Remember for a second【】

The wordless sense of oppression, accompanied by a sense of suffocation enough to make people feel wrong, is like a tide at this moment, rushing towards Wang Hao!

This caused his expression hidden in the mask to be slightly condensed.

"As expected, I guessed right..."

The mantra ability of the other party really includes the type that can cause death.

After hearing this scolding, Wang Hao subconsciously wanted to dodge, but at the same time... he found that he was actually held in place, unable to move!

"I still feel my body, but I just can't move... Is this also part of the mantra's ability?"

Wang Hao frowned. He looked up, and at this moment, he could clearly perceive that the surrounding air was squeezing towards him.

A simple word for 'death'.

Falling in this population, I am afraid it is the so-called killer move!

Wang Hao's heart sank a little, and he realized that his situation was very bad.

If there is no other means... I am afraid it is really impossible to escape this disaster. But at the same time, he felt a little relieved.

Because the first hand arranged in advance can also be used at this moment.

"Hope it works."

The energy circulated, moving from Wang Hao's body, and finally the mud ox entered the sea, and all of them were gathered into the palm of his hand.

Something flashed lightly in Wang Hao's hand, as if it had been activated.


The air in all directions was condensed and squeezed straight towards Wang Hao!

The air was folded, compressed, condensed, and finally seemed to be deformed to an endpoint...

All I could hear was a puff, and a loud bang burst out in an instant!

This extremely powerful force spread, and actually set off a dust wave of more than ten meters out of thin air, overflowing towards the surrounding.

Such an exaggerated method, not to mention a stranger, I am afraid that even if it is replaced with a flat house with thick stone walls, it will be directly crushed into pieces!

The all-out blow of the pill cultivator was exactly that.

Miaoyin's whole body was trembling at this moment. She seemed to bear a very heavy price, so that after shouting these words, her legs and feet softened and she fell directly to the ground!

She didn't even have the extra strength to continue hanging Jin Yan in her hands.

This poor boy slumped on the slate floor and bumped his head, but the consciousness that had just recovered was hit by this...

It was scattered again.

Miaoyin's condition was close to losing her strength, but even so, she still lifted her head and showed a smug smile.

As Wang Hao thought.

Now that it's all over, who would think it's okay to be kind at this time?

I'm afraid even a fool would not think so!

So Miaoyin's plan is very simple, she only needs to simply 'paralyze' the other party.

Stand still, don't move, don't think.

And most importantly, there are no other coverings around.

This kind of terrain is definitely not many, so Miaoyin had to go around twice to find it.

"Cough cough, the six-character mantra has different effects. Usually, it's just a simple sleepy-character formula, and it's not a big consumption. And this cut-character formula..."

It's not a big drain on her.

It's just a word, even with the foundation of Miaoyin's body, it is also empty on the spot. …

So much so that her strength to stand was swallowed up.

But even so, as long as the opponent can be killed on the spot, these costs... are naturally worth it!

Thinking of this, she was full of expectations, so she raised her head and looked in front of her.

It's just a simple action.

But her expression froze for a moment.


Wang Hao stood there unscathed.


How can it be!

To know the blow just now, Miaoyin went all out. Even in the presence of Zhang He, it is absolutely impossible to take it so lightly.

"You, what's the matter with you?!"

It seems that because of the loud shouting just now, the voice of the wonderful sound is not only a little miserable, but also highlights a bit of panic.

Miao Yin was indeed panicked.

Because the cut word formula is exported, it already means that she has no way back.

The energy of the whole body was sucked out, and it was used to completely crush the opponent to the end. Such a brutal method is almost a 'must kill'.

And after that...

Wonderful Sound's state, naturally, will not be much better.

Therefore, seeing Wang Hao in a 'no injury' appearance, she couldn't accept it either.

On the other hand, Wang Hao's performance was much more bland.

Behind the mask, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and couldn't help but muttered softly.

"It's really unexpected..."

Wang Hao did have psychological expectations that Miaoyin could have such a means. And one of the main points he discovered just now is that...

Sound can't seem to lock onto objects out of sight.

And this is a conclusion that Wang Hao came to through observation.

Wang Hao has been observing Miaoyin's actions since the first time.

When he found out that the other party was staring at him all the time, Wang Hao had already noticed something wrong——


^0^ One second to remember【】

Want to move like this?

You must know that with her ability to 'export into reality', even if Wang Hao's speed is fast, in the end, it will not be as fast as other people's voices.

In this respect, Wang Hao is inherently disadvantaged.

But even so, Miaoyin still locked her eyes on Wang Hao.

Does this mean that...

Wonderful Sound can only use her eyes to lock on the object, so that she can further activate its abilities, thereby causing the mantra effect?

And this inference has been verified in the subsequent Lei Bao.

Wonderful sound locked the position of the thunder bag, activated the ability, and bounced these objects back to the original owner.

But correspondingly...

Although Wang Hao's heart was slightly moved, he was still not greatly affected.

This means that when the wonderful sound cannot lock on the target, it seems that it cannot exert its full power.

There are many limitations to the power of mantras!

While his thoughts were floating, Wang Hao had already started to walk forward slowly.

He put the thing in his hand that had begun to cool and then calmed down and put it back into the glass bottle and put it back in his It was a weird thing about the size of a chicken, and others saw it. Maybe you can't see the weight.

But Wang Hao knew...

I was able to survive just now, and it all depended on this 'brother' to save my life.

"The Eye of the Root, as expected, this is the correct usage..."


The thing that Wang Hao clenched in his hand just now was a forbidden thing that he started with earlier.

Eye of the Root.

If it was earlier, Wang Hao might not have known that taboo objects can still have this effect.

But after so few days, Wang Hao mixed up the content displayed in the notes, so that these taboo things...

With a deeper understanding.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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