Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 597: Preparation before the game

Qin Shi smiled slightly, and Yin Feng’s words were already equal to the announcement. He moved the black scorpion to the distance of the ancients and Lin Fangze: "Two, who will challenge you next?"

In a word, it attracted the attention of the audience. All of them looked at the two. The two people looked at each other with a glance at each other, and the corners of their mouths were involuntarily twitched.

Yin Feng’s peak in four days is still not in the hands of Qin Shi. What about the two of them? To this end, the two quickly swayed their hands and smiled bitterly: "The strength of the Qin brother is obvious to all, we will not compare it."

Seeing this scene, Qin Shi is self-satisfied. It seems that the suppression of the demon is still very useful.

&n+Pig+Pig+Island+Fiction+www+z+; but he is not in a hurry to show it, but instead is it: “Nothing? The two brothers, the leader of this position...!”

"The position of the leader is naturally the Qin brother." The two shook their heads and made a joke. They were really dissatisfied before, but they were only dissatisfied with the strength of Qin Shi. They were not interested in the position of this leader. Now because of this The leader’s position in the fight is obviously not worth it.

The two responded, Qin Shi smiled, and laughed very naturally. Black and gentle looked around from the audience: "In this case, Qin is not as respectful as death."

"But...!" At this point, the temperature around him dropped rapidly, and the mildness in the black scorpion suddenly frozen, like a sharp sword, stabbing the audience: "I said the ugly words in front, the leader's position. It’s everyone’s election. It’s not my Qin Shituo relationship or a slap in the face, so I hope everyone can respect this position. If you dare to obey my instructions when you are in the Baizu group, don’t blame me for turning my face. people."


Feeling the cold cold wind, countless people shudder.

Even the four masters, watching Qin Shi’s gaze from the side, have undergone a few changes. It’s just that moment, they are all from Qin Shi’s body and see a style that belongs only to the king.

"The future of this child is infinite."

"That is self-speaking. If you are in your early twenties, you will be able to lead the red inflammation. This is something that no one can do for thousands of years. After the end of the Baizu group, it must be as close as possible, even if it can not become Allies, at least not to be enemies."

"Well, it’s terrible to be such an enemy with this kind of person." The hearts of the four homeowners began to figure out their own calculations. In just a few days, Qin Shi brought them an unparalleled shock.

"Big Brother, Big Brother, when did you teach me the secret of picking up a girl?" The race was just over. The first one that rushed to the front was the blood dragon. He looked forward to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi shook his head helplessly, took the shoulder of the blood dragon, and left with him.

When the two left, Yin Xueer came forward to support Yin Feng, as a sister cares: "Brother, how are you? Are you injured?"

"Nothing." Yin Feng was still in the previous shock, looking at the black back in the distance, bitterly said: "I didn't expect that I had a hard time martial arts, and I was so helpless in his hands."

Speaking of this, he suddenly turned back and looked at Yin Xueer seriously: "Sister, and tell the truth to the brother, do you really like this Qin Shi?"

"Well?" Suddenly the problem made Yin Xueer unprepared, and the jade face was shy: "Brother, what do you say?"

"I seriously, Qin Shi is not simple, not only repairing, he is also very straightforward, if you can be with him, your life brother will be relieved." Yin Feng kneaded his fist, added: "And, Yin Jia may also reverse the situation of the Bai people in the past 100 years because of this marriage."

Rarely, my brother is so serious, Yin Xueer’s low dagger, her cheeks bite her red lips, and even a few traces of blood: “Why didn’t I want to? Just his heart, it’s only that big, and it’s already been her. Full, no more of my place."

When I heard my sister say this, Yin Feng sighed and sighed: "So, we can only say that we are Yin, there is no such blessing."

Regarding these, Qin Shi did not hear about it, and this will bring him back to the wing.

However, when he returned to the wing, he ushered in the most serious trouble in history. He was blocked by the blood dragon. This blood dragon is simply a hob meat. No matter what Qin Shi does, he will follow behind and finally Thoroughly drive Qin Shi crazy.

"Zi Longxiong, what do you want?"

"Catch the snow, big brother, you can't talk, don't talk, don't you say that you want me to hold the beauty?"

"I...!" Qin Shi screamed and gnawed his teeth. "I said it, but it takes time. Cher is also a 20-year-old girl. Do you want to influence her?"

"Girl, you care about her more, there is nothing to accompany her more, you are now pestering me, I am not a big girl, or you will take me back!" Qin Shi is really crazy.

If he can, he would rather have him as Xue, so he will be with the blood dragon.


At the thought of this, Qin Shi could not help but patted his face.

Qin Shi eventually exhausted the power of the nine squad, which sent the ancestor away, this is because he assured him that in the Bai ethnic group match, he helped him create the opportunity to get along with Cher alone.

"It's a terrible guy." Sending away this god, Qin Shi was able to settle down.

For the remaining three days, Qin Shi was not practicing, and Yin Fengqi and others were the same. With the help of the four masters, the final recharge was carried out.

During this period, Qin Shi was successfully deceived by the evil spirits to go to 30 million Lingshi. However, Qin Shi’s personality would naturally not be recognized in this way. In the process of surrendering 30 million Lingshi, he bargained with the evil spirits. The demon promised him to take three shots for him in the next hundred races.

Three days, the blink of an eye is gone.

The darkness of the East was dispelled by the morning sun, and the beautiful sun was bathed in the territory of the Baizu, and there was a faint light and shadow in the forest.

At the beginning of the dew, the Baizu territory was lively.

In the central part of the Baizu, the Baizu gather and go. The central part is a huge cave. From the outside of the grotto to the center, you can only see the endless darkness.

Qin Shi arrived early this morning with Lin Family.

He stood beside Lin Yi, behind him was Lin Yong, Lin Tian and Lin Fang Ze.

The black scorpion looked around in a circle, and Qin Shi had some incomprehensible points: "Linjia master, this is surrounded by ancient trees, the place is very narrow, and now the Baizu has not gathered together, there is no place to settle, is it 100? Is the ethnic race going to be here?"

After that, Qin Shi looked back at the back, because the top five of the Bai family had an exclusive position, but fifty families who were outside the house, only behind the jungle, could only float in the air, even the trunk. Shangdu is already full of people.

For Qin Shi’s incomprehensibility, Lin Yi smiled and shook his head: “Not here, you can’t stand the bad things of these little geniuses. The venue of the Bai ethnic group is in this cave.”

In the end, Lin Yi pointed to the grotto in front.

"What?" Qin Shi frowned: "On this cave?"

"Well, don't take a break from this grotto. This grotto is the oldest space enchantment in our territory. This is a tens of thousands of meters of space, and it is surrounded by the bones of our ancestors. It’s the power of Qi Tianjing’s peak, and it’s impossible to destroy this array from the inside.”

"Space array method?" Qin Shimei shivered, a touch of invisible spiritual power, but not close to the grotto, was blocked by a rough force, which made him suddenly realize: "It turns out."

The space array method, the son mustard Nazu, is no stranger to this Qin stone.

"Then why don't we go in?" Qin Shi asked again.

"I also said before that this method was left by our ancestors and had a special seal enchantment on it. It needs to be opened by hundreds of different keys, which are in the Baizu. Every family member, so only after the gathering of the Bai people can be opened, can this space format be opened." When it comes to this, Lin Yi squats in his pocket and takes out a delicate necklace: "This is my Lin Lin key."

Lin Yi’s words made Qin Shi Ming Wu, no longer nod after nodding.

At this time, the Baizu had gathered together, and the top five Guo and Yan people also came.

Yin Jia was the first in the last session. Yin Hong was the host of this session. His body was wrapped in a **** robe, and his hand was tied to the sky.

"Everyone, today is my ten-year-old, the most popular day, I think everyone knows, that is the Hundreds of Heroes."

"I don't talk nonsense, then I will ask everyone to sacrifice the key of the 100 people, and open the sacred land of our Bai people together, and witness the efforts of the younger generation in the past ten years!"

Yin Hong's short two paragraphs, but unusually powerful, the trend will push the atmosphere to the peak, the major families applaud.

"My homeowners, please follow me."

Yin Hong turned back and walked to the grotto in front of the void.

His veteran emptiness and lightness a few times, before the dull grottoes instantly burst into the eye-catching light, the halo slammed above the clouds, leaving a huge chessboard from the clouds, a small ten-by-ten grid on the board Just one hundred.

As soon as the board came out, Yin Hong flew a light and shadow between the palms of his hand. The light and shadow was the key to the Yin family, and it fell on the first small square.

The small lattice was hit by the key, such as the embankment under the river flood indifferent collapse.

The Guo, Lin, Yan, and Blood races were immediately followed by the family of the top five in the previous session. More and more families began to follow, and the small lattice on the board was gradually destroyed.


Under the crack of the key of the array, the chessboards of hundreds of small squares collapsed, and when everyone thought that they would soon unblock the seal and open the sacred land, when there was a small square on the chessboard, suddenly The stop.

“Hmmm?” Yin Hong frowned.

"What is going on?" Qin Shi turned his head and asked Lin Lin.

"That position is the position of the dragons, but in the past they all handed over the keys. This time, it has not appeared yet, it is really an annoying guy."

"Dragons?" Qin Shi suddenly, and then his brow suddenly looked into the side of the forest, with a few points in his eyes: "Oh, they are coming."

At the moment when Qin Shi opened, a frenzied spiritual pressure was crushed from the outside of the kilometer.

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