The two compare each other and stand upright.

The assassin was quickly subdued and asked from his mouth about the calendar-Although Xiao Lu died, Yun Hai still had a lot of remnants flowing out on the 13th floor of the sea. This man was one of them, and he was loyal to Xiao Lu and naturally gave up. Revenge for her life, even if it can hurt Feng Xiao, it is not a loss.

But these are the last words. At this moment, Feng Xiao saw Cui not smile at him coldly, and seemed to ridicule him for overreacting, and spit out two words from his mouth.


Birth notes 2

The day when Jiangnan went down, Feng Xiao finally had a hair that was enough to hold her hair.

Because Cui didn't go and send him a wig.

Feng Erfu ’s life is self-defeating and unparalleled, and he did not expect that one day he would have to wear a wig.

Partially, this wig is half white, not black, gray or slippery, and I don't know where Cui did not get it.

Feng Er accepted it with disgusted expression, but it was not until ten years later that Cui did not stumble across and found that the wig was actually stored in a certain box, which was secure and brand new.

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