Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 489: Tasks issued by the vows (1/5)

Whether it is an alliance or a tribe, both parties attach great importance to the meeting or negotiation proposed by the oath. Burning Wen Xiao?? said??????????`t

As for the tribe, Thrall personally led the team, with Grommash Hellscream, Reid Blackhand, Zul'jin, and Jindo the enchanter who completely abandoned Hakkar.

After the destruction of Sinsalor, Jindo decisively abandoned Hakkar and devoted himself to the cause of fighting for power in the tribe. This guy, who was once known as Yekia, was far more cunning than other trolls. When a thigh was broken , He won't continue to hold on tightly, but decisively change one.

As for the alliance, King Varian Wrynn and Magni Bronzebeard, Gelbin Mekatok, Khadgar and Jaina Proudmoore who represented Kul Tiras attended the meeting.

Speaking of which, Jaina's sutra is quite interesting.

After the outbreak of the Scourge War, Jaina, who was still thinking about Alsace, tried to lead the people of Lordaeron to take refuge across the oceans. This time, she chose Northrend. I really don’t know how big her heart is. ...

Fortunately, due to Drunk Wind’s intervention, the vow to send troops directly, and the tribe fulfilled their promises, so the Kul Tiran Navy was too busy and there was no warship that could be spared for the princess to make trouble.

On the other hand, due to the rapid arrival of Red Dragon Potion and reinforcements, although the war is still cruel, it is not hopeless, so the people of Lordaeron are more willing to go to a refuge near their hometown.

In this case, Jaina's plan is completely bankrupt, and she herself can only stay in Karazhan and participate in the training of the Violet Avenger.

Of course, gold shines everywhere, and Jaina and Ronin are now the two strongest young mages among the Violet Avengers.

Especially Ronin, his straightforward and daring character made him strange among wizards, but he was surprisingly temperamental towards Admiral Dailin. Many times Dailin tried to fool Ronin out and secretly to pursue Jaina.

But Ronin is not stupid.

Seeing that the little girl of the Windrunner's family, Vereesa Windrunner, becomes more and more obsessed with herself, and she will soon realize her desire to marry a high elf. Why should I go after a princess who belongs to me? !

The witty Ronin said he was moved by Dai Lin's trust, but rejected his proposal...

Poor Jaina is about to become an old girl now.

In contrast, it seems that the vow seems to be the most insincere one. Except for Drunk Wind, how do the other four people look like they make up.

A pair of Medivh who looks like "I'll look and don't say anything", a pair of Kalecgos who looks like "I am pulling you scum and shut up", and a pair of "I'm very busy for a while and I'm going back to Blackstone Mountain" "Nefarian and the little star Stella Gousa who "I really don't want to pay attention to you mortals."

Of course, the tribe and alliance don't really care about the four people who make up the number, even if only Drunk Wind attends the meeting, they will be very calm.


Drunk Wind had never expected the Alliance and the Horde to sit down and talk, but even so, the arrogant posture in front of him still made him feel ashamed.

"Alliance Dog, what are you looking at?"

"What's wrong with you? Not convinced?"

"Want to fight?"

"Fight as long as you fight, afraid of you?"



Although both sides know that a full-scale war cannot be started at this time, there is no problem with the fight. The witty drunken wind is not equipped with a teacup or something, otherwise the Alliance and the Horde will definitely throw out the most convenient thing they have...

"Cough cough... be quiet... I said, shut up!" In the end, the drunk wind controlled the situation, "I am calling you over today, not for you to do your best!"

After patting the table, Drunk Feng finally nodded as he looked at the two parties who were gradually getting quiet.

"I know that you are both upset looking at each other, but now is not the time for your infighting. I think you should all know. This time your conflict is largely because the forces do not want you to unite."

"The current Azeroth is still in danger. The Burning Legion is staring at it, and the ancient gods inside are ready to move. If the Horde and the Alliance go to war at this time, it is definitely not a glory, but absolutely stupid!"

"Every warrior is an important force against the ancient gods and the Burning Legion. Every time you lose a little bit of strength due to internal friction, when facing these enemies, our strength will be weaker, and the innocent people will die. Minute!"

"You are all the guys who have fought the devil head-on, don't you forget the scorched earth caused by the Burning Legion?!"

In front of the Alliance and the Horde, Zuifeng was surprisingly strong.

Most of the people present were not talking They realized the seriousness of the matter and began to think silently. The alliance has always trusted Drunk Wind, and in terms of tribes, the trolls are now mostly wall-riders. .

Of course, not everyone can use their brains...

Comrade Grommash Hellscream seemed to be upset because he lost to Turalyon in the battle. At this time, he still mumbled endlessly for the Horde, the Alliance, etc. It was unclear. if.

Zuifeng didn't want to talk to him at first, but this guy has gotten an inch and is getting too much.

Seeing that Gromash had begun to provoke Varian, Drunk Wind finally couldn't bear it.

Putting his hands together, an imaginary shadow of soap appeared behind Zuifeng, and then Zuifeng decisively shot his hand and hit Gromash with a palm.

Seeing Drunk Feng's move, Grommash directly raised his left arm to parry, while making a fist with his right hand, preparing to fight back.

In front of the Dark Portal, Grommash once fought Drunk Wind, which was not well known at the time, regardless of victory or defeat (well, Drunk Wind was actually at a disadvantage). This time Grommash hoped to find his way back.

But he didn't know that Shibie should be admired for three days, not to mention that it was 16 years ago...

In full view, Grommash was thrown out directly after being hit by the palm of Drunk Wind's left arm, and rolled far away.

"Gromash! Give me some attention, is it still addictive to be used? Is the devil's blood delicious? Just because you are a foolish fool like you, Orgrimmar gave up his life After killing Mannoroth, don't you have any shame as a warrior?!"

As soon as these words came out, the orcs who were still angry because of the drunken wind started to quiet down.

"Next, on behalf of the oath, I will officially release the mission!"

Five shifts today, first shift! (To be continued...)

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