Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 628: Western Region Qing Xuezong

"Demon, you can retreat." Patted his head and took out the remaining drunkenness, Qin Shi said in the bottom of his heart.

The demon nodded. "That, you have to be careful this half a month."

"Do not worry, I have a few in my heart, I am not making trouble, I am also preparing to retreat this half a month." Qin Shi shrugged, and he had plans for the next half a month.

"You think, you are not!" The demon did not suffocate, and then there was no nonsense, the totem on the left arm flashed a few black awns, and fell into a long sleep.

Qin Shi can feel that his left arm is suddenly hollowed out, when the internal body is inside, ~ pig ~ pig ~ island ~ small ~ say ~www~zuhu~ only the endless darkness in the left arm .

"Oh, is the efficiency high?" A smile, Qin Shi converging thoughts.

The savage in his black shackles, the 100 million stone and half of the silver cedar have been handed over to the demon, but he still has 60 million Lingshi.

"I can't be idle, and I can try to improve before the evil spirits wake up." Qin Shi took a deep breath and sat down on the knees.

In his hand is the remaining half of the silver fir.

"I don't know, this half of the creation of silver fir can help me to what extent, I hope not to be too far away from the evil spirits." He screamed, Qin Shi still remembers, the demon and he said, want to do The brother of his demon, that must have the identity that matches him.

"I will not give up."

The faith in the day was clear, and Qin Shi began to fall into a state of selflessness.

In the next half of the month, he did not leave the wing half a step, Lin Yi also felt the strangeness of Qin Shi, arranged a good man outside the Qin Shi wing room, to protect him.

In this way, in a blink of an eye, half a month passed.


Suddenly for half a month in the wing, suddenly there was a surge of pressure.

Qin Shi’s closed black scorpion is so deep and mysterious. When the black scorpion opens, the temperature around him drops sharply, the density of the air increases, and the spiritual power between the heavens and the earth is visible to the naked eye, such as a glimpse of an ethereal elf. Wrap around his black robe, and from time to time, he sighs in and out of the mouth and nose, causing the chest to have regular ups and downs.

Open his eyes, he slammed his fists.


The spiritual power of the original recreation was immediately summoned in his fist, and gathered into a golden lightning.

That full of lightning, with the power of horrible attributes.

"Three days peak?"

Yes, today's Qin Shi has reached the peak of three days. In the early days of the previous three days, his manipulation of the power of the property was obviously several times more familiar. The raging Thunder Dragon is a slap in the face.

He is already very satisfied with this achievement.

After all, he broke through three days and less than three months, and he has reached the peak. If he is an ordinary person, he may be afraid of three years. In 30 years, he may not be able to do it.

He stood up and looked at the totem of his left hand, where there was still an endless black hole, showing that the demon had not yet woken up.

Stretching down the stiff body, he did not bother to demon the demon. After all, this opportunity is rare, and he hopes that the demon can recover a little more.

Among them, to be honest, he has selfishness. After all, the more the demon recovers, the more he will face the eight fields in the future, the opportunity will be able to leave the wing alone. Qin Shi will see many Lin disciples, busy. In the direction of the blood family, they also held a variety of Xilian, gifts in their hands.

Hey, he stopped the next man: "Man, what are you doing here?" After that, he pointed to the arms of this Lin disciple: "Is there any happy event with so many hi-links?"

"Qin Zongzhu, you still don't know? In a few days, it is the marriage of the young master of the blood family and the young lady of the Yin family. This is not enough. We used to help."

"Blood family? Miss Yin two?" Qin Shi was a glimpse, and immediately reacted: "You mean, blood dragon and Yin Xueer are getting married?"

"Yeah, the Baizu Alliance is now there. After seven days, it is their marriage. The Yin and the blood races this time, saying that they want to hold the strongest wedding of the Baizu." The Lin disciples said, it seems like He wants to marry his wife.

Understand the situation, Qin Shi smiled comfortably.

Blood Dragon and Yin Xueer can make a positive result, and he is also sincerely happy.

"Go, I will go with you." Qin Shi followed the Lin family disciples.

It didn't take long for the two to come to the blood family.

Ok, don't you know, when you look at it, what is this blood family now like a family? From a distance, it looks like a feast, and the red color of the big one is covered with 10,000 meters. It is an auditorium.

It can be seen that for this wedding, the blood family has really invested in the blood, and the high church has built nearly a hundred feet high, and the seats around it are thousands.

And each seat is made by the towering spirit wood, and the rich spiritual power is set up in the array, revealing a faint red from the inside out.

"Really festive." Qin Shi was infected with a smile.

"How? Envy? If you envy, you will take action." Yin Feng saw Qin Shi, and he came over from the distant place. After saying this, he also screamed at Guo Danyang who was accompanying Yin Xueer: " Now it’s time to start, and when the famous flower has the owner, you have no chance."

Qin Shibai glanced: "You know, I am a family person. You and I said this, are you afraid of your aunt?"

"What is there, in this continent, which party is not a wife and a squad? If a man has strength, how many women he wants." Yin Feng shrugged indifferently.

For Yin Feng’s words, Qin Shi could not agree, but he could not refute it. After all, there were three women in his heart.

"Yin brother said that it is true. If a man has strength, how many women he wants, but the problem is that my woman is much stronger than me. I can completely swear at me. You have to I said how many men she wants, I believe, if I dare to be outside, I guess it is difficult to protect my life...!" Qin Shi smiled, it seems like this, 沁雪心,玉罗刹, book jade three girls Among them, only the repair of Yuluoshu is under him, and it is precisely because of this that Yuluo can stay quietly beside him, and Xue Xue and the book jade... the strength of the two, so far he Can only look up.

"Are you kidding me?" Yin Feng said with amazement: "Your strength is already terrible, can you completely marry you? What woman is that?"

"It's true." Qin Shi was helpless, and immediately shrugged his shoulders: "Besides, strength is not an excuse for men's abuse. Do you think the feelings like this are sincere?"

First, a glimpse, Yin Feng swayed his head: "Definitely not."

"That's not right, my Qin Shi's feelings must be to talk about it, not to be led by the lower body." Qin Shi smiled, and immediately said a shameless way: "The so-called, rather lack of indiscriminate."

"Less here is a holy love for me. I don't understand what love is. In my opinion, only strength is king." Yin Feng could not understand Qin Shi's words. In his world, he only practiced. Practice.

Qin Shi did not think about letting him understand: "Yes, then you should practice well, and fight for more than a few wives. I am a person who wants to be a beggar, and I will not wander with you."

Patted Yin Feng, Qin Shi bid farewell to him.

After that, he looked around the blood family and found the three sisters Lin Qi and Fang Xin, moving towards their position. He still had some doubts in his heart and wanted to ask Lin Biao.

Seeing Qin Shi, Lin Biao was first happy, and immediately felt that the thick atmosphere of Qin Shi’s body could not help but sigh: "Stone, have you refined yet?"

"Well, it has improved a bit." Qin Shi smiled modestly.

Affirmed, Lin Biao several people smiled, this Qin Shi's cultivation speed is really not a person, Lin Zhen still remembers that when she first saw Qin Shi, Qin Shi was only two days, this is only half a year's effort, even straightforward Four days.

You know, she has been in the environment for three days and has been staying for more than ten years.

"Lin Yan sister, the last time you didn't finish with me, what is the eight domains of the eight domains?" Qin Shi opened the topic and asked the doubts in his heart.

When he wants to go to the eight domains, he must first understand the eight domains.

When it comes to the eight domains, Lin Biao is still nervous: "The eight domains, the swords of the sword field have already seen you, and the other seven domains are the wasteland, the forbidden domain, the purgatory, the wind domain, the blazing domain, the chaotic domain, the western domain. ""

"Western domain?" Qin Shi frowned, how can he be so familiar with these two words?

"Where did you hear it?" Qin Shi quickly read through the memory, and the black and fierce screaming: "Yes, it is Yu Yuan, Yu Yuan said, Xue Xin's master, is called the Western Region Ice Emperor?"

At the thought of this, Qin Shi opened: "Lin Xijie, this Western Region, what kind of power is it?"

"Western region?" Lin Lin stunned. In her impression, the most inconspicuous in the eight domains is the Western Region. How did Qin Shi suddenly ask this?

But she did not ask, just explained: "Well... Western Region, and the seven domains are somewhat different. If I remember correctly, the Western Region Overlord should be Qing Xuezong."

"Qing Xuezong?" Qin Shiyiren violently gathered, the whole person froze: "Sure enough!"

"What? You know Qing Xuezong?"

Qin Shi hesitated did not conceal: "Unhappy Lin Qi sister, Xue Xin she is the spirit of Qing Xuezong."

"What?" Lin Qi was so ecstatic that he couldn't believe it.

She knows the snow heart, but never imagined that Xue Xuexin would be the spiritual girl of the Western Region Overlord? What is that identity?

At the thought of this, she looked at Qin Shi strangely.

Who are these little people around? Even now she feels that all this seems to be destined to be destined, and it is destined that Qin Shi will experience this, which can be seen from the people around him.

First, Lin Yu was implicated in the war of the Empire. Later, because of her, she was involved in the disputes of the Baizu. Now she is also Xuexue, directly connecting him to the eight domains.

In fact, Lin Biao guessed it right, everything is so destined, but she does not know that it is the demon that really makes Qin Shi embark on this road of no return. From the moment when the Qin Shi was abandoned by the evil spirits, He is doomed to be extraordinary.

And the book in the jade.

These two people are the real leaders of his legendary road.

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