Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 497: Drunk in the eyes of others

Regarding Aegwynn's suggestion, Jaina was actually quite disapproving of Medivh, who was devoted to practicing prophecy spells. Jaina spent almost all of her energy on powerful shaping spells. Burning Wen Xiao? Say?????????`t

In Jaina's eyes, the spells of the prophecy system are really meaningless. The so-called fate is not caused by humans alone?

"You don't seem to agree." Aegwynn seemed to see through Jaina's thoughts. "Well, after I tell you a story, you will understand what destiny is."

Before Jaina could say anything, Lili nodded frantically.

"There used to be a little girl who was extremely talented, and she learned many spells that were difficult in the eyes of others."

"Among all her classmates, let’s just say she’s a classmate. Her wisdom, confidence, appearance and charm are all the best choices. So in the end, when an important position came out, many honesty although dissatisfied This girl’s pride, but still handed her an important responsibility."

"That girl, like you, never studied the rules and regulations of the prophecy department, but devoted herself to learning the knowledge of the energy shaping department, hoping to use her own strength to complete her own tasks, so that everyone can see that girls can also interact with boys. Just as powerful!"

"During a mission, the girl faced a difficult choice. A demon wanted to sacrifice a group of children to achieve an evil goal. At this time, the girl and her teachers clashed. The girl believed that the innocent people should be saved. The children, and her teacher believes that this demon has a special identity and hides many secrets, even related to the safety of the world, so they want to catch this demon but the price is that those children may be in danger."

"The girl at this time has already surpassed her teacher, so she shot directly and easily eliminated the devil, and then saved the innocent children."

"This incident has become an irreparable gap between the girl and the teacher. The girl feels that her teachers are more and more stubborn, and her teachers are suffering from the girl's pride."

"Later, the girl became stronger and stronger, and even defeated a terrible evil **** and saved the world. As a result, she became more and more proud, and she didn't even want to listen to anyone's opinions."

Hearing this, Jaina and Lili both frowned. Why does this story sound more and more familiar...

"But in fact, that evil **** has not been truly defeated. He took advantage of the girl’s pride and recklessness to bring a terrible catastrophe to the world. In the catastrophe, the girl lost her son, and she was devastated and hid herself. In the swamp, no one sees."

"Then a real prophet appeared. He persuaded the girl, but the girl chose to escape. She couldn't hear anything."

"Just when the prophet left disappointed, the girl once again saw the demon who tried to sacrifice all the children trapped her, and laughed loudly. At that time, the girl knew that the evil spirit came with the secret of the evil god. If you catch this demon according to what the teachers say, then that catastrophe is likely to be completely avoided."

"The Prophet rushed back in time and saved the girl. The girl chose to be with the Prophet and faced the challenges that may come. Now she has lost almost all of her power, so she completely gave up the energy shaping spells and turned to the Prophet. Learn and feel the pulse of fate."

The story of Aegwynn was over. She didn't say who this girl was, but Jaina and Lili both knew that the girl in her mouth was herself. This was almost Aegwynn's life!

"Unbelievable..." After a long time, Jaina spoke with difficulty, her hoarse voice startled herself, "I can't believe it, it's true."

"Every word is true." Aegwynn closed his eyes. "Countless women adore me, but they don't know it. I almost really ruined the world..."

"..." Jaina seemed to be emotional about Aegwynn's story, but she couldn't make it clear, "Is this destiny? But this is simply unpredictable."

"No, you are wrong." Aegwynn shook his head. "Fate can be pondered and even predicted. This is why I always emphasize the prophecy system."

"Because of Uncle Zuifeng?" Lili obviously guessed who this prophet was, "but Uncle Zuifeng is different from ordinary people."

"Not exactly." Aegwynn touched Mo Lili's head. "Part of the reason is because of Medivh. The kid looked back and studied a lot of what he did under Sargeras' control and found that all of this was actually Under the investigation of the prophecy department, there are traces to follow, and the fate is not entirely accidental."

Jaina finally didn't respond positively, but changed the subject and asked Aegwynn about some drunkenness.

"Drunk Wind is a magical guy. Although he looks carefree on many small things, his plan for his own destiny is terribly detailed." When Drunk Wind was mentioned, Aegwynn sighed helplessly, "Some At that time, I really didn’t know, who on earth was Zuifeng and I who had lived for countless years."

Jaina was completely dissatisfied with Aegwynn's answer to this level

"It's not that I don't want to say it. I really can't see through it." Looking at Jaina Jinzhou's brows, Aegwynn could only shake his head, "You may not believe it. wind."

"Medivan once told me that the prophecy spells can't even see Drunken Wind clearly, which Sargeras can't do."

"Could it be that Uncle Zuifeng is stronger than that big demon?" Lili covered her small mouth in disbelief, "This is too incredible!"

"No, child." Aegwynn smiled, "This just means that in terms of understanding of fate, Drunk Wind has already walked ahead of Sargeras. If it weren't for this, the Oath of the Battle of Mount Hyjal could not win the final victory ."

This time, Jaina finally nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Aegwynn for your advice. I have benefited a lot. Now I have no problems. Have I redeemed my prize?"

"Of course." Aegwynn nodded naturally, "I know, Kul Tiras is rich and rich, and material rewards have no meaning for you little princess. Medivh asks me to persuade you to look The effect is not bad."

"If that's the case, then goodbye." Jaina stayed soon and stood up to leave, "Also, this little guy can trouble you to take care of her for a while..."

"No problem at all." Aegwynn patted the armrest of the chair lightly, and a **** circle appeared out of nowhere, trapping Lili who wanted to squat away. "This point, Zuifeng also mentioned to me. ."

"Uncle Zuifeng, I misunderstood you, you and Nomi are both big villains!"

In the circle, Lili started to complain loudly, but it was of no use. Lili now can't escape Aegwynn's control... (to be continued...)

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