Our Mommy is the Best Investigator!

Chapter 92: children can deny

  Chapter 92 Children Can Deny

  I searched a few streets and alleys in the county, and finally saw a shop selling high-end seasonal fruits. All kinds of fruits displayed in the shop were stored in dry ice, which looked particularly fresh, as if they had just been picked.

   It’s just that the price is ridiculously expensive. A catty of apples costs one and a half taels of silver, and even the seasonal bananas in this season cost one or two taels of silver per catty.

   But since she promised the little treasures, Chu Nanzhi didn't want to break her promise, so she made up her mind and bought four catties of apples and three catties of bananas.

  Looking at those big and round lychees again, this is her favorite fruit, as long as she thinks of the crystal clear nuts inside, she can't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva.

   It is the lychee of this era, the price is so expensive that she daunts it, and it costs three taels of silver per catty.

  But I have never treated myself badly in my previous life, and I have earned a lot of money during the time I came here. I can't just think about the children, but I also have to properly satisfy my own selfish desires, and learn how the original owner once in a while is extravagant.

  Gritting her teeth, she bought another three catties of lychees, which happened to be brought back for the family to taste.

  Just looking at the purse that suddenly lost weight, her whole heart was bleeding. A few simple fruits actually cost 19 taels of silver, which is enough to go to a high-end clothing store for crazy shopping twice.

   Sure enough, wealth can make people feel at ease.

  Going back to the carriage with a heartbroken heart, thinking that the groom followed her around, she generously took out a banana, an apple and three lychees and rewarded him.

  The groom couldn't put it down, holding several fruits tightly, with a look of sincerity and fear:

  When he asked the price just now, he could hear clearly. The banana, apple and three lychees in his hand can cover his salary for three months. How dare he accept it like this.

Just as he was about to hand it back, Erbao Lin Ruixi poked his head out suddenly, and said solemnly like a little adult: "Grandpa groom, from now on my mother will take your carriage to help grandpa the county magistrate investigate the case. You have to accept the apples and bananas, they are delicious, you have to remember to eat them."

  Chu Nanzhi was teaching Sibao how to count apples, bananas, and lychees in the carriage. Hearing Erbao's words, she quickly echoed, "Old man, don't be too polite, listen to the child."

The groom’s eyes were suddenly wet, and while secretly scolding the prodigal girls in his heart, he stuffed the fruit into his pocket with a smile, and then drove the carriage again, with a sudden force in his hand, pulling Holding the reins of the horse with full energy, he shouted and walked out of the city in high spirits.

  Although the afternoon sun is not as fierce as at noon, it can still scorch the entire hood of the car.

   Waiting to get out of the city, the groom speeded up again, and the swishing breeze poured in from all around, which made it look much cooler.

Er Bao and Si Bao squatted in the carriage and repeatedly counted the fruits. They counted many times in a row until the numbers of apples and bananas finally matched. apples and twelve bananas."

   But looking at the bag of lychees, the two little guys had a hard time.

  Even so, Chu Nanzhi already felt very relieved, after all, it was very difficult for the little treasures to count to ten, but now they can already remember twelve.

She happily took out a few lychees, peeled the skin and removed the bones, and handed them to the two little treasures respectively. At the same time as a flower, I also began to rejoice secretly in my heart:

   "Bad girl, ahhhh, Auntie finally agreed to be with us properly, so happy."

  Sibao chewed the lychee meat in his mouth thoughtfully, feeling a little uneasy all the time.

  After pondering for a long time, she suddenly grabbed Chu Nanzhi's delicate little hand, and asked weakly: "Aniang, are you really not going to take me and my sister to Nanhua Temple tomorrow?"

  Hearing this, Er Bao also raised his eyes and looked over.

  Chu Nanzhi flicked the tip of her little nose angrily, and said softly: "You two promised Aniang before going out today, don't deny it, and Aniang also promised you just now."

  Sibao acted coquettishly: "No, no, adults keep what they say, and children can deny it."


  Chu Nanzhi patted the little guy's **** dumbfoundingly: "Whoever says a child can deny it, keeping a promise is something that must be kept since childhood, regardless of adults or children."

  After thinking about it carefully, she couldn't tell the two children her real concerns, so she could only tactfully coax her:

   "Tomorrow, Auntie is going to arrest a lot of bad guys. Auntie can't take care of you. If you are captured by the bad guys, you will never see your daddy or Aniang again."

  When the two little treasures heard this, they suddenly felt a little scared, biting their fingers with bitter faces, and didn't dare to speak again.

  The carriage entered the village and drove slowly all the way to Chu's house. As soon as it stopped in the yard, I heard the crisp voices of Dabao and Sanbao: "Aniang is back."

Chu Nanzhi first carried Er Bao and Si Bao out of the carriage, then took out the fruit, and told the groom a few words, let him lead the two servants and Xiao Fen to meet here before dawn tomorrow, and then Ready to enter the house.

   Dabao and Sanbao saw that she was carrying a heavy package in her hand, so they came over curiously and asked, "Aniang, what's in it?"

   Without waiting for Chu Nanzhi to answer, Erbao Lin Ruixi pulled the hem of her clothes and replied proudly: "It's apples, bananas, and lychees."

   "What is lychee?"

  Da Baolin Ruiwen scratched his small forehead in wonder.

   "The apples and bananas were before Grandpa Nie."

   As soon as Sanbao was about to speak out excitedly, Dabao stopped him with a look.

   Seeing this, Sibao Lin Ruijia raised his eyes and stared quietly at Chu Nanzhi. After hesitating for a moment, he didn't care about Dabao's threat, and confessed truthfully with a blushing face:

"Aniang, in fact, Grandpa Nie came to our house last year and brought an apple and a banana for me and my brother and sister. That day, Aunt, you were not at home, so Grandpa Nie asked us to eat them secretly first, hehe. "

   After finishing speaking, she hurriedly lowered her head shyly, not daring to look at Chu Nanzhi again.

  But now my mother is so nice, she doesn't want to keep anything from her anymore.

  The other three little guys turned their faces away in fear, for fear that Chu Nanzhi would scold them.

   Seeing the frightened appearance of each of the quadruplets, Chu Nanzhi was angry and funny.

   It’s no wonder that today Erbao and Sibao swallowed their saliva looking at the apples and bananas in Shen Jiaerlang’s hands. It turned out that they already knew that these things were expensive and delicious.

   And she also knows that Mr. Nie loves a few children, but she doesn't have much impression of buying apples and bananas for them.

  After thinking about it, it is also the fault of the original owner. If the old man wants to care about the child, he has to be sneaky. It is really sad.

  She took out the bananas as if nothing had happened, and said with a gentle smile: "Grandpa Nie loves you, you must remember it in your heart, and when you grow up, you must also know how to respect his old man, and you must not be ungrateful."

  The quadruplets nodded together: "Aniang, we will."

   "Well, let's go, take the bananas and share them with grandma, aunt, and younger brothers. Apples and lychees are washed after dinner and eaten."

  Chu Nanzhi broke the bananas one by one and handed them to the little ones. The little ones were rushing in with joy, but Chu Nanxiang walked out quickly with a sad face:

   "Sister, go up and have a look, the injury on brother-in-law's leg has started to attack again, and the pain is severe."

  (end of this chapter)

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