Then, the student council president noticed that Kaguya-san was smiling slightly.

She already has a plan.

She came to be the president and named Su Yang as the vice president. Su Yang wanted Yukishita to join the student union.

Let Yukinoshita Yukino become an accountant.

Then he pulled Fujiwara Chika to the student council and became the secretary.

Then Ichinose-san was demoted to become a chores.


Su Yang, if you want to get a new woman, then I will bring your ex-girlfriend in.

Then watch your new woman with your old woman, how you suffer.

Think about it, it's exciting.

"Ichinose-san..." So Kaguya suddenly said, "What do you think about bringing Su Yang-san to the student council to become the vice president?"


Ichinose also paid attention. For her, it would be a good thing if Su Yang could join the student council and work together.

She felt that Su Yang was like the sun.

You can teach her a lot.

Moreover, I always felt that if Su Yang also joined the student union, he would be happy. Eight.

Chapter 393

Kaguya moved quickly.

As soon as the revenge plan in her heart appeared, she immediately took action.

"A special announcement is playing here."

"The last class of the afternoon is canceled."

"Please gather all the students in the gymnasium."

"There are important changes regarding appointments to the Student Union."

"Now the notification plays again—"

"The last class of the afternoon is canceled..."

The radio notification box in the class suddenly rang. And every class in the high school is playing the same message.

Have the students gather in the gym for the last class in the afternoon.

"this is……"

Su Yang returned to the class, and in the afternoon, Zhou Fangtianyin ran to his seat again. She put her hands on Su Yang's table and asked Su Yang curiously while listening to the radio.

"how could I know."

"Probably the student council president finally found his student council members. He has been in office for two weeks, isn't all the positions of various members still vacant." Su Yang said.

"Ah...I know this." Zhou Fangtianyin said, "Is it necessary to hold a rally just for the members to join? It's very exciting."

Who knows.

Su Yang also thought for a while. Could it be because Kaguya Shinomiya joined, so we need to announce it more formally?

But to gather all the students for Shinomiya Kaguya, wouldn't this increase the popularity of Shinomiya Kaguya?

The correct way is to post an announcement to inform students that Kaguya Shinomiya has become a member of the student council, such as the vice president.

So this approach is a bit strange.

"Ah... it's time for class-"

Zhou Fangtianyin looked at the time on the phone and immediately picked up the chair.

This person has become more extreme than before.

She asked for a chair from nowhere.

After class, he moved the chair to his seat, and then put the chair in the corner after class.

It is no longer necessary to borrow Touma-san's seat.

But then it became like she belonged exclusively to this place.

Su Yang didn't care about her too much.

Su Yang sent an email to the student council president.

[What do you want to do? ]


But it's a little strange, the second class in the afternoon has already started, but the student council president has not replied yet.

Su Yang looked to the right.

The girl with straight black hair sat there calmly and peacefully.

He seemed to be listening carefully to the teacher's class.

If you just look carefully, you can see that her skin is snow-white and clear, with a slight pink tinge.

She could feel the gaze constantly coming from the left side.

She didn't quite understand why Su Yang was looking at her.

And Su Yang did not pass small notes in class.


When the classmates were about to go to the gym, he stopped the black-haired girl beside him who was preparing to conform.

"Have you received any information from the student council president?"

Snow White stopped.


Her eyes widened slightly, a little silly.

Apparently, no message was received.


Su Yang said, "Then, pay attention to the meeting later, maybe the student council president will announce your appointment to the student council."

"So this is..."

Snow White became surprised. "School Su Yang's arrangement?"

"It can be said that entering the student union will learn something."

While talking, Su Yang noticed that some of the girls in the class were looking at him, so he stopped talking to Yukinoshita Yukino and walked into the crowd.


Xuenuo originally wanted to stop him, but gave up.

After reconciling with her sister, she was questioned for lack of talent.

She really needs to exercise herself.

So this opportunity should not be passed up.

After Xue Nai figured it out, she followed suit.



But before she walked out of the classroom door, a girl with an excessively sized figure stopped her.

"That, Yukinoshita-san~"

The other party's voice is sweet and has an approachable temperament.

This is

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