Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 534: Uneasiness from the Void

Remember the battle of the Dark Temple?

When the summoning ceremony hosted by Ner'zhul was interrupted, Kil'jaeden had to use the power of space to force himself into Draenor.

Although at the last moment, due to Lothar's self-sacrifice and the power of Khaz'goroth's Hammer, Kil'jaeden was finally banished, but Draenor's spatial stability was completely destroyed.

Above the dark temple, a huge hole suddenly appeared, and then the chaotic energy from the Twisted Void began to pour into Draenor.

And with the passage of time, this phenomenon began to appear in Hellfire Peninsula and Blade's Edge Mountain.

All creatures living in Draenor are wary of this chaotic energy.

On the one hand, it is because this energy destroys the original ecology of Draenor, on the other hand, there are many unwelcome visitors with this energy, various demons and virtual spirits. Cosmic race.

These guys are unpopular, especially the Ethereal, they can be called interstellar goblins, as long as they have a profit, they can dig graves.

Well, far away.

Everyone didn't want Draenor to be destroyed soon, so this kind of void influx must be contained. This is why the void dragon is very powerful, but their shots are only a last resort.

The orcs used a lot of fel energy to make Draenor collapse, and if these void dragons use the chaotic energy of the void unscrupulously, Draenor will fall apart sooner or later.

Looking at the increasingly gloomy sky, everyone really didn't know whether all this was a blessing or a curse.

"Don't feel sorry!" Seeing everyone sluggish, Luo Ya began to jump and clap her hands, "Big guys, take action, we still have a Goron to deal with, the arena needs maintenance!"

The maintenance of the arena is barely an engineering problem, right? Luoya finally found her own sense of existence, and soon transformed into a supervisor mode, and began to supervise the ogres to repair the arena.

It was only a few hours before the agreed time for Bryan and Kuror to come to the arena, but the project was in a hurry!


In the auditorium outside the arena, Kael'thas and Jaina were eating bread side by side.

After fighting together in Draenor for more than a month, the relationship between the two is now very delicate.

Jaina was very clear about Kael'thas' feelings, but she never knew how she should respond.

The more she understood Kael'thas, the more Jaina felt that this high elf was terrible.

Kael'thas sometimes has no bottom line, as long as he can achieve his goal, he doesn't care how much blood his hands will be stained, and he doesn't care whether the blood is innocent.

The only thing worthy of affirmation is that Kael'thas's starting point is often good. She hopes that the high elves will have a better life. Under this premise, he doesn't mind helping others as much as he can.

It can be said that Kael'thas is a high elf racist.

And this is the key to Jaina's entanglement.

A racist fell in love with an alien. Is this love true or false?

Many times, Jaina was even shocked by her own changes that she would maliciously speculate that someone would think that Kael'thas would covet everything about Kul Tiras by doing so...

At the same time, Kael'thas was also very tangled.

At this moment, the high elf prince didn't know if he should give up this relationship, or that Kael'thas suddenly began to wonder if his feelings for Jaina were love.

Sometimes, Kael'thas would remember the first time he saw Jaina in Dalaran. It was dusk. After several years of political struggle, he returned to Dalaran from Quel'Thalas. , And then Antonidas found himself.

"Your Royal Highness, you, a member of the six-member parliament, have done a little too much. You have missed the meeting for five years." As usual, Antonidas expressed dissatisfaction with his unreasonable skipping. The whole room is piled up, I think you may have been working hard for a while."

Regarding Antonidas’ complaints, Kael’thas is accustomed to lacking, and he also knows that he is more like Quel'Thalas’ ambassador to Dalaran than a member of the six-member assembly. In fact, many decisions are real It's dispensable. Antonidas's complaints come more from his dissatisfaction with his own large number of files.

"Oh, also, I have a new disciple, a very cute little girl, and she will send you the documents this year."

Kael'thas waved his hand impatiently, signaled that Antonidas could leave, and then faced the house full of Kael'thas began to review and approve one by one.

Another sleepless night.

In the early morning of the next day, when Kael'thas continued to fight the endless documents with the blood thistle in his mouth, a blue wizard entered his office.

That was the first time Kael'thas saw Jaina, Kael'thas was sleepy and Jaina was full of energy.

Unlike many people who were trembling when facing Kael'thas, Jaina looked generous and she tore off the blood thistle from Kael'thas' mouth.

"You really have this stuff in your mouth. Although it does make you more energetic, it is harmful to your body. Why do you high elves like to use blood thistle so much? Have you never cherished your own body?"

Jaina hurriedly placed a stack of new documents in Kael'thas' office, glanced at the messy room, and curled her lips.

"I suggest you take a break and look at your state. It's terrible now. I don't think you can perform the duties of the six-member council well in this state. Don't care about my teacher's instructions. He always talks so much. "

I don't know what to ask, Kael'thas, who has always been extremely self-disciplined, chose to rest. When he put down the quill in his hand, Jaina smiled brightly.

"My name is Jaina. I am from Kul Tiras. I am glad to meet you, dear Prince Kael'thas."

Soon after, in the middle of an empty night, there was an extra coin in Dalaran's wishing pool.

"The young apprentice named Jaina, as far as a human woman is concerned, is already very attractive. I hope she can recognize my grace and strength."

Since then, no one has seen Kael'thas touch a blood thistle again.

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