Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 193: The silver hand's choice

? The battle on the Greymane Wall is at a stalemate.

As the battle continued, the cause of the Battle of Gilneas became less and less concerned-on the one hand, because Lordaeron and Gilneas were angry, the hatred between the two sides became deeper and deeper; on the other hand, because the most There is a problem within the Knights of the Silver Hand, which is concerned about the death of the Paladin.

As we all know, the Silver Hand originated during the orc wars. After the Northshire Abbey was destroyed, Archbishop Alonthos Faor wanted to combine the faith of the Holy Light with fighting skills, so four warriors and a priest were baptized at Alonthos Cathedral in Stratholme and became The first paladins.

Uther, Fording, Dathrohan, Turalyon and Gavinrad swore under the light to defend the honor with blood.

The name of the Silver Hand comes from Tyr, the guardian of the Titan, who lost an arm in the battle with Yuanlong, and then he cast himself a silver arm-because the guardian of the Titan was originally a metal man, This arm did not affect his strength, but gave him a very representative name.

Tyr is the guardian of mankind. In the ancient times, he discovered that many of the guardians of the Titans led by the king of wisdom Roken were corrupted by the ancient gods, so he took some Vrykul, earth spirits and mechanical gnomes to choose to go south. To the Eastern Kingdoms-these Vrykuls are the origins of humans in Azeroth.

Tyr was to cover the humans and the chasing soldiers. In the end, although he repelled the chasing soldiers, he also died in the Tirisfal Glades (Tirisfal means the Fall of Tyr in Vrykul)— —There, we can still see a huge silver finger pointing to the sky.

From this name, we can see that the purpose of the Silver Hand was to protect humanity.

And this time the war between Lordaeron and Gilneas caused different and extensive discussions within the Silver Hand.

Some Paladins headed by Uther believe that this war must be stopped-in Azeroth, civil war will only weaken the power of mankind, and war will not bring truth, only hatred.

Some of the Paladins headed by Dathrohan directly support Lordaeron. They believe that Gilneas' use of orcs (whether Gilneas himself said that the lord used orc slaves privately or Lordaeron said that the formation of an orc army) is It is absolutely inexcusable, Gilneas must pay for it.

Of course, these paladins do not support Lordaeron's annexation of Gilneas. Most of them prefer to make Gilneas hand over all the orcs and pay a fine for helping the poor, etc., which can be appropriately punished. the way.

However, there are still some Paladins who have looked farther. This group of non-racists began to re-examine the relationship between humans and orcs, and pointed out that the biggest enemy of mankind is no longer the orcs (of course not a civil war), and It was to the oath that the Burning Legion could invade at any time.

Finally, there are a handful of paladins who choose to go directly back to help their country-they also abide by the virtues of paladins, but put loyalty first.

The many internal contradictions prevented the Silver Hand from responding in the first time, and when everyone wanted to sit down and discuss what to do, an accident caused the Silver Hand to split.

At Dunhold Castle, some of the orcs escaped with injuries.

This is not a big problem in itself—the Silver Hand dispatched a young Paladin Barthilas to hunt down the orcs.

But when Barthilas followed the trail left by the orcs, all the way north to Hearthglen, the clue was cut off.

Barthilas' parents both died at the hands of the orcs. He hated the group of greenskins extremely, so he immediately asked the lord of Hearthglen, Tirion Fording.

The answer given by Old Foding is not to know.

Barthilas didn't take it seriously, and then began to search the entire mantel carefully, and finally found traces of the orcs in a dilapidated tower-to the death, he also found that Foding left behind when he helped the orcs Some traces.

Now things are in trouble, the first generation of paladins will help the orcs? !

When Barthilas questioned Old Fording, Tirion could not explain.

So Barthilas arrested Tirion Fording and the orcs together and took them to Nanhai Town.

And almost all the Paladins (including Turalyon who was far away in Stormwind) who learned the news rushed to Nanhai Town in the first place.


In fact, Tirion did help the orcs.

A few years ago, Tirion had changed his view of orcs.

That was when his son Tyran Fording had just come into contact with the Way of the Paladin and left home to train at the Light's Wish Chapel. The old Buddha, who missed his son, would ride around Hearthglen on a horse after every rain-in his own words, searching for all the details of being with his son, waiting until his son became a real paladin At the time, prepare a fun gift.

But once, Old Fording found traces of orcs in an abandoned castle.

As a paladin, Old Fording had a natural contradiction with the orcs, and immediately started fighting after meeting.

Old Fording is strong, but the orc he faces is not an ordinary person—this orc named Eitrigg is an orc sword master!

The two were inextricably fought, Old Fording's attack could hardly hit Eitrigg, and Eitrigg couldn't break Old Fording's defense.

Unlike the usual battle, this time it’s more like a duel-Eitrigg and Old Fording are very decent and when Eitrigg slid on the slippery ground , Old Fording did not take the opportunity to attack.

The battle between the two people went from outdoor to indoor, and finally turned into a hand-to-hand combat of abandoning their weapons. In the dilapidated castle, a paladin and an orc swordsman rolled like this.

At this moment, an accident happened.

The dilapidated castle collapsed and the ceiling was smashed down heavily. Although Eitrigg avoided flexibly, Old Fording was hit by the gravel.

When Old Fording woke up, he found himself lying at home with a rough bandage and some unknown herbs. My wife said that it was the war horse who brought him back.

Old Fording, who was full of doubts, secretly bought the Scroll of Wisdom to find Eitrigg.

To Old Fording's surprise, Eitrigg was already able to speak lingua franca fluently at this time-although inevitably with a strong accent.

From Eitrigg's mouth, Old Fording learned of a different orc for the first time. (To be continued.)

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