Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 649: Into the chaotic domain

The horror of Qin Shimu if the chicken stayed in place.

Kong Xianhui had already expected Qin Shihui to look like this. He smiled from the side: "Don't be surprised, this is a big battle of the chaotic domain. If there is no guidance from the chaotic domain, even the domain power is hard to find. Here."

"It turned out to be like this?" Qin Shi’s heart was stunned, and the fists hanging on both sides were inexplicably pinched, and an emotion that could not be said spread from his heart.

He was shocked by the hugeness of the chaotic domain.

Looking up and seeing, the space of nearly a million meters in the distance is all under the cover of this guardian ancestor. The one that looks endless is the existence of hundreds of thousands of red empire empire.

Once he thought that a Zongmen might not be as strong as a powerful force, but now he knows how innocent he is. In front of this power, the empire is like an ant, weak as a feather.

"Let's go, now this is just the outer periphery of the chaotic domain. Even the outer domain is not counted. It is not far from the time of recruiting slavery. Let's hurry up." Kong Xianhui interrupted Qin Shi's emotion.

Qin Shizhen’s point below, immediately curious question: “When recruiting slavery, don’t you need any assessment? So let’s let us go in and out?”

"Stupid hat, the assessment has already ended. Now it is the enslavement of the assessment. It should be recruited here. Otherwise, if there is no restriction, I am afraid that the people who come here will not be able to install the entire chaotic domain." Kong Xianhui whitened Qin Shi: "You and I, now belongs to the ignorance of God, do you understand?"

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi was stunned.

The two of them roamed from the periphery of the chaotic domain. There were tens of thousands of small arrays on the periphery of the chaotic domain. Each array of methods had the power to destroy the land. If there was no guidance from Kong Xianhui, Qin Shi believed that he was early. It was shredded by these formations.

"No wonder, there is no disciplinary guardian who can't see the chaotic domain here. This kind of superposition defensive array method, if someone breaks in, no one leads the way is impossible." Qin Shi whispered.

Surrounded by 30,000 meters, the surrounding people began to increase, and hundreds of thousands of people moved toward the chaotic domain. In the hands of this group of people, they all held a road sign.

Kong Xianhui pointed to the crowd of people who shuttled: "I saw it. This group of people came to apply for enslavement. The Taoist in their hands was the amulet that was issued in advance in the chaos before the assessment. There is this amulet in this periphery. The formation will not attack them."

"It turned out to be like this." Qin Shi suddenly realized, and immediately he asked: "Then we don't have this amulet, will there be any feet in the future?"

"Will you show your feet? Hey, you will know it later." Kong Xianhui shook his head in mockery.

Going forward again for a while, Qin Shi’s eyes began to twitch. He finally understood why Kong Xianhui would show a ridiculous look. At this time, the two had reached the junction of the outer and outer domains, that is, the place where slavery was recruited.

Here, Qin Shi looks stunned, and the square of 10,000 meters is covered with black people. He just looked at it, and it occupied at least 30,000 people.

"So many people? Are they all enslaved?"

"Well, this is the crowd that passed the assessment. I told you before that the chaotic domain is one of the eight domains. The eight giants in the human world, even if it is enslaved here, will let countless people smash their heads and rush. Join." It should be a psychological effect. After entering the chaotic domain, Kong Xianhui's breathing is very fast, and the petite look is very tense.

Qin Shi secretly nodded: "With so many people, even if there is no amulet, it will not reveal anything."

He does not believe that 30,000 people will apply for it, and the chaotic domain can also be reviewed in turn?

There are still some time to go from the chaotic domain. The outer square has been crowded with people, waiting for the deacons in the chaotic domain.

In his spare time, Qin Shi looked around, the elevation of this square is very high, overlooking down, and the foot is crossing the half-wall of chaos, just half of this wall, so that Qin Shi heart and soul, the heart is inexplicably excited.

"Is this a chaotic domain? One of the eight domains, the eight giants in the human world."

Layers of ripples are spreading in the bottom of my heart.

In the past four years, in the past five years, he finally stood at the peak of this continent. He couldn’t help but recall the words of the woman who had high hopes for him in the book, Jade, Snow, and Jade. .

"Jade sister, Xue Xin, Raksha, have you seen it? I did it, but it is not enough. Although I have stood here, it is only one of these tens of thousands of dust. I want to shine from here and rise from here. ”

"Wait for me, it will take me a long time, I will let us reunite, wait until then, everything together, have me."

His mouth was slightly up, and he provoked a self-confidence that was exclusive to him: "One day, I will let my Qin Zong, my Qin family's Qin Zong, be at this peak and become the ninth giant in this human world. ”

A macro oath, blasting from his heart, will no longer be able to clean up.

Once, he just wanted to let Qin Zong win the peak of the mainland, but at that time he did not even know what the peak of the mainland was. Now he saw it. Although the gap is huge, it also makes his motivation more and more powerful.

call out! call out! call out!

At this time, the three light and shadows broke through the clear sky and stood in the sky above tens of thousands of people.

The three men dressed in the robes of Shuhua, in the center of their robes, all pierced a golden and dazzling word, so that their identity was exposed.

The three men, who were all in the seven-day world, took control of the situation with an overwhelming gas field. The chaotic crowds were quiet and quiet, and all eyes were concentrated on the three.

The three people seem to enjoy this kind of eye-catching feelings. They are proud of their high-spirited minds. The young leaders at the forefront smiled a little: "You, I will introduce myself first, and in the following is the deacon in charge of the external door enslavement: Liu Bright."

"I think that when you come here, you have passed the assessment of our chaotic domain. It should be somewhat understanding of our chaotic domain. We have never raised the wasteland in the chaotic domain. Even if it is slavery, your daily workload will be very high. It is huge, and it is allowed to go down once every three months. During this period, you have to stay in the chaotic domain. If you feel that you can't eat this bitterness, you can give up now, and the amulet in your hand can last for half an hour. After half an hour has passed, if you want to leave, I am afraid it is not that simple."

Hearing the words of Liu Ming, many people began to grow up.

"I can only go back once in three months? Then I will not do it. I have a wife and a daughter at home. I can't leave them alone."

"Yeah, thinking about coming to the chaotic domain can enjoy the blessings of the past. If you are a slave, you can't really use us as a laborer. How can I say that I am also a genius in the family? I am not here. Done."

"That is, I will think that the chaotic domain can get better development before I come here. So I am better off taking the father in the family and marrying a few wives."

A group of immature people began to shake, and the crowds became confused. In the face of this chaos, the three chaotic deacons suspended on the Scorpio did not stop, but the mouth was hanging with a smile, watching a person come to recruit The enslaved people left the area.

After three minutes, the chaos subsided, leaving a small part, only 2,000 of the 30,000 people left, and the remaining 28,000 people were not shaken.

Looking at the quiet crowd, Liu Ming’s alum flashed a chill, and smiled at everyone: “The rest of the people decided to join me in the chaotic domain? Then I tell you now, you made the most of your life. Wise choice."

Liu Ming’s voice just fell, and many people were still puzzled, but then Liu Ming’s empty voice hit a finger.


When the finger fell, it was heard that after the mountains in the outer domain suddenly rang into a shocking blast, which made countless people look back.

I saw that the peripheral array that had always been flustered suddenly operated. The two thousand people who had just left the country were blown up and crushed in countless formations, and there was no whole bone left.

"Oh...!" The tens of thousands of people stunned in the same place.

Qin Shi is also fiercely condensed: "Is this Liu Ming's words just deceived? The amulets in this group of people have been invalidated?"

"Well, the chaotic domain is like this. When you come in and want to leave, it is simply whimsical. He just wants to test the loyalty of this group of people." Kong Xianhui nodded habitually.

Qin Shi’s eyes are ugly, and this kind of behavior makes him feel shameless.

"Does the eight domains do this? Is there no reason, no humanity?"

"Who told you? Don't you kill everyone with a stick? Is there any humanity in the eight domains that knows not!" Qin Shi's words inexplicably angered Kong Xianhui, and her angered Qin Shishi whispered.

Qin Shi smashed the gods, and his heart was filled with incomprehensibility. What does he say about the relationship between the eight domains and Kong Xianhui?

But without waiting for him to ask, Liu Ming smiled lightly, as if he had just died more than two thousand people, but more than two thousand ants: "The people who entered my chaotic domain, dare to have a ghost, That kind of person will not have to live."

Many people have a low voice because of Liu Ming’s words, but they dare to anger and dare not speak.

"But you can rest assured that being able to join us in the chaotic domain is the luckiest thing in your life. As long as you are safe and self-sufficient, the chaotic domain will never treat you badly, and when your contribution reaches a certain amount, you can also conduct an assessment of the foreign domain~www a true disciple of our chaotic domain. I think many people came here for this purpose?" Liu Ming slaps everyone, but immediately puts a sweet date for everyone.

As Liu Ming said, there are many big family members who come here to enslave, even the royal family of an empire. Their purpose is to become a formal disciple of chaos through slavery.

This will bring glory to their family or empire.

"Next, the two behind me will take you to the dormitory where you are enslaved. They will assign you their own jobs. You all remember that this is a chaotic domain. No matter how distinguished you have been, what are you here? No, don't let me know that you are here to go idle, otherwise the two thousand people just now are your results." Liu Ming said that at the end, the sound is very embarrassing.

Liu Ming’s words were very powerful, and the cold wind rushed through, and the atmosphere suddenly became severe.

Looking at the state below, Liu Ming nodded with satisfaction, and then they both waved after the two: "Okay, two, take the fresh blood of our chaotic domain to sort it out, and tomorrow will start everybody."

"Liu Ming, I killed you!"

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