Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 493: This is the king of the clan

This battle exceeded everyone's expectations. Huo Ran???? Wen?`t

Who would have thought that the interruption of the meeting was not because the Alliance and the Horde started fighting, but because the Horde itself started fighting, and it was not because the trolls and orcs did it. Grommash initiated the fight with Thrall’s Macgo Pull.

Thrall directly agreed to Gromash's challenge.

But what’s interesting is that because there is only one shaman present, whether Thrall’s own Doomhammer or Grommash’s Gorehowl, the enchantment work was carried out by Thrall. Although Grommash is dissatisfied with some of Thrall’s policies, But the most basic trust in Thrall is still there.

According to the tradition of the orcs, Thrall and Grommash have both removed their armor. Okay, Thrall has taken off his lock armor. Grommash is enough to just take off his shoulder pads.

"Guyle, you are a shaman, I do not take advantage of you, you can use spells!" After taking off his shoulder guard, Grommash snorted coldly, "Gorehowl will tell you that you just What a wrong decision!"

"No need." Thrall shook his head slightly, "I am willing to follow the tradition and not use the power of the elements."

"Huh!" Grommash's nostrils spit out a hot air, "You are arrogant, Guyer!"

"No." Thrall stared at Grommash's feet, unmoved, "This is the confidence of the warchief!"

Just like charging and beheading, taunting is also a required course for warriors, but in front of the calm Thrall, Grommash's taunts are of no effect.

But this is also normal, after all, this time Macgora was initiated by Gromash, and it seems Thrall is indeed at a disadvantage.

After facing cautiously for a long time, Grommash finally clenched Gorehowl with both hands and began to charge.

Unlike Kane's bloodhoof charge, which was powerful but easy to do, Grommash's charge was unstoppable and unstoppable. Following his charge, an earth-shattering roar exploded in the air.

With a forward-looking fact, Gorehowl tilted down, and the sharp axe blade brought a dazzling light to cut down!

In the face of Grommash's slash, Thrall was unafraid, and the heavy Doomhammer directly met Gorehowl.


The hamaxes intersect, and the sound is like muffled thunder.

Grommash retracted the axe by the force of the collision, then turned around and swept with another axe!

In the collision just now, Thrall suffered a sullen loss, his strength was not as good as Grommash, so the pace at his feet was messy for a moment.

Facing Grommash's sweep, Thrall could easily avoid it if he mobilized the spirit of the wind, but he did not, instead he chose to block with Doomhammer again.

This time the collision was due to Thrall's hurried moves, so he was not able to exert his strength, and Grommash directly took the hammer out!

Grommash, who had the upper hand, took the lead and directly charged Thrall again.

However, many years of arena career has given Thrall an extraordinary reaction speed. Unlike Grommash, which is honed in large creatures, Thrall's strength lies in flexibility and agility.

Thrall, who quickly recovered his balance, certainly did not head-to-head with Grommash again. This time he flexibly avoided Grommash’s axe blade. When the two passed by, Thrall also stretched out. The leg tripped Grommash.

Although he lost his balance because of Thrall's little tricks, Grommash did not lose his initiative. He took advantage of the situation, and the gorehowl in his hand escaped and flew directly to Thrall.

Thrall was also shocked when he faced the flying axe. He hurriedly lowered his head to avoid the axe blade, but the price was that when he raised his head again, it was Grommash's fist that faced him.

The body structure of the orc is similar to that of the gorilla, with broad shoulders and strong upper limbs. This body structure gives the orc incomparably powerful brawn.

Grommash's fist slammed Thrall in the face. At this moment Thrall was staring at Venus and his long fangs seemed to start moving.

Long-lost, hurt feeling.

This blow seemed to awaken Thrall, allowing him to recover from a haunting state, turning him into the agile and terrifying gladiator in the Dunhold Arena, fighting against powerful opponents.

Although he still held the Doomhammer in his hand, Thrall did not attack Grommash with his bare hands. He found that Grommash seemed to have set up some offensive traps for himself, waiting for him to come to the door.

Grommash picked up the Gorehowl stuck on the ground.

Thrall started a fight. He no longer confronted hard, or even performed complete moves, but patiently defended, constantly disrupting the rhythm of Gromash's attack.

Logosh taught Thrall ample melee combat experience. While following the enhanced Saar to learn, Thrall learned a lot of melee skills that only shamans can display.

Thrall is no longer the shaman of the partial discipline. After he picked up the Doomhammer the destructive power was considerable!

Therefore, although Thrall eventually lost to Grommash, he still held back the battle.

And as time passed, Gromash showed abnormal fatigue, and even quickly became panting.

"Gromash, let go of the burden in your heart!" At this time, Thrall finally had the opportunity to speak, "Glory is precious, but it is nothing compared to the safety of all the orcs!"

"Shut up!" Grommash let out an unwilling growl, "You don't understand at all! I personally ruined all my glory!"

"What then?!" Thrall finally confronted Grommash again, "Then you just challenged everywhere to get your glory back?"

"This is my only way!" Grommash was held tightly by Gorehowl, "I live under the glory of Orgrim. I need to retrieve the glory that belongs to me, the glory of the Warsong clan. The shame of drinking the blood of the devil is brought to the grave!"

Following Grommash's roar, the heavy **** roar slammed at Thrall again.

This time, Thrall clenched the Doomhammer with both hands.

Still defensive posture, still intersecting hamaxes, but this time, it was Gromash who retreated.

The excessive desire for honor left the brave warrior in an unreserved state in the battle, and after being delayed by Thrall for a period of time, Grommash's fatigue finally appeared.

"The true honor is to take your own responsibility, Grommash!" Thrall locked the lower edge of Gorehowl's blade with Doomhammer. "Instead of fighting recklessly, that **** demon's blood has been lost Grim has been eliminated, and what you need is to eliminate the shadow of the devil in your heart!"

Fifth, under Logosh's training, he can use the unparalleled and dreadful Thrall without a spell. (To be continued...)

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