Su Yang will definitely not say what he thinks.

"Humph!~ He has a legend of killing a concubine, do you think the relationship is good?"

Athena said angrily.

Behind her, a thick pitch-black air was released. The space enveloped by this air will lose all light.

This is her power as a goddess of darkness. Fortunately, she only used her power in a small way this time...

"The snake of the dark and the earth, this is a little troublesome."

Perseus said something serious.

However, his expression was different from what he said, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"But fortunately, I still have a little bit of a knack for this... The ancient combat experience made me cut off the head of the gorgon, and all kinds of snakes are powerless in front of me!"

At the same time as the declaration, the eight serpents Athena had just created immediately turned to dust.

The darkness that poured out like smoke was also blown away.

"Is the word spirit of killing snakes? It seems to be the power obtained after defeating the goddess who is connected with the concubine's blood."

"If you mind, I can swear that I won't use this move in a fight with you. What do you think?"

In response to the goddess' dangerous look, the hero bowed his head respectfully.

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about it. Your concubine will make you regret your shameless words... Just that word spirit should eliminate your godhead. Although you accepted Zeus' will and sheltered you on the land of Greece You, you don't have that obligation anymore, so be conscious! Nephew"

Although there is a high possibility that this person was recruited by Su Yang, she is also her enemy.

However, the phenomenon caused by Perseus is somewhat similar to the effect of the golden sword, and it is probably the ability to eliminate or seal all the divine power related to the snake. .

Chapter 316

As if to fight the snake-killing word spirit, Athena's divine power exploded.

Now.......a very strange scene happened again.

It is a very unfavorable scene for Athena, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a scene of pitting her.

Whether it is the disobedient Sun Wukong or the disobedient Perseus, they are both gods of steel and enemies of the earth mother goddess.

However, he is also the enemy of the godslayer!

But after they appeared, they only pointed their finger at Athena, who had just recovered her body, and paid no attention to Su Yang's intentions.

Apart from the fact that he may have the will of the world to protect him, the biggest possibility is that they cannot see through the essence of Su Yang, the so-called god-killer.

Compared to this, it is better to focus more on the enemy in front of you.


Looking at the light that dispelled his darkness, Athena's snake pupil revealed a dangerous aura.

However, then there was a hint of playfulness in her eyes, as if she had thought of something interesting.

Facing the gaze of the goddess, Perseus also gradually approached in the direction of Athena.

Eye of Medusa?

Sorry, this move has no effect on him at 940.

"For you who used to be called Medusa, this name should be yearning for and unforgettable. It should be a pleasure to be able to experience the shame of defeat in this age of mythology, right?"

The corners of Perseus' mouth drew an extremely confident smile.

Mother Earth? witch? Or a beauty?

These together with the legends of defeating dragons and snakes and establishing meritorious deeds, aren't all the things that heroic gods should have?

Looking at this god who appeared again, everyone seemed to have noticed something.

Is the probability of the gods appearing by Yanghuang's side a little higher?

When I first appeared near Sardinia before, there seemed to be two pillars of gods there, and now there are two pillars?

Not to mention, I have encountered the goddess Sita, the goddess Lancelot, and the god Zugnivia before.

In the face of Perseus' fierce fighting intent, Athena just pursed her lips and smiled.

"Although the concubine also has the meaning of wanting to have a showdown with you, but at least your hero name, the concubine does not agree with it."

"Using the power obtained from the goddess and enslaving the earth, what level of hero is that?"

"Only godslayers who were born to kill and kill gods are heroes, and they are the so-called steel, right?"

Athena said slowly.

Her words made Su Yang feel a little bad.

"Oh roar?"

"Lord Goddess seems to have doubts about my existence?"

Perseus suppressed his fighting spirit a little.

Of course, with the suppression, there must be a more violent outbreak in the next round!

"That's right, what is the steel of disobedience? What the concubine recognizes is not the steel of disobedience, but the strongest steel!"

Athena looked in the direction of Su Yang.

Well, the so-called………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

If she did not recover the complete Trinity, she and Perseus would definitely be defeated.

Even after that, she can't guarantee that she will win, and it may pay a great price, and it is even possible to die together or be defeated.


Why not take a more appropriate approach?

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