Opening: Stealing Superman's Stuff

Chapter 234 Conquering Dwarf Civilization

Chapter 235

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"Well, it still doesn't seem to work, I may be able to, but it's a bit reluctant to popularize this kind of power",

Sean took a breath, no wonder Sithone was so generous and didn't care about fighting with himself.

Feelings are certain that he will not be of much use.

Compared with people at their level, in fact, there is little difference between a little more Ability and a little less.

More of a qualitative change than a quantitative one.

"Mousse, has something happened recently?"

As soon as he entered the laboratory, at least a few months had passed, and he didn't know what was going on outside.

"Sir, there's a big ant outside now, swaying all over the world",

Big ant? Well, it should be Ant-Man.

From the last incident, Angel is quite famous in this world.

Even with S.H.I.E.L.D in the back controlling the reels, what they did was too appalling.

Nearly half of the heads of the United States were cut in front of the headquarters, and even now, there are still people going to see the traces of the past.

"Mousse, call everyone back!"

The Future took off.

At this moment, all the goals in the world are looking here.

Some time ago, Angel "deadly" a bunch of the United States leaders is no joke, they thought they would go to war.

Unfortunately, the people in the United States seem to be cowardly.

Nobody even took revenge.

"What do they want to do?"

Fury looked deeply at the Miku in the sky, with a cross shape, looking like a sharp sword stuck in the air.

It's embarrassing, as for the sacred?

Heh, in Fury's eyes, it has nothing to do with them.

"Director, will they start a war?"

Fury shook his head. "Not good, but probably not."

Just don't know what they want to do.

"By the way, have you contacted Angel?"

Hearing this, Hill's face looked a little bad.

"Director, you know, since the last incident, they haven't been outside and can't communicate."

Well, hopefully that's not a bad thing.

the other side.

"Mousse, open the wormhole and leave!"

"Order received",

"Opening wormhole, target Nidaweiler",

When it comes to Nidaweiler, many people may not know where this is, but when it comes to the dwarf kingdom, it is not ordinary.

Known in the universe for crafting artifacts.

Such as Thor's Meow Hammer, Odin's Gunnir of Eternity, and even the Infinity Gauntlet of Thanos in the future.

All by dwarf.

Sean needs the help of dwarf to do one thing, if necessary, not exempt from the plan to conquer them.


There were fluctuations in the space above Nidaweiler, and below, the dwarfs had raised the alarm.

"who is it?"

"Does anyone else dare to take Asgard's bad head?"

Ai Tri frowned: "Does anyone know where it came from? Also, notify Asgard immediately."

"King, we don't know which faction it is yet. Asgard's support will arrive soon."

With a sigh of relief, they forge weapons for Asgard.

Asgard gave them shelter, it was a deal.

They used to be in the cosmos civilization with super-high skills, but because of these skills, they were in danger all the time.

Everyone wants to have their weapons, everyone wants them to build things only for themselves.


In space, huge amounts of crossships suddenly appeared.

Chilling, holy.

Two different styles of breath appeared in everyone's mind, which civilization is this?

And what Ai Tri was thinking at the moment was not this matter.

‘How did this ship find Nidavi? ’

Although the Nine Realms depend on the universe to survive, strictly speaking, they are still different from the subjective world and are in another dimension.

Most people can't find it here.

"King, Asgard's support is here",

Turning around, his eyes lit up.

"Hey Thor, didn't expect you to be here".

Thor nodded: "I just came here after receiving the message, so what's the situation now?"

Now, with a finger, the spaceship in the sky catches Thor's eyes.

"It's them? How?"

Ai Cui was stunned: "You know?"

"You should have also heard that Paradise has been destroyed, and Warnerheim."

Ai Tri's face sank all of a sudden.

"Don't tell me that this group of people did it?"

Seeing Thor nodding, Aitri felt a tingling sensation in his scalp, what is this called?

Not everyone dares to provoke Warnerheim and Heaven. Since this group of people can succeed, they have come to their dwarf country now.

If you take a shot at them... it's not enough to rely on a Thor alone!


Just as he was about to say something, Thor cut him off: "Actually, I probably can't be of much help, but I know them a little bit".

"It shouldn't embarrass you."

Deeply helpless, when will Thor become like this?


Is it to make them pin their hopes on the mood of others?

There was a look of disappointment on Aitri's face: "You Asgard just watched us get destroyed? Huh?"

"Aitri... Aitri? Don't get excited, things haven't gotten to that point yet, trust me," Thor grabbed Aitri's arm.

What can he do? Are Asgard and Sean at war?

If you add his father, there may be some opportunities, but what will be the result?


A brilliance, the golden cloak of Sean with Zhixin and Yan fell in front of everyone.

Just look at them like that.

"Huh? Dwarf is not short at all!"

Yan said interestingly. Before he came, he thought that dwarf was the kind of Q-cute and Q-cute, but he didn't expect it to be much taller than most people.

Rumors misled me.

"Hey, Lord Sean, the two Angels, don't know if you came to Nidavi?" Thor asked hard.

Sean smiled: "Don't be nervous, we're not belligerent, we're just here to ask dwarf for a favor."

As he spoke, he turned to dwarf Aitri.

Not fighting? Thor rolled his eyes.

"I wonder if the dwarf civilization can help with this? If so, maybe we can make a deal."

Aitry's face was sullen, he could see Thor's actions just now.

He has a good personal relationship with Thor, and he knows exactly what kind of person Thor is.

It's obvious that it can make a second fool dare not mess around.

"Lord Sean, what help are you talking about? What is the deal?"

Zhi Xin looked up at the neutron star that was emitting light outside. This thing was really interesting.

Compress a neutron star as a forging material for dwarf, gather all the energy in one place, and even use it to fight the enemy.

Very nice technology.

"Let's not talk about helping, let's talk about the transaction first, are you interested, dwarf Wang Aicui", Zhi Xin said.

Aitui glanced at Sean and then at Zhixin, not knowing what to say for a while.

Thor introduced him: "This is Lord Sean's wife, this Angel, is Lord Sean's envoy, definitely, and will be his wife in the future."

Yan's eyes lit up: "Yes, there is progress, I will tap lightly next time I hit you."

Thor's originally smiling face was embarrassed: ...Should I be happy?

"Then Madam Zhixin, I don't know what the deal you are talking about?" Ai Tri was curious.

"Your dwarf civilization surrenders to my sun god, and you will be sheltered. Believe me, no one will dare to attack you in this universe."

Lin looked at Thor and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Thor."

Thor was a little anxious: "Lord Sean, the kingdom of dwarf has always been under the protection of Asgard, can't you do this?"

Sean waved his hand, not caring.

"It's up to King Dwarf to decide whether it's successful or not. God King Odin shouldn't say anything. After all, I'm young."

The words "I'm young" vibrated back and forth in Thor's and Aitri's minds.


Odin is old, and even now some people in the Nine Realms are starting to challenge Asgard's majesty.

The dwarfs around were a little excited and a little scared.

To be honest, under the protection of Asgard, although they are protected from the harm of cosmic forces, the young people are more concerned about it.


Looking at dwarf Wang Aicui, as long as he speaks now, he can change the future of dwarf.

What can Thor say?

Aitui was silent for a moment, then raised his head: "Lord Sean, what can we get, and what do we need to pay?"

"For immortality, and... higher works, you only need to pay loyalty."

"A higher work?" Ai Cui was puzzled.

Sean nodded: "Your dwarf artifact creation is worthy of the name, very good, but have you ever thought about creating a world?"

"A world?"

Not only Ai Cui, but the dwarfs are even more ignorant. To create a world, how to create it?

Clearly, this is... alluring to dwarf.

But more, more like nonsense, if it wasn't because Sean said it, I'm afraid no one of them would believe it.

Too appalling and impractical.

"How do you prove it?" Aitui didn't believe it.

Sean touched Ai Tri's forehead with a finger, and released it after a moment.

"what have you done?"

"Let go of the dwarf king".

The dwarfs around were a little excited, for fear that Sean would be bad for Aitri, and he was very emotional, if it wasn't for Thor's prestige in the dwarf kingdom.

He reassured him, perhaps already fighting.

A minute later, dwarf Wang Aicui opened his eyes.

His eyes were full of horror and excitement.

Once this plan is successful, their dwarf will be the most powerful civilization building in the entire universe.

No one can beat that.

"See my God",

Kneeling down on one knee, seeing this scene, the surrounding dwarfs also knelt down despite some concerns.

Representing the future dwarf civilization, it will be Sean's subordinate force.

"Yes, I am very satisfied, spread the belief in my method! You will get what you want."

Aitri was happy, belief or something, that doesn't matter.

It's a pity that if Aitri knew that once he believed in Sean, he would be slowly influenced by him and couldn't betray him.

Probably cry.

Turning to look at Thor.

"You go back and tell your father, and say that if you Asgard have something to do in the future, you can ask me for a shot, and he will agree."

Thor shrugged, what could be done!

These dwarfs are pretty good with Sean too! At least no one dared to take action against them.

Sean's Faith power increases exponentially for each dwarf successful Faith.

The power of belief provided by a high-quality living body is far beyond what ordinary people can match.

ps: ...Thank you for your support! Thank you very much for your support. The ability is limited, and the author wants to write an article that no one can fault. I can only do my best to write it.

A thousand words, thank you for your support. .

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