Opening Check-In: Back To Ten Years Ago As a Surgeon

Chapter 23: for free! Just drive away!

Obviously, Mr. Ye is the owner of the 4S store.

And this boss seems to know Wu Yuan! It looks quite familiar.

what 's wrong?

If you go into any 4S store, Wu Yuan can meet acquaintances, which is too coincidental!

Wu Yuhao couldn't help but leaned over: "Brother, do you know the boss here? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Wu Yuan replied helplessly: "Nonsense! How did I know? I didn't even know she was the boss."

Wu Yuhao: "How did you know her? You two are not..."

Wu Yuan gave Wu Yuhao a punch: "Don't talk nonsense, where are you from? She is one of my patients."

Wu Yuhao: "You cured her?"

Wu Yuan: "Yes, or else? If she can't be cured, she won't be able to cut me with a knife!"

With Ye Ziping's violent temper, if she really wants to make her dissatisfied, it is entirely possible that she will do this to Wu Yuan.

When Wu Yuhao and Wu Yuan were talking, the mother and daughter Gao Jiangmei and Liu Ying were muttering behind them.

Gao Jiangmei: "This boss is so familiar with his brother? What's the situation?"

Liu Ying: "How do I know, Mom, don't talk nonsense and make people laugh!"

Gao Jiangmei: "Where is your daughter from? Why are your elbows twisted out!?"

While talking, everyone came to the so-called reception room.

The salesperson poured a few cups of coffee on the coffee table according to the number of people, and said, "Everyone, please sit down and wait for a while, Mr. Ye will be here soon."

Wu Yuan nodded: "Okay, hard work."

Together with the sales staff, everyone began to visit here.

This lounge is really quite big, there must be two or three hundred square meters.

The interior decoration is really good, and there are a lot of entertainment equipment.

Not to mention sofas, large LCD TVs, electric massage chairs and game consoles.

In addition, here, drinks and snacks are also full, and you can take them at will.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Gao Jiangmei couldn't help but admire: "The service here is quite attentive."

Come here, just wait.

Wu Yuan also sat down, taking time to relax and relax.

Wu Yuhao whispered to Wu Yuan: "Brother, do you think this boss Ye will give us something cheaper?"

Wu Yuan waved his hand: "Let's talk about it when the time comes, don't think too much."

Actually, Wu Yuan also guessed so.

Since they are acquaintances, they will give some face and be cheaper.

It's hard to say how much cheaper it can be.

After a while, Ye Ziping walked in: "Doctor Wu, I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting for a long time."

Wu Yuan hurriedly said, "Sister Ye, don't say that. We just came in. Besides, you have everything to eat and drink, so it's comfortable to stay here."

Ye Ziping: "Doctor Wu, how can you speak so well!"

Ye Ziping sat opposite Wu Yuan and said a few polite words to him.

Wu Yuhao and the other three were completely speechless.

Speaking of which, Ye Ziping really deserves to be a rich person, or a boss, her aura is not comparable to that of ordinary people. With the image of a strong woman, she is completely different from the hospital.

Anyway, Wu Yuan lived ten more years, and now he is next to the system. He is very confident, and he is more and more confident. When talking to Ye Ziping, he will come and go, and he will not fall behind.

After a few words, Ye Ziping started talking: "Doctor Wu, have you seen the car?"

Wu Yuan pointed at Wu Yuhao and replied, "It's not that I want to buy a car, it's them, this is my cousin."

Ye Ziping said "Oh" and said to Wu Yuhao, "Have you made your choice? I saw you guys looking at the Tiguan prototype just now."

Wu Yuhao said honestly: "Hey, it's pretty good, very stylish."

Ye Ziping: "Yes, the Tiguan is one of the best models in our store. You have a good eye."

Wu Yuhao replied embarrassedly, "It's just too expensive, I can't bear it."

Ye Ziping waved her hand: "What is expensive or not, it's hard to say? You can choose whichever you choose, no money!"


Just as Wu Yuan drank the tea in his mouth, he almost sprayed it on the coffee table.

Wu Yuhao, Liu Ying, and Gao Jiangmei were even more stunned, dumbfounded. They were all dumbfounded.

What's going on?

for free! ?

Why does this lady boss send the car if she doesn't agree?

The one who was most surprised was Wu Yuan.

Didn't he just sew a few stitches on Ye Ziping's arm, why did he receive such a big gift?

Ye Ziping doesn't know how to be funny, right?

That car is more than 200,000 yuan!

Ye Ziping: "You're Dr. Wu's cousin, and that's not an outsider. You're welcome."

Damn it!

What logic is this?

It's incredible!

Wu Yuhao opened his mouth and was speechless.

Wu Yuan quickly said, "Sister Ye, stop joking!"

Ye Ziping: "Who is joking with you? I mean it!"

Wu Yuan: "You can just give a discount. It's good if it's a little cheaper. It's too much to give it away for free. If you dare to give it away, we don't dare to ask for it! Isn't it? Xiaohao."

Wu Yuhao could only nod his head.

For him, of course, it's best to give it away for free. Who wouldn't want to go whoring for But he also thinks it's impossible.

Ye Ziping: "That's fine, just give 20,000 yuan! Drive away!"

Wu Yuan rolled his eyes and stood up: "Sister Ye, if you say that again, we can leave!"

Ye Ziping hurriedly stopped Wu Yuan. Seeing Wu Yuan's persistence, it was no longer so exaggerated.

In the end, Ye Ziping waved her hand and gave Wu Yuhao another 50,000 soft sister coins.

50,000 yuan, including the 20,000 yuan discount given earlier, this is a reduction of 70,000 yuan directly from the guide price of the car.

If Wu Yuhao buys the beggar version, he can control the price of the car within 150,000 soft sister coins.

150,000 to buy a Tiguan.

In this era, it is simply a fantasy.

Even the most unscrupulous novelist can't write like this.

The price of a car of 150,000 is still a bit expensive for Wu Yuhao, but as soon as this kid stretched his neck and stared at it, the decision was made.

Besides, Ye Ziping was really interesting, and even wiped off all the miscellaneous expenses, and even reimbursed part of the purchase tax.

What else is there to say, let's just sign the car purchase contract.

Wu Yuhao spent hundreds of thousands of soft sister coins, almost to the point where he lost his pants, but he was still excited.

In this way, it's not much more expensive than Tokuhara-lang. Now the business is in a good state. If I go back to eat pickled vegetables for two months, I will recover.

I have to say, if Wu Yuan wasn't there today, Wu Yuhao would have to carry a Volkswagen car, Tokuhara Lang.

History also develops like this.

But now it is completely different. The shotgun has been replaced by the gun. The original Tokuhara Lang has been directly upgraded to the famous Tiguan, and the economical sedan has been replaced by an urban SUV.

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