Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 415: The surprise above the wedding

The ancient city of Lordaeron once again fluttered with a shower of petals.

Kalia wore a white wedding dress, holding the hand of a temporary maid, walking through this colorful petal rain.

This temporary maid was an aunt from a nearby farm. Her hands were extremely rough, which formed a seemingly absurd contrast with Kalia.

But Kalia didn't mean to laugh at all. At this moment, she was completely involved in the wedding.

Under the wedding dress, Kalia used the corner of her eye to see a lot of big names. Once they only attended because of their father or younger brother, but this time, the center of the incident became herself.

But Kalia was not nervous at all.

This is my wedding!

At this moment, everyone saw the grace of the Princess of Lordaeron, and many people began to whisper a flower on the cow dung.

Well, it's not fair for Garithus to say that. Although Garithus, who is wearing a gorgeous armor today, is a bit nondescript, overall it can be regarded as arrogant.

Lordaeron admired whiteness, and Gary Sister intended to re-decorate his already rather irritating armor. The feathers above his head were also replaced with white, and a white Lordaeron robe was also covered. .

It seems to be very prestigious!


Perhaps the original "Speech under the Banner of Freedom" was too successful. Today Garithus tried to repeat the same tricks, so the whole wedding seemed a bit "off-topic".

Garithus stood in the position of the original witness and talked about there.

Although the observers from other forces were quite uncomfortable with Garithus, seeing the excitement of the people of Lordaeron, they also had to admit that this kind of formalistic speech was really good for Lordaeron. Easy to use.

It's just that the content of this handsome Canadian speech doesn't sound very pleasant!

"Lordaeron is our land. We welcome friends from other races and countries to be our guests, but when there are evil guests coming to the wild, our Lordaeron people are not vegetarian!"

Hearing the words of "Great Lordaeronism" by Garithus with his own ears, all the observers frowned.

How to put it, the coach of the big and the original Terenas style is almost the same, but Terenas covered his ambition under a kind smile, and Garithus also wrote his ambition on his face. .

Drunk wind in the crowd couldn't help but bow his head and sighed.

I thought that Garithus had changed his sex. From this point of view, he was still the commander-in-chief with a good military level and an idiot with a zero political level. It is foreseeable that Lordaeron will be enemies from all sides in the future.

In the shadows, many other people were watching Garithus.

"Fulfill your promise today? Very good, I am waiting! I have fulfilled my promise and gave you that woman..."

Then, in the cheers of countless Lordaeron people, Garithus continued his speech.

"Of course, in addition to facing all the enemies who are trying to challenge, we must also unite all the forces that can be united! This unity is not to make them seem to be neutral, but to make them completely one of us!"

"My soldiers have completely surrounded the monastery of the Scarlet Crusade. These paladins have only one way to surrender. We respect these paladins, but we must admit that their extreme attitude and the appearance of being a soldier caused Lordaeron. A huge damage!"

"In the past three years, countless innocent people have been tried, but this is often just because some of their brothers and sisters have become walking dead!"

"No one wants to be the forgotten, and no one wants to be the minions of the Lich King after death! Those who have lost their loved ones are already in pain, but the Scarlet Crusade is still unwilling to let them go. In the name of justice, they will be judged by all the people after they surrender."

The Scarlet Crusaders forcibly collected military expenses for the Northern Expedition. The postman was not the only one who was unlucky. As Garithus said, many people were inexplicably "trial" and then deprived of their property. This was not Uther's original intention, but it had been It really happened.

It can be said that Garithus' comments and treatment of the Scarlet Crusade are fairly fair-although the words are not very pleasant.

But some people are not satisfied.

In the sewers of Lordaeron, the crouched Forsaken angrily crushed the potion bottle in his hand.

"Garythers, how dare you! You promised me not to keep the Scarlet Crusaders!"

"You really don't want to fulfill your promise!"

"Very well, then you can bear Putres' anger, it happens to be your wedding today!"

"Dear Matissa, those big masters are really unreliable, Terenas, Blackmore, Garithus... they are all in the same group!"

"Your hatred, I will personally report it!"

In a corner where no one noticed, a figure carrying a huge jar appeared.

Putreis was obviously familiar with the structure of Lordaeron, and he walked around and came to a high platform behind Garithus.

Garithus was completely unaware of the danger, he was still talking about his thoughts-and the fanatical people of Lordaeron did not notice either. On the roof not far away, there was a grinning and forgotten one. By.

"...I will stick to myself and lead the hard-working and brave people of Lordaeron, and keep going!"

"We have experienced three years of pain, and everything in these three years will be remembered in our hearts forever. We must take a warning..."

"Today, at the site of this palace, we are united again!"

"All for Lordaeron!"

Following Garithus' words, the people of Lordaeron began to shout in unison.

"For Lordaeron!"

"For Lordaeron!"

Then At the moment when everyone cheered, a huge green bottle fell from the sky!

"This is Putres' anger! Go to hell, badass bastard!"

Putres chose a very delicate position. Both Kael'thas and Khadgar tried to stop them, but the distance was too far, and the hand of the wizard couldn't catch it!

The green bottle smashed at Garithus's feet.

Realizing that something was wrong, Garithos contracted his muscles all over, roared, folded his arms in front of his face, and shielded himself-breaking the boat!

But it's useless!

After the bleak green potion came into contact with the air, it quickly volatilized, completely surrounding Garithus.


Putres only represented the Royal Pharmacists Association and brought Valentine's Day wishes.


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