Sun Ting suddenly remembered the scene when he saw Qi Cheng for the first time. He was no better than Longhua's manager Zhang. He also treated Qi Cheng as an outlier, but the result was unexpected.

The evening breeze in city h was not as gentle as city b, it moved the hem of the two of them.

Sun Ting shivered, really cold.

Seeing that he was only wearing a shirt, Qi Cheng pointed to the front entrance of the hotel, "It's cold outside, go back."

Meeting her gaze, Sun Ting didn't see what he wanted to find in those clear eyes. The other party had never looked up and fawned upon him. The instructions just now seemed to be as casual as talking to his own brother, Sun Ting I felt quite boring for a moment, as if I was a child, and seemed a little naive.

He touched his nose and did not insist.

"What about you?" Sun Ting asked.

Qi Cheng turned his head back, "I want to sit down again."

"Don't be too late."

Sun Ting was about to leave, but Qi Cheng stopped him, "By the way, I'm going to take the early morning flight tomorrow, I'm afraid I can't go back with you, please help me and Mr. Gu, please."

"In such a hurry to go back?" Sun Ting was surprised. City H was so beautiful, with mountains, rivers and beautiful scenery. They originally wanted to spend a few more days shopping here, but Qi Cheng planned to go back.

"I've been out for too long, and I don't worry at home." Qi Cheng smiled.

The next day, on the weekend, Qi Cheng got up from bed less than five o'clock and packed up his things to catch the earliest flight.

She couldn't wait for a moment, and wanted to fly back to city b and back to Pei Qingfei right away.

When the plane was soaring into the clouds, Qi Cheng sat by the window in a daze.

How did she fall in love with Pei Qingfei all those years?

Now it was only two days apart, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Dragging the suitcase, Qi Cheng returned to Mingyueli Community.

It was nine o'clock in the morning. According to Pei Qingfei's daily habits, he should just get up now.

This guy likes to bask in the morning sun most at this time, and then sit cross-legged on the floor in front of the French windows with a glass of milk.

Qi Cheng said that she was afraid of the cold several times, and told her not to sit on the floor. Sitting on the sofa is soft and warm, isn't it the same? !

But Pei Qingfei is always a little bit stubborn, usually docile and tight, but that's what happened, and he hasn't changed after repeated teachings.

No way, Qi Cheng specially bought her a small carpet, round, dark gray, and fluffy, and spread it in the sunniest place she likes.

Walking all the way, Qi Cheng thought about the possible scenes at home, and shook his head with a smile.

Sometimes she really feels like she has a cat. Now that fluffy carpet has become Pei Qingfei's favorite. This guy loves to bask in the sun and doze off in his spare time. He drinks milk and likes to lick with the tip of his tongue. Licked...

Yes, I can't think about it anymore.

Qi Cheng now wished that she could plug her wings and fly back, hug her cat, oh no, hug her Pei Qingfei.

Qi Cheng rushed home happily, and as soon as he got on the elevator, he pulled out the house key from his pocket.

"Baby, I'm back!" Qi Cheng shouted excitedly, twisting the lock and opening the door.


After pushing the door open, Qi Cheng couldn't hold the key in his hand, and fell on the floor in response.

The sun was still warm, basking on the dark gray circular carpet.

It's just that there is no milk, no cats, no Pei Qingfei, who stretches her waist and soaks in the sun.

Qi Cheng pushed the door in, and the first one met Pei Shifang's scrutiny gaze.

I don't know if it was Qi Cheng's illusion. She felt that Dad Pei was thinner and darker. He hadn't seen him for many years, but those eyes were still warm and thorough, and she could directly see the bottom of people's hearts.

"Bae... good dad."

The two children of the Qi family who are not afraid of the sky, but are respectful to Pei Shifang, even if these years have passed, they are still the same.

"Long time no see, Qi Cheng."

Pei Qingfei had already come out of the room without waiting for the two of them to relive the past.

She gritted her teeth secretly, Qi Cheng came back earlier than expected, fearing that she had some surprises again, which made her have a lot of things before she had time to tell her.

Pei Qingfei was a little helpless. When will Qi Cheng's problem be corrected? It's all right now, the surprise is gone, and both of them are caught off guard.

Pei Qingfei randomly took a coat, put on a pair of shoes, and took Qi Cheng from the door of his house to the outside.

When Qi Cheng left, she didn't forget to take her suitcase with her. She felt that it would be difficult for her to come back today.

The two came to sit on the benches in the small square in Mingyue.

Qi Cheng is not easy to speak, she can't ask Pei Qingfei directly, why are your parents here.

This was neither polite nor respectful, so she could only wait for Pei Qingfei to speak.

But Pei Qingfei's reaction was a little strange, she just sat quietly, her head down, and said nothing.

"That..." In the end, it was Qi Cheng who spoke first, "Actually, I brought you a gift."

Pei Qingfei looked up at Qi Cheng in a daze, Qi Cheng put the suitcase down directly, and regardless of whether the occasion was suitable, he opened it and found a book.

This book is an old book, the title of the book is Film and Television Talks. It can be regarded as a collection. It has collected reviews of various movies in the past two years. In fact, it has no collection value. But Qi Cheng likes to carry it on his back and go where Just take it there. The reason is just because there are two manuscripts by Pei Qingfei. In her words, it can be said that Pei Qingfei's book is full.

Pei Qingfei smiled when she read the book, Qi Cheng always has his own set of crooked truths.

The book is an old book. Naturally, it cannot be a gift from Qi Cheng's mouth. She spread the book, and a flower between the pages of the book was pressed into a flat surface.

The petals are an unusual faint purple-red, the center of the flower is a bit goose yellow, and the end is still green with branches and leaves. It may not have been completely dried for a short time, so it is not a dried flower.

Dried flower bookmarks.

Pei Qingfei once mentioned it many years ago.

At that time, she and Qi Cheng were still high school students. In the summer vacation of the second year of high school, she and Qi Cheng flew to H City together and then diverted to Longjiang. Apart from wheat fields, there were many such unknown wildflowers along the road.

At that time, Pei Qingfei said that she wanted to pick some dried to make bookmarks, but it was an arrow at the time. My uncle took the two girls and did not stop. Later, she had a more fun rural scene. Pei Qingfei also put down this idea a bit.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Qi Cheng would still remember it.

Pei Qingfei took the book and held the gift Qi Cheng gave her. At first, he smiled sweetly, and then his eyes gradually became red.

Qi Cheng touched her face.

"Baby, just tell me what's the matter, and I will still be there when the sky falls." Qi Cheng said softly.

"Qi Cheng, my father is sick, and the doctor's diagnosis is suspected... liver cancer."

Qi Cheng sent Pei Qingfei home, she called the elevator to Pei Qingfei, but she didn't plan to follow.

Pei Qingfei was surprised, and regardless of whether it was safe or not, he stretched out his hand to block the slowly closing elevator door.

Qi Cheng's heart was about to jump out, and her voice would inevitably be a little harsh, "It's dangerous, you know!"

Pei Qingfei stared at her, "Where are you going."

Qi Cheng had no choice but to pull Pei Qingfei out of the elevator.

Although it was daytime, but the porch was gloomy, Qi Cheng touched Pei Qingfei's cheek with his hands, feeling lost.

Probably only in the novel would write this. She thought that she and Pei Qingfei had survived ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and finally achieved a positive result. As a result, she realized that she had miscalculated, and she had one of the most. Now She needs to make up for it. This difficulty is not the wordless scripture in Journey to the West. The show is over. The difficulty between her and Pei Qingfei is the life of Dad Pei. Life and death, the most difficult thing in life is this. Four words.

Even if Pei’s father is not sick, Pei Qingfei’s parents are here. Qi Cheng thinks it’s inappropriate for her to live with her. The atmosphere is embarrassing. In the end, it’s difficult for Pei Qingfei to let her elders leave, so she can only leave. .

Qi Chengqiang cheered up, "I went to Xiao Tian, ​​and I haven't seen her for a long time. It just happened to relive my college days and remember the feelings of being single back then."

Qi Cheng laughed twice after finishing talking, but this joke is probably not funny at all. Pei Qingfei can't laugh anyway, her hands are tightly gripping Qi Cheng's suitcase, Qi Cheng pulls twice, and the other party is stunned. Is not letting go.

Qi Cheng used a little bit more strength, and Pei Qingfei couldn't beat her.

The book in Pei Qingfei’s arms fell to the ground while being pulled by two people. The dried flower was lying alone on the concrete floor, but even so, Pei Qingfei still held the box with both hands and refused to let Qi Cheng go. .

Not only did Pei Qing blush his eyes, but Qi Cheng felt a little bit cried.

This stalemate is not always a solution.

"Qing Fei, let go." Qi Cheng said.

Pei Qingfei didn't move.

Qi Cheng sighed, "I don't want you to be embarrassed."

"I'm not embarrassed." Pei Qingfei said stubbornly.

Qi Cheng said seriously, "Our mothers are both doctors, you know, and I also know that the patient can't be irritated. Our relationship is a stalk in their hearts. Seeing that we are under the same roof, Dad Pei can still be sick. Is there any good?"

Pei Qingfei didn't speak, but Qi Cheng could feel the force holding her box loosen slightly.

Qi Cheng was cruel and broke Pei Qingfei's hand away, carrying the box and preparing to leave.

"Qi Cheng!" Pei Qingfei shouted toward the back.

Qi Cheng stopped. She didn't want Pei Qingfei to be sad. She turned her head back and left a warm smile, "Baby, obedient, go upstairs."

After speaking, she walked straight out of the unit building.

Woke up early and rushed back excitedly, but didn't even enter the house.

Qi Cheng dragged his suitcase and walked outside along the path in the bright moon. The sun was not too strong, but Qi Cheng still felt dizzy.

She felt a little sleepy, and she still felt a little hungry, but this was not the most important thing. She walked to the gate of the community and looked in the direction of Building Nine. It was her home, and she wanted to take a good look.

Pei Qingfei went up the elevator alone, and opened the door to go home alone.

Mother Pei greeted her, and when she saw her daughter coming back by herself, she asked tentatively, "Where is Qi Cheng."

Pei Qingfei didn't have any expressions, and couldn't see if it was sad. "Let's go and live with a classmate."

Mother Pei opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, Pei Qingfei was not in the mood to listen, and went straight back to her and Qi Cheng's bedroom.

After closing the door, Pei Qingfei seemed to be able to feel Qi Cheng's existence. Originally, Qi Cheng came back from a business trip. According to her temperament, she didn't know how to hold Pei Qingfei to be affectionate, but she was just in front of her. People are gone, and she must come back, suppress her reluctance, behave as usual, not irritate mom and dad, and make them worry.

Pei Qingfei was lying on the bed, looking at the baby curtain Qi Chengxin missed. She couldn't cry, she could only laugh.

Pei Qingfei smiled and felt that her heart had been taken away by Qi Cheng in her luggage.

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