, will be still thinking about what, all surrounded by the past.

As Annie and the other godslayers disappeared from this world, the outermost protective shield also melted away.

"The goddess named Fate..."

The last king at the top murmured, as if he was very familiar with the name.

The myths of gods and goddesses who control fate and time exist all over the world.

Cloto, Lachesis, Atropos in Greek mythology, Urda, Berdanti, and Shikoti in Norse mythology.

Most of them are the three sisters responsible for creation, maintenance, and destruction.

The most important thing is that there is the prototype of the goddess of fate in ancient India. Greece, Rome, Northern Europe, India….

Every region that has a goddess of time or fate in mythology—there is one obvious thing in common. .

Chapter 292

Those are the areas where the Indo-European languages ​​developed cultures. This myth originated in ancient India and spread through the Caucasus to Greece, southern Europe, central Europe, northern Europe, and even the most western British islands.

The god of time and destiny—this concept was spread all over the world by Indo-European languages.

The super ancient Indo-European language group invented and spread the prototype of the "Goddess of Time and Destiny" - and then similar images spread all over the world, even in places not directly related to the Indo-European language family.

This means that many people agree with this myth emotionally...

The reason why the last king is like this is also because the goddess of destiny guides and weaves destiny, and has an inextricable relationship with her.

He had to perform the mission of annihilating the Demon King, and also existed as a truth in the woven fate.

Although it sounds powerful, Su Yang didn't mean to let these people die.

Originally, she was an existence specializing in the control of a huge destiny, and fighting against godslayers—not something she was good at.

You can only summon the opponent in the fate of the godslayer to fight the godslayer again, so as long as you have the strength to defeat the enemy you have defeated in the past again at this time, you can achieve the fate of killing.


In the end, only a little golden starlight remained in the air.

"No choking......"

Lu Yinghua in the distance swallowed.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he understood that starting from today, the pattern of the world will undergo tremendous changes!

All the godslayers are gone!

All remaining magic societies will be headless.

That is to say......they will carry out a new round of profit distribution, and will compete for territory and resources again according to their existing strength, not according to the will of the previous godslayer.

Godslayers are like nuclear weapons. Generally, under the circumstance of nuclear deterrence, various forces will not criticize each other.

However, when this weapon miraculously disappeared overnight.

The momentary change of the situation will bring all the forces into chaos again.

"I think, the power in the world in the future......"

"I mean, if this world can still exist..."

"I'm afraid there is only one voice left?"

Erica's voice came over.

Erica reminded Lu Yinghua of one thing.

"Yes! ~woc!"

Lu Yinghua reacted instantly. Although all the godslayers were teleported away, isn't there still a Su Yang in the world?

For some reason, an idea popped into his mind - if Brother Su didn't want to bring back the godslayers, wouldn't the world always be up to him alone?

But....... this idea is just a flash. Judging from the state he has been getting along with Su Yang, Su Yang is not that ambitious.

To be more precise, he does not care about everything in the world, and acts according to his own will and so-called destiny.

And there is a premise for things to develop into this situation, that is, Su Yang will solve the current situation.

His eyesight has not yet reached the level where he can see the outcome of the battle between Su Yang and the war god.

"It seems that the godslayers are gone~ Is this your plan? But what's the point of this?"

Welleslaner asked with a frown.

He really didn't understand.

It's not clear, but he understands the gap between the two!

He didn't even think about it, this is a gap that he can't make up even if he is in the real world!

"Also, pulling me down should also be your plan, right?"

"You shouldn't be someone who pursues fighting against the strong. What exactly are you after?"

Welleslaner felt that perhaps the most incomprehensible thing in his life had happened to him.

"I don't think you need to know this..."

Su Yang said with a smile.

Then, he started the program on the circle of usurpation.


Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spit out from Welleslana's mouth, and the whole person's breath and divine power became wilted!

"This is..


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