Opening Six Maids

Chapter 237: Underworld wedding!

Chu Ci looked at the blood in the courtyard and asked aloud, "This is the scene of the crime?"

Xu Zhengxian nodded and said in a deep voice, "When the official arrived in the morning, the victim's body was piled up in the yard."

"The blood is flowing all over the floor!"

"Except for Song Tingfeng and his wife, the remaining thirteen people all died in this yard."

Chuci raised his foot and walked into the yard, his eyes patrolling around like eagles, trying to find clues about the murderer.

Xu Zheng shook his head before seeing it, and said aloud, "Don't waste your effort!"

"This yard is very'clean', there is no trace of a murderer, not even a footstep!"

As Xu Zhengxian said, Chuci did not see the slightest abnormality.

Turning his head to look at the drunk Taoist who was drinking, Chu Ci asked aloud, "Daoist, who is also a man who has fallen into the end of the world, do you have some comments?"

The drunk Taoist raised his head and took a sip of wine, then he laughed and said, "What opinion can the poor Tao have?"

"With you, the bronze medalist, here, it is not yet the turn of the poor to express their views on the merits of the case."

Xu Zhengxian suddenly looked at Chu Ci when he heard the words, and said with a shocked look, "Bronze Medal? Are you a Bronze Medal?!"

Chu Ci nodded, raised his hand and lifted the hem of the gown, revealing a bronze waistband.


Xu Zhengxian took a deep breath, and said, "It turned out that it was Master Yan in person!"

"The lower official mistakenly thought that the adult was a suspect of destroying the door, and I ask the adult to forgive me!"

Chu Ci waved his hand and said aloud, "You are not to blame for this incident. I didn't want to identify myself at first."

Xu Zhengxian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

"Thank you, sir!"

Chu Ci pointed to the closed wooden door in the courtyard with the word "Happy" and asked aloud, "Song Tingfeng and his wife died in this room?"

Xu Zhengxian nodded and replied, "Yes, this room is the place where Song Tingfeng held the marriage ceremony for his son."

"When the bodies of Song Tingfeng and his wife were found, they were sitting on the high hall, with horrified expressions on their faces!"

After thinking about Chuci for a moment, he walked towards the room, "Go in and take a look."


Chu Ci pushed open the closed wooden door and saw the situation in the house clearly.

The red curtains were hung everywhere, and the big red happy character was pasted on the wall facing the door. A pair of red candles had not burned out yet, and the flames were still faintly lit.

The two seats on the high hall were stained with blood stains. It seems that Song Tingfeng and his wife were killed here.

But what surprised Chuci was the red lacquer coffin placed in the house!

"Why is there a coffin here?"

Xu Zhengxian heard the words and explained aloud, "Because what is being held here is a dark marriage!"

"Song Tingfeng's son fell ill and died. He was not yet married before he died!"

"So Song Tingfeng found a woman who had just passed away and had a dark marriage with her son!"

"Nether marriages are all held at midnight, and there are two high halls after the wedding, and a coffin."

Xu Zhengxian pointed to the red lacquered coffin and said aloud, "In this coffin, the corpses of Song Tingfeng's son and daughter-in-law are placed!"

Hearing the words, Chu Ci nodded, and walked towards the coffin.

[Weird breath detected! 】

A voice abruptly sounded in Chu Ci's mind.

Um? !

Chuci was startled, and his footsteps stopped.

Looking at the red lacquered coffin in front of him with amazement, Chu Ci faintly perceives the truth of the case

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