80 – Finale. Curtain call.


Amid the sparkling white swords, Ella suddenly noticed a blue thread.

It is an irritating strand.

A single piece of blue thread fell on the white fur. Something that stands out like that but is not a big deal.

However, the number suddenly increases.

Just as Ella unfurled her death sword, the blue threads that gradually called her numbers began to compete in the air.


The flan’s blue threads began to defend Ella’s sharp white sword.

‘… Knife?’

It can’t be.

I had never heard of a wizard handling a sword, and knowing how to use a sword was even more unfamiliar.

But now, Plan was clearly handling the blue thread in the form of a death sword.

Perhaps faster and sharper than Ella’s.

“Be cheeky… !”

You’re too cheeky.

If the shape of the four swords was realized using magic, that would be understandable.

But there’s something I can’t forgive.

The point was that Ella’s pure white sword was pushed by her blue thread.


The question was just ‘why’.


A skill that raised the status of the four siblings to what they are today and allowed Ella to be the first of the four siblings.

Ella’s soul is contained in each blade of the pure white sword. How diligently he has worked to make many people tremble in fear and bring them to their knees.

The number of dead swords piled up one by one reached hundreds. So, I had never even imagined being defeated by a first year or a magician.


The reality that is happening is strange.

As if Ella’s pure white thread was nothing more than her fabric, a blue thread was casually embroidered on it.

“I can’t believe this….”

Ella bit her lower lip.

The taste of the bursting blood is fishy.

It is a technique that was perfectly developed to the extent that even the person himself was satisfied with it. But why can’t I even break the other person’s composure?

Bound and fixed, completely blocked, and victory is far away.


A premise that I took for granted and never even doubted. ‘You can’t be defeated against a wizard.’ Was shattering right in front of her nose.

“Why on earth—!”

Ella straightens her sword once more.

This time, the number of dead swords has been doubled.

Meanwhile, Plan quietly focuses on apparitions.

Considering the total amount of mana, it is not possible to pull out countless strands, but if there is even one properly, that is enough.

‘Harmony and fresh flowers.’

Artificial flowers are, after all, just decorations.

A pitiful imitation created by imitating a living flower, nothing more than a pitiful thing to satisfy the viewer’s selfishness.

Many people misunderstand magic as harmony.

Even wizards think so.

A sweet lie that makes miracles seem real. Just enough power. The number of people who think so is considerable. It was like that everywhere.

But I was wrong.

A spell that schematizes imagination.

A circuit that translates it into design.

Formulation that turns design into reality.

Vivid fragrance is contained throughout the series of processes.

The name of the incense is the essence of incense that can never be produced by imitations.

At the end of cooking, there is delicacy, and at the end of smelting, a great sword will be forged. At the end of craft, immortal art will remain.

Humans call it ‘close to a miracle’.

Then, is magic like that?

Isn’t the science of magic just a field that gets closer to the realm of miracles as it reaches its peak?


That is exactly what is wrong.

The realm of the Archmage Merhen and Plan did not feel long as they rose to that position.

Magic is not an illusion that sweetly whispers lies. I knew that one to the bone.

Magic and miracles.

These two words have the same meaning.

There is no need to imitate a miracle, no need to invoke a miracle, no need to try to get close to a miracle.


… This phenomenon is a miracle in itself.

The fruit of the desire to achieve the impossible. It is the essence of magic to ‘prove’ that a miracle is real.

Splendor, wonder, elegance…. All of these are just by-products of magic.

Do not obsess over by-products.

If you have the basics, no matter how simple the magic is, the fragrant scent will cover the whole area.

If you use it without knowing the source, it will inevitably remain as a well-cut imitation.

Just like Ella right in front of you.

No matter how flashy you become, no matter how strong you become. It means that there is no scent at all that can be called the root.

Plan suddenly looked to the side.

I could see the representatives looking at me with dazed eyes.

‘Let me see for myself.’

What we’ll show you now is the root of magic.

Those who know how to enjoy the fragrance of fresh flowers no longer seek harmony. Similarly, if they feel this root, the representatives of the Faculty of Magic will no longer be impatient.

Right now, even if you are defeated by your own ability, you will never lose your roots.

Even if your body changes, even if the world changes.

The root of magic is the immutable element.

As long as it doesn’t disappear, as long as there is even one mage who can see it and be inspired.

A wizard will not bend in the face of any disaster, and magic will gladly become a tool for him.

I also want to teach the four siblings.

It will make them realize that the blessing they obtained overnight was actually a curse, a shackle that prevented them from concentrating solely on the sword.

Flan’s thread handled Ella’s sword with splendor. Soon, cross stitches begin to be embroidered in the air.

One line. Two. Increases without end.

What is immediately drawn is a blue six star.

A power that never fades because it can never be reversed. A symbol of wisdom. Even in this simple shape, the root of magic exists.

In Plann’s field of vision, he saw Becky, Trixie, and Louise. Unknown emotions arose in their appearance as they blankly watched this scene.

‘From now on, this is the path you must walk.’

A gemstone approved by Flan.

Since they are also wizards, this is a point they will have to reach someday.


Ella’s mouth fell open in admiration.

How foolish you are to admire your enemies.

But knowing that fact, I couldn’t help but admire it. It is irresistible. The scene unfolding in front of your eyes skips understanding and touches your instincts.

Ella’s closed eyes. Black sight.

In a place where there was only darkness, I can feel all the traces of the blue thread. All kinds of magic circles are embroidered in blue.

Whether it is a pattern, a figure, or a pattern that exceeds hundreds even if you only look at lines and circles…. An incomprehensible geometry. Things that only vaguely feel beautiful.

Ella can’t read her spells.

Even she seems to lose her way, and the amount of her that I don’t even dare to dig into.

I still feel it.

All points, lines, and circles worthy of being called ‘innumerable’…. That all of them work together like elaborate gears.

‘It’s beautiful.’

She couldn’t even get the words out of her mouth.

Just, at some point, she loosened her hands and admired the blue patterns drawn in her dark vision.

I become calm again in a situation where I have to be urgent. It seemed to be sucked into an unknown place.

I can’t help but admire it.

I have no choice but to admit it.

‘This is…. How should….’

-You’ll lose if you don’t.

Suddenly, Ivan’s words replayed in my head.

What was Ella’s death sword lacking, what direction did she walk to reach it, what did she have to train to reach it, and where did she go wrong….

She had countless questions, but she couldn’t open her mouth to ask them. Nor did the threads of her flan answer her.

Just elegantly, as if unfolding art.

It dyes it blue as if it were going to fill all the gaps in Ella’s sword.

And finally, the finale.


The entire string broke at once and bounced into the air. Plan threw an ember there.

Hwarang immediately jumps after it.

─Time elapses, stage 5 ends.

Curtain Call.

A beautiful spectacle spread out in the air.

Hwarang, which spews flames with sparkling threads all over its body, is itself the torch of the festival.

Hwarang’s body is scattered like a mirage in the air, and all that remains is a deep sinking silence.

In that silence, the announcement continues.

─Scores are averaged and announced.

─Faculty of Magic, 300 points.

─Faculty of Knights, 240 points.

The scores of the two faculties, which had been identical until now, began to diverge based on the 5th stage.

Plann muttered quietly.

“I like it. Ella.”

It’s not your siblings who have the upper hand, it’s the Magic Faculty.

─We consider the skills of representatives from both faculties.

─After 5 minutes, stage 10 will begin.

The moment when time seems to have stopped.

Ella couldn’t answer anything.

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