Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 163: Seal of Razor Territory

   Waiting outside, what Drunk Wind waited for was not the hunting squad, but a lone person of Linden.

   Looking at the desperate Linden, Drunk Wind suddenly understood the situation of the other nine players.

"We failed..." Linden's breath was very unstable, "That Calgar is not a boar, but a dreadlord named Mal'Ganis! We can't match him, and the other nine people are horrible. I fell into an eternal sleep. I am also cursed now-I am now being tortured by the dreadlord's sleep curse, and I dare not even close my eyes. I will never return to the Emerald Dream in my life..."

  As he said, Lin Deen's tears began to flow uncontrollably.

   Hearing this news, the Druids present were shocked for a while.


   For the night elves who have experienced the war of the ancients, what else is more terrifying and hateful than those who smell of sulfur, possess great power but are extremely evil?

   Unexpectedly, in the Razor Territory, there is a Dreadlord who is known for his cunning disguised here. If it weren't for this raid, I really didn't know what else this demon would do. This time it was a boar, what about next time?

   Mal'Ganis's sudden appearance caught Drunk Feng a little by surprise. He really didn't expect the Dreadlord to intervene behind the Razor Territory.

   The only comfort is that the Dreadlord has revealed his tail.

   "Master Lin Deen, go and rest..." Drunk Feng had nothing else to say for a while, "Everyone, start breaking through, signal to start the sealing ceremony!"

   In the orderly retreat, everyone was quiet-losing a whole ten masters proficient in stealth in Razor Marsh, even for the night elves, this is a huge loss.

  According to a well-planned retreat, with the help of flames from the wizards, the assault troops finally successfully left the razor territory and left here with the help of the young dragon who had been waiting outside for a long time.


   In the case of Onyxia's flame breaking, the assault troops finally successfully withdrew from the Razor territory.

   The spells of the Red Dragon Queen and Green Dragon Queen are finally ready.

The vines in the razor field began to grow wildly. These twisted vines were transformed by Agamagan’s body after the death of the battle. After the Green Dragon Queen borrowed power from Agamagan from the Emerald Dream, these vines were Push quickly.

   With the support of the powerful vitality endowed by the Red Dragon Queen, the twisted and tangled vines spread completely, and in a blink of an eye the entire Razor territory was sealed.

These vines that have sheltered the wild boars for thousands of years have now become their cages. The few wild boars who tried to chase them finally realized that something was wrong. These vines no longer obey the commands of the wild boar shaman-as if they were alive. After being completely removed, the vines became pitch black and hard.

   The Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza did take away all the vitality of the vines. Although she instinctively hated this behavior, she had to use this method in order to completely limit the boar people.

   Zuifeng sat on the young dragon's back, looking back at the entire razor field turning black. The entire razor realm is nothing more than the vines being stripped of their lives. Then if the Burning Legion really comes, what will happen to Azeroth?

   Thinking of this, Zuifeng clenched his fists.


   The raid on the Razor Territory is over, and the result is neither success nor failure. The night elves paid a heavy price, but they also succeeded in preventing the spread of the plague among the wild boars.

Of course, this is good news for Drunk Wind—the night elves are never absolutely benevolent. According to the grapevine, a goblin surnamed Guobitt in Ratchet City had to file for bankruptcy because he was attacked by leopards during the logistics process. In this way, is he still smashed in the face by crow droppings from the sky...

  Although Drunk Wind had been warning the dragon and night elves before, but without the lesson of blood, these guys would never do their best. Now the night elves are all tense, and even the sentinel and watchmen have begun to increase the amount of recruit training (although the intensity of the training of the watchmen recruits is already frantic).

   It will take some time for Lao Chen's wine to be brewed well, and it is rare to get a little leisurely from drunkenness. It seems that the public food has been paid for the time being-or Onyxia is waiting for Drunk Wind to return to the Blackrock Tower. In the past few days, Drunk Wind has finally not been emptied all the time. Now he can talk to Onyk more. Xia walked hand in hand on the wasteland of the barren land to appreciate the different scenery, quite a bit of a half-day leisure.

   Unfortunately, drunk wind is a toil.

   Thunder Bluff received a letter from Booty Bay to Drunk Wind.

   Dear Lord Drunk Wind:

Hello! I am glad to write you this letter.

After ten months of repairs, we are happy to find that Storm Fortress can finally fly normally-although it is not yet possible to enter the Twisting Nether, there is no problem with migrating according to your at you When we received this letter, we had already packed up all the items on Jaguero Island-we are sorry to have caused a lot of trouble to these cute orangutans. As compensation, we planted a lot of various I hope they like it.

   Now we are ready to fly to the place you call Feralas. Although my compatriots are afraid of the unknown, we are still willing to trust you.

I think the most sad thing about our departure should be the goblin leader in Booty Bay. Seeing him look like a dead family member, I have now guessed how much money he made in my hands—though we The draenei didn't care about that, but he was still very uncomfortable.

In addition, Grandpa Velen specially asked me to write the sentence "I have agreed to your request and I am willing to help" on the letter. Although I don’t know what you and Lord Velen said, the Delaney will always Willing to lend a helping hand to their friends.

   Finally, I wish you all the best, see you in Feralas!

   The letter was signed by Vinucci—it seems that this little guy has grown far beyond Drunk’s expectations and has now become the new leader of the draenei.

   When Zuifeng finished reading this letter, he smiled bitterly at Onyxia.

   "My dear, our honeymoon will have to wait a little longer-now we are going to help the draenei-and of course the highborne called Syndra."

"My dear." Onyxia was accustomed to it for a long time, "It's not unexpected, isn't it ~ Welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest The serialized works are all at For mobile users, please go to read.

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