Ji is a person who will hurt others, but his purpose is only to make Xia Yin happy.

Luo and Beatrice supported him in researching simulated angels in order to sell them for money, and he....... just wanted to make Xia Yin an angel.

"Perhaps......the only way to comfort my sister who has left this world."

Yase Kensheng added.

Yes, her sister is also one of his knots.

Only by giving Xia Yin the highest happiness can she fulfill her, and at the same time, his long-cherished wish.

"No, Father, this is not my will. I don't want to be an angel created by Father."

Xia Yin said softly.


Although Xia Yin was only a short sentence, it was enough to cause an earthquake in the heart of Yase Xiansheng.

Because...... Xia Yin had never revealed her heart to him before, she had always just endured it silently and smiled silently. .

Chapter 211

"Father, becoming the simulated angel you created is not what I want."

Xia Yin repeated it again.

"Why? Why don't you want to be an angel?"

Yase Xiansheng asked in disbelief.

"Didn't you always go to church to pray devoutly before? Isn't your wish to be favored by the gods?!"

Every time he could see that Xia Yin was praying, with a smile like a real saint.

Such a Xia Yin....... The most natural place to go, isn't it to become an angel?

"Well, maybe I do hope to get the protection of the gods, but what I want most... is everyone."

"Everyone who is with me now, everything I have now, is what makes me happiest."

Xia Yin understood her father's thoughts and showed a sad smile.

However, she still said what she wanted to say.

"No, what kind of happiness can you get with such a mortal?"

"Isn't the highest happiness not served in the presence of the gods?"

"The almighty God can eliminate all sorrows. He is the Lord of all things. Don't you want to serve Xia Yin before God?"

Yase Xiansheng stretched his body exaggeratedly towards both sides, wanting Xia Yin to understand his painstaking efforts.

"However, why can you judge something that no one has ever seen? Could it be that you have seen a real god, Father?"

"I prefer to cherish the happiness in front of me rather than the happiness that is far away."

Xia Yin said while holding the cross.

"Really? That's what you think..."

"Why? Why pursue what is in front of you? Shouldn't human beings always pursue deeper unknowns and higher experiences?"

Yase Xiansheng said with the mentality of a scientist.

"No, Father, I'm just an ordinary person, and it is the most down-to-earth to protect the things in front of me."

"I feel very happy now, and that's enough."

Xia Yin looked into Yase Xiansheng's eyes and said.

"Xia Yin...... This kind of happiness is only inferior happiness compared to becoming an angel."


When Yase Xiansheng was about to publish another long speech, Yase Natsuon interrupted him.

This is a move that Xia Yin would never do normally, and it also temporarily made Yase Xiansheng stunned in place.

"Being an angel is the highest happiness that my father thinks, so as long as I have become an angel, my father will not interfere any more, right? Can such experiments be stopped?"

Xia Yin's hand holding the cross tightened again.

She remembered what Brother Yang said.

Sure enough, it was very difficult to convince her father.

"Xia Yin, what exactly do you mean? Are you willing to cooperate with my experiment? That's really...that's really good..."

Just when Yase Xiansheng showed an expression of extreme joy, Yase Natsuyin gave him an answer that he never expected.

"Father, you don't have to worry about me anymore~ Because...... I have become an angel now."

The cross in Xia Yin's hands emitted a divine light.

Just looking at this light, Yase Xiansheng has a feeling that everything he sees is happiness, everything is sacred, and everything is a gift from the Lord.

"Have already become an angel? Xia Yin, don't joke with me. If you want to become a real angel, you have to cooperate with me."

"Don't worry, I will definitely make you an angel."

Yase Xiansheng once again showed that pious and hot look.

"No, my lord, your daughter has the happiness you want her to have."

Xia Yin showed a Virgin-like smile.

"What I want! What I want is not what you are now!"

Yase Xiansheng said halfway through

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