Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 187: Xianyunjushi

In the camp, Ma Tongtong was writing something in a notebook, and he was very focused. No one was found near the camp of the archeological team at all.

"Dr. Ma." Ning Tao greeted him, and he walked towards Ma Tongtong next to the campfire.

Ma Tongtong was startled, grabbed an engineer shovel next to him, and his eyes moved in the direction of the sound, but she only saw two vague figures coming towards her, she couldn't see them at all. Clearly come the person's face. She was suddenly nervous, and waved the engineering shovel. "You, who are you? Stand still!"

"Indecent and nervous, it's me, Ning Tao, do you still remember me?" Ning Tao had already reached the area shrouded by fire when he spoke. The light shone on his face, and the corner of his mouth smiled slightly.

Ma Tongtong then saw Ning Tao's face clearly. She immediately relaxed and exhaled a long breath. "Frighten me ... Dr. Ning, why are you here?"

At this time, Jane also walked into the area shrouded in flames and said, "Hello Dr. Ma, I brought Brother Ning here. We are here to collect medicine."

Ma Tongtong pouted and smiled, "It turns out that, Dr. Ning, I think this Shennongjia has become your medicine field."

"Dr. Ma, why are you alone?" Ning Tao asked.

Ma Tongtong said: "They are all sleeping in the tent. I should be on guard at the moment, and then you startle me." She said, "Sit down, sit down and talk, I originally wanted to call you , But there is no signal in this place. "

Ning Tao moved in her heart and walked over, "Have you borrowed that book?"

Ma Tongtong said: "I borrowed it, but it is a very precious ancient book. I can't bring it out for you to see, but I took some photos and you can take a look."

Ning Tao sat next to Ma Tongtong and took her mobile phone to check her photo album.

The first photo is the complete book of Biography of Yin and Yang. The book in the photo is a bound book with yellowish colors and severely worn corners. The cover also contains the author's name, Xianyunjushi.

"Xian Yunjushi?" Ning Tao had no impression at all.

Ma Tongtong said: "Probably a downcast scholar, there is no record in history."

Ning Tao flipped through the first photo, and the second photo was the body of "Yinyue Biography": Daqian World. I heard that there are Yinyue people in Shennongjia. They use clouds as mines, smelt secret gold, and speak God's word. I was fascinated and made the journey in eight years in Zhengde. It took me more than a year to reach the Emperor Yanmu. There are indigenous guides. After several twists and turns, I finally came to Yinyue City. However, the city was ruined, with so many devastations, that there was no moonlight ...

"Which year was Zhengde's eight years?" After all, Ning Tao was not a major in history. This kind of detailed knowledge of the emperor's year and year made him a little bit embarrassed.

Ma Tongtong said: "Zhengde is the tenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Houzhao. From 1506 to 1521, Xianyun Jushi said that he set off in eight years in Zhengde and it took one year to find Yinyue City, which is 4 years."

Ning Tao then turned to read, and the following content is the author Xianyun Jushi's description of Yinyue City: shrouded in mist, and the whole city does not see sunlight. There is an altar in the city. My heart is timid, and I suspect hell. Surprised and perplexed, a woman in red loomed in the fog, looking up, looking forward to daylight. I chase and disappear. There are big-footed giants, holding stones, sometimes roaring, sometimes jumping and playing ...

Seeing this, Ning Tao's heartbeat accelerated significantly.

Although he hasn't been to any Yinyue City, he has seen the "red woman" and "bigfoot monster" with his own eyes. With the words in a biography alone, the archeological team could not judge whether a "woman in red" actually existed five hundred years ago, but she has appeared in his sight several times! As for the "bigfoot monster", isn't that the savage of Shennongjia? He even played against the savages of Shennongjia and was hunted down by a large group of savages!

A lightning flashed in his mind, and Ning Tao's heart seemed to have opened a window. "The mist is covering the sky, but there is no sunlight. Is that mysterious Yinyue City in the abyss valley?"

"Dr. Ning, what are you thinking?" Ma Tongtong noticed a change in Ning Tao's look.

Ning Tao just put away his thoughts. He almost wanted to tell her what he thought, but he thought of it again and then he dispelled it. If he told her, he would tell the archeological team that this archeological team might go to the abyss canyon at dawn. There was a savage guarded by Shennongjia in that canyon. Both he and Qingzhui had only escaped. This archeological team went to be killed by the regiment!

What's more, this is just his conjecture, and it is related to the woman in red. How can he open the mouth before investigating it clearly?

"Huh?" Ma Tongtong bent his head, a little playful.

Ning Tao had already made up his mind. He said, "Looking at these photos reminds me of a text I read after an hour, Tao Yuanming's" The Story of a Peach Blossom, "but this one is even more strange and mysterious. Did Biography look here for three years? "

Ma Tongtong said: "Of course not only these, but this biography is the most detailed description. Previously, records of the Yinyue people were also found in a Warring States tomb, but the content was pitifully small."

"So, it seems that there are really some moon people and their cities, but ..." Ning Tao stopped and did not continue.

Ma Tongtong smiled bitterly, "But we can't find it?" She sighed again, "Three years, if you try hard to do a good thing in three years, but the result is nothing, the feeling will not feel good . To tell you the truth, this is our last chance. If we fail again this time, we will not be funded again, and this team will be dissolved. "

"How long will you stay this time?"

"One month, the last month. Captain Ji said that if this month still can't find Yinyue City or valuable clues, this team will dissolve and go back to each house." Ma Tongtong said.

Ning Tao secretly said, "I have one month left, and I don't have to rush to tell her the truth. After Zhu Hongqin's affairs have been dealt with, I will come back and go to the abyss canyon to see for myself. And I decide what to do. "

There is another reason why he cannot speak now, and that is the Shennongjia Savage. The abyss canyon can be said to be the best place for the savages of Shennongjia. If he told the archeological team, he would be telling the national strength. At that time, even the last savage of Shennongjia would be lost. The savage of Shennongjia is a miraculous life, and he has no right to do so.

"Dr. Ning, you also looked at the photos. Do you have any opinion?" Ma Tongtong looked at Ning Tao with anticipation.

Ning Tao said: "I am a medical student and know nothing about archeological matters. I believe that the Yinyue people and Yinyue city exist, but thousands of years have passed, and there is nothing left that is impossible. Sure thing. So, I've been busy for a while and I'm here to find you again, maybe we can explore together. "

Two dimples emerged from the corners of Ma Tongtong's mouth. "Okay, I look forward to your joining." After a pause, she said, "Doctor Ning, wait here, I will call the discipline team and get up, see You, they will be very happy. "

Ning Tao said quickly: "No, let them rest, or you can return to your tent to rest, I will stand for you."

Ma Tongtong said, "How can that be? Or I'll be with you, let's talk."

"Okay, talk to me about the Moonmoon, and their cloud ore. What information have you collected about the cloudmoon of the Moonmoon?"

"I've collected some, but they are all vague descriptions, but one of them left a deep impression on me. It said that cloud ore is pure as jade, but soft and fluffy, with almost no weight ..."

Jane fell asleep beside the campfire.

Ma Tongtong didn't call the successor, and he had a chatter with Ning Tao. In addition to the civilization and legends of Ning Tao's Yinyue people, she also asked about Ning Tao. Ning Tao avoids the importance and ignores it. If he can talk, he talks. If he can't talk, he copes.

Before dawn, the sky in the east appeared a line of white fish belly, and then the golden sun spread from the horizon to the whole world, and there was no darkness there.

"I didn't expect us to talk all night." Ma Tongtong's spirit was still good, and he didn't look tired at all.

Ning Tao reached out to Ma Tongtong. "Thank you, Dr. Ma, for a night's chat with me."

Ma Tongtong generously shook hands with Ning Tao and said with a smile: "I should thank you. I haven't talked like this for years. By the way, I'll call the discipline team and they will The child should wake up. "

Ning Tao said, "No more, I have to go and collect medicine."

Ma Tongtong said disappointedly: "Aren't you staying with us for breakfast? Otherwise, I'll make breakfast now."

"I really don't need it. I'm in a hurry. Let's go, goodbye." Ning Tao said just leave.

Jian Mi also said goodbye to Ma Tongtong, and followed Ning Tao's footsteps.

As soon as Ning Tao and Jian Mi left, Ji Wengui and Yang Chen got out of a tent.

"Pony, I just heard you talking to someone, who are you talking to?" Ji Wengui looked around, but didn't see anyone.

Yang Chen yawned, "Tongtong, say you keep the middle of the night, I keep the middle of the night, why don't you call me?"

Ma Tongtong said: "Dr. Ning has come."

Ji Wengui and Yang Chen stunned for a moment, almost speaking in unison, "Where is Dr. Ning?"

Ma Tongtong's expression on his face was lost. "He's gone, he said he went to collect medicine."

Ji Wengui was silent for a while before saying, "What a strange man."

There is a strange smile on the corner of Ma Tongtong's mouth ~ ~ Yeah, very strange person. "

In the forest, in the state of smelling, Ning Tao's medicine collection is equivalent to carrying a radar dedicated to medicine collection. With his body as the center, the medicinal materials within a radius of 1,000 meters are all under his control. What do he want? The medicinal materials are collected one by one.

Ning Tao taught me to identify those medicinal herbs while collecting medicine.

At noon the next day, the two returned to Woyun Village and returned with a full load.

In almost two days, Ning Tao not only collected the medicinal materials needed in Xindanfang, but also collected many rare medicinal materials. Although those precious medicinal materials are temporarily unavailable, it is of great value to keep them in reserve.

In the afternoon, Ning Tao left Woyun Village with the processed herbs, opened the blood lock, and returned to the Tianwai Clinic.

What is the effect of the refined ancestral ancestral dandan after the new fangs of ancestral dandan are added?

He didn't know it himself. (https :)

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