Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 484: The purpose of Saratas

Just as everyone was criticizing and self-criticizing amidst doubt and self-doubt, the real behind-the-scenes also got some news.

"You mean, someone has discovered my existence and is looking for me?" A "dagger" is floating in the air in the darkness of the blood-ring chieftain's room in Orgrimmar fortress, "Someone has spied me. Identity?"

Said to be a dagger, in fact, in the eyes of humans, this dark in case is more like a short sword.

"I don't know that." The one-eyed Shulu showed an innocent expression. "But it seems that certain existences are not as mysterious as they think they are."

"Orcs, don't use your narrow thinking to speculate about the great ancient gods." The dagger vibrated slightly, seemingly dissatisfied, "You are trying to point fingers at things you don't understand."

"It's not important." Shulu shook his head indifferently, "I don't understand, but someone seems to understand. If you insist on keeping yourself mysterious, I'm afraid I will have to change to another partner."

"Damn..." The dagger suddenly became very irritable-although there is no expression or movement, as long as someone sees this dagger, they will naturally feel its irritability, "I really can't understand why those guys There will still be alive. Could it be that they are already weak to that point?"

Hearing the complaint, Shulu looked like she didn't know anything-the peculiarities of this dagger far exceeded Shulu's expectations, so the chief of the blood ring was using its power while also being careful Beware of it, for fear of becoming a puppet of this dagger.

Shulu had personally experienced the brainwashing power of this dagger.

"Don't pretend to be dead, Orcs, now we are on the same boat. If someone discovers my existence, it is not only me, but your blood ring, and even the whole tribe. If I guess right, Those guys who know my existence must be extremely powerful, right?"

"That's true." Shulu nodded, "The oath is indeed very strong, so, in fact, I have a headache about this matter..."

Shulu is not an ordinary guy. Although he runs the dagger on his lips, he is also very nervous in his heart. If everything becomes clear, I am afraid that he will become a warchief and conquer Azeroth's ambitions. It's gone.

"Actually, I have a way..."

The whispers of the ancient gods came from the darkness.


In fact, the ancient **** with only one claw left (maybe) is Saratas-the one that was swallowed by Y'Shaarj, Yoggsaron, C'Thun, and N'Zoth. Unlucky.

Speaking of Saratas, it is indeed not going well. The five ancient gods and Y'Shaarj were dead on their own--but Y'Shaarj and the Pantheon boss Assulman just died in a glorious battle. After his death, he still left such a big wound on Azeroth (Well of Eternity), but Saratas almost completely disappeared in the long river of history.

As the ancient god, once the ruler of the old days, Saratas certainly does not care about the opinions of ordinary people, but this does not mean that he will not be dissatisfied because of his failure. Saratas is eager for revenge. !

So here comes the problem. In the underground of Northrend, Yogg-Saron, who was imprisoned in Ulduar, used his sui (sui) wisdom (nian) to corrupt Loken and then looked for opportunities to contaminate the forge of creation. The core of the creation matrix-now all Titan creations made-in Azeroth have actually been passed by Yogg-Saron!

Don't forget, the ancient gods must swallow each other!

If Saratas is discovered by these contaminated mortals, he will be caught by Yogg-Saron's minions one day-let alone revenge, even the "remains" of Saratas cannot be kept. Up!

So for thousands of years, Saratas has been extremely cautious.

Although he sometimes couldn't help but come out and do things, once he felt bad and found the minions of the ancient gods, she would disappear for the first time.

Yes, at the critical moment of the Battle of the Three Hammers, it was because of the aura of the Faceless Man that Saratas would decisively abandon Mordgood and run away, leading to the Grim Batol tragedy-full of confidence Mordgood thought that he could destroy the Wildhammer by himself with this dagger, but found that Saratas was missing the next morning, and then Mordgood was beaten to death by a fighter...

And after so many years, Saratas finally found the race he wanted to use, the orcs from Draenor!

The orcs are not made-in Azeroth. They come from Draenor. Although they are also related to the creation of Titans, they have nothing to do with the ancient gods of Azeroth.

So when Shulu prayed for his destiny, Saratas began to use his perception and power to help the blood ring orcs and gained Shulu's trust step by step.

That’s right, don’t look at Shulu’s current look of guarding everywhere. In fact, in Saratas’s opinion, this orc has completely fallen into his own control, and he will subconsciously seek his own help. How can the gods help in vain?

The words of the ancient gods can’t believe a single punctuation mark!

Saratas’s idea is very good. These races called orcs seem to be very suitable for fighting-although the number and reproductive capacity are not comparable to the dark empire of the ancient gods on the wall, most of the bugs and faceless people of the dark empire It was sealed, and the guardian was in a mess. If he could completely control the orcs, it might be impossible to turn the orcs into his own dark empire.

You know, Saratas is the only ancient **** who has not been sealed by the Titan!

Unfortunately, now, Saratas' plan has gone wrong.

Some people know the existence of the ancient gods!

This is very abnormal.

After Yogg-Saron contaminated the Creation Matrix, the guardians obviously would not reveal the news of the ancient gods, and the three sealed ancient gods for thousands of years had no chance to come out to be drunk—at least Saratas hadn't heard of it.

How did the mortal in Shulu's mouth know the ancient god?

Like Drunk Wind, Saratas got into the tip of the horns.

When Drunk Wind started, he always thought about the known ancient god, but Saratas had forgotten that there was another Y'Shaarj who was dead but hated more than alive!

Pandaria's panda people have been calming down for thousands of years in order not to be contaminated by the sha energy left behind after Y'Shaarj's death. How could they be unfamiliar with the ancient gods? !

So, due to this huge misunderstanding, there was a huge problem with Saratas' plan.

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