Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 150: Old fox and little fox

   came to the palace of Lordaeron, Drunk Wind finally began to face the king of Lordaeron.

   As far as the political level is concerned, the king is far superior to Drunken Wind, but considering the long-term vision, Terenas is much worse.

   Azeroth is a world of swords and magic, and it is destined to hardly end if playing power.

"Oh, Lord Drunk Wind! I welcome you to Lordaeron on behalf of the Alliance!" After Drunk Wind entered the palace hall, Terenas walked directly off the throne, "I always hear Dalin mention your name. I can finally see you today!"

   The seemingly nutritious greetings, while naming his own landlord status, represented the alliance, but drunk wind couldn’t refute it.

   "No, no, no, how can my little name be compared to His Majesty the King-your generosity and kindness shines on the entire Eastern Kingdom, and even the vulgar orcs can be cultivated under your kindness."

If you’re drunk, you’re also holding guns and sticks. It is ironic that Terenas has established a wonderful orc containment system only for power and profit. With such a big containment station, the whole alliance can't keep up with your efforts.

   The first round of the confrontation ended in a tie. Although the old fox and the little fox secretly competed, the scene did not leak. Old Chen and Catlin next to them thought they were complimenting each other!

   It happened to be lunch when Terenas invited Drunk Wind to have lunch.

   Zuifeng wanted to cook by himself, but Terenas refused on the grounds that "Don't waste the chef's hard work".

Looking at the table full of dishes, and then at the three people at the table (Catlin went back), the drunk wind secretly complained: "I don't know if I have an excuse to find something more real! Can you finish eating such a large table of dishes? When is it not wasted!"

   Of course, Zuifeng can also understand Terenas' concerns. After all, his record is really scary, and Terenas's fear of eating his own dishes is also expected.

   After a meal, Zuifeng and Terenas came to a small reception room in the palace, and Old Chen found an excuse to slip away-it was really uncomfortable to stay in this place.

   The highlight is coming!

   This time, there was a private conversation during the meeting, Terenas even held back all the people around him, and Zuifeng also cherished the words of the mist. Although drunk wind with bare hands is also very dangerous, it represents the attitude of drunk wind.

   "Your Majesty, what are your plans?" After taking the seat, Zuifeng was straightforward.

   "I heard you went to Stromgarde?" Terenas showed a smile but a smile, "Then you should be able to guess my plan."

   "Are you sure you want to unify the nations of mankind?" Zuifeng frowned, "Not to mention what method you used, can't you just wait?"

   "The reason? Why?" Terenas snorted coldly. "Aren't the ogres still wandering in Stromgarde now? Can you stop me? Or do you think you can convince me?"

   "Disaster is coming, if you keep going, Lordaeron may even be destroyed!" Although Drunk Wind didn't know whether Ner'zhul could become the Lich King, this did not prevent him from fooling Terenas.

"Disaster? Hahaha!" Terenas even laughed, "It's not that Lordaeron has not been surrounded by orcs, but what can be done? Isn't it prosperous now?! As long as I unify the nations, what else Can you stop me?"

   "Devil! Endless demons!" Drunk Feng frowned, "You should be aware of what happened to the expeditionary army. Those demons are difficult to deal with. We can't lose our power for nothing in internal consumption!"

   "Devil? What is it to me?"

   As soon as Terenas' words were spoken, Drunk Wind's heart cold.

It seems that he has discovered something wrong with his statement. Terenas explained: "The battle of the devil should not be part of us mortals! I have also read the statistics of the expeditionary army. In your battle in the Dark Temple, the most damage to the demons is Heroes and dragons, so mortals shouldn’t be involved in these things at all!"

   Terenas' words shocked Drunk Wind!

"Without the battle of the soldiers, we are helpless facing a huge number of demons! The demons of the Dark Temple are just the tip of the burning legion's iceberg. To defeat the demons, we need all of us to unite!" Drunk Wind has stood excitedly. It stood up: "What's more, heroes are also grown from ordinary fighters!"

"Really?" Terenas shrugged noncommittal. "In my opinion, heroes are not what civilians can be-unless they are as lucky as Turalyon and Khadgar and find a good teacher. In addition, I think it’s better for civilians to stay in the fields and work hard to defend Azeroth or something. I don’t think you guys are doing well?"

   "What are you talking about?!" Drunk Feng was completely angry now, "Do you know that we are not sure of winning? We need every strength!"

   "Then you might as well directly support me, so maybe my task of unifying the nations will be easier." Terenas said blankly, "Anyway, the unification of the nations is inevitable."

Drunk Wind now fully understands Terenas’ abacus: This politician has made it clear that he has no fear. In his opinion, no matter what he does, the heroes should work hard are still not A member of Azeroth? You once helped Stormwind City generously in the Orc War. Why is this happening now? "Drunk Feng patted the table angrily, "How can you become such a selfish and dizzy bastard!" "

"Pay attention to your tone, Pandaren!" Terenas also took the case, "Do you think I don't want to be a selfless and great person? Open your little eyes and see-the last one tried to do this His name is Anduin Lothar! The price of this is that the last blood of Thoradin the Great is also severed! Our Menethil family must not follow in his footsteps!"

   "But Lothar's sacrifice brought us the peace we deserve! His greatness and nobility will be remembered forever!"

   "Only the combination of power and wisdom is the key to rule, not the greatness and nobility of a dog! Menethil need not be remembered, we are eternal rulers!"

   "In your opinion, it is really the pass of the despicable and the despicable, and the noble is the epitaph of the noble?! If Azeroth is destroyed, you will have nowhere to go!"

   "Yes, that's it! Even if you really can't resist it, we only need to be the last to die!"

   In the small reception room, the old fox and the little fox completely tore off their masks and began to roar at each other-this quarrel also meant that the final persuasion of Drunk Wind had also completely failed.

   The extremely angry drunk wind left a final piece of advice and pulled Old Chen directly away from Lordaeron.

   "Pay attention to your food, I don't want to go to Dahlone County to send a doll in the future!"

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