Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 149: Abyss attack

Two hours and 27 minutes, a special locomotive, three people who did not fear death crossed the boundary of Wushan and reached the boundary of Shennongjia.

The rolling hills and vast virgin forests spread out in the field of vision. After parting with Yin Molan, Ning Tao and Qing chased into a mountain forest, and the journey of collecting medicine began.

Legend has it that Emperor Yannong came here to collect medicine, because he could not climb the cliffs, so he set up 36 ladders and climbed the cliff to collect medicine. Since then, it has been called Shennongjia. The thousand peaks of Shennongjia are steep, and the mountains are deep. It is known as the "Chinese Ridge". It is rich in plants and animals and is a natural "medicine storehouse".

There are many unsolved mysteries in Shennongjia, the most famous of which are savages and water monsters. The savage was also called a snowman or a bigfoot, and there were thousands of reports of savages found, but so far no one has been captured to prove the authenticity of those reports.

Followed by the water monster, but no one has seen it.

Entering Shennongjia, Ning Tao could not help thinking of these legends and stories about Shennongjia. Before, he would never believe in the existence of savages and water monsters, but now he somewhat believes that those legends are true. All practitioners exist, what's so strange about the existence of savages and monsters?

There is no road in the mountain forest, and the rotten leaves are covered with a thick layer, and one foot can drown the instep. Ning Tao and Qing Zhui traveled very slowly, but after entering Shennongjia, Ning Tao did not pursue speed. During the walk, he awakened the smell of the nose, while walking, searching for the needed medicinal materials by the smell.

Thousands of smells poured into Ning Tao's nostrils, and there were no less than a hundred of them! He was so excited by this discovery that it really is a natural medicinal library! In less than an hour, he found two kinds of medicinal materials needed for refining the primary prescription Dan, a natural wild ginseng, and a serrated grass.

Just walking and sniffing, the two gradually penetrated into the virgin forest. The way of coming is already unrecognizable, but you don't need to remember the way of coming. If you want to go back, a blood lock can solve the problem.

A cliff appeared in front of it, at least a thousand meters high, with clouds covering the fog and no full view. Next to the cliff is an abyss, and there is a thick mist underneath, and nothing can be seen below.

No way.

"Brother Ning, otherwise we'll just rest here and pick up the medicine tomorrow morning." Qing Zhui said, she yawned. Along the way, her tight bodybuilding clothing was cut through a lot of places, revealing several white snow skin, it was a silent temptation.

Fortunately, Ning Tao has become accustomed to such a moth, and has not been affected much. He nodded and then unloaded his equipment.

"Brother Ning, I'm going to make it easier. You can't peek." Qing Zhui looked at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao glared at her.

Qing Zhui shrugged his shoulders. "When I said nothing, I went to pick up firewood."

"Go." Ning Tao said, after Qing Zun left, he opened the small medicine box, took out the earthen owl, and injected thirty milliliters of ink into the urn.

When you come to a place like Shennongjia to collect medicine, how can you not bring such a treasure as Xuntu. He wanted not only the herbs needed to make the primary prescription dan, but also the spiritual soil. In his heart, there has always been a desire to be a true landlord, not only to be self-sufficient, but also to sell money after the scale goes in the future.

As soon as thirty milliliters of ink was poured into the earthen owl, the ink rippled, and all the ripples pointed to the abyss under the cliff.

There really is a spiritual land here!

This situation is not unexpected. Shennongjia is a genuine virgin forest without human pollution. It also maintains the original ecological environment. There are reikis in some special environments. It is also normal for relics to produce natural treasures.

Ning Tao leaned to the edge of the cliff, looked up to the abyss under the cliff, and secretly said, "The environment here is similar to that of the Rift Valley in the Forbidden City of Tangmen. There is spiritual soil below. I wonder if there is a Spirit Valley? Then, I moved back to Jiange Dongfu and planted it. I will harvest millet in the future. "

Then suddenly an exclaimed voice came from behind.

Ning Tao's heart was tight, and he turned around and said aloud, "Qing chase, what's wrong?"

Qing Zhui's voice came from the mountain forest. "Brother Ning, the poisonous snake bit my leg, come and save me!"

Ning Tao instinctively ran towards the mountain forest where Qing Zhui was, but he stopped without two steps. No, what snake can poison her? He was not curious and said, "Don't make trouble, I found the spiritual soil, we go down to dig."

Qing Zhui came out from behind a row of trees, looking upset, "Can't you cooperate with me? It's boring."

Ning Tao was too lazy to care for her. He stuck the hook of the medicinal rope into the rock, and then grasped the rope and slid down the abyss.

The abyss under the cliff is at least more than 300 meters. The medicinal rope can be lowered more than 300 meters. Until Ning Tao's feet stood on the ground, it stopped stretching.

Ning Tao couldn't use the instruments like the machete, but the instruments from the Tianwai Clinic could be used normally.

The dense fog at the bottom of the abyss is diffuse, and the visibility is only about one meter. The ink ripples in the seeker's salamander pointed forward, and there was a thick fog there, and it was impossible to see what was there.

Qing chased out her long tongue, trembling a few times, and suddenly said, "There is aura here!"

"Walk, the spiritual soil is ahead, let's go and see." Ning Tao walked forward holding the seeker, because he didn't walk fast because of low visibility. Such an abyss, the ground is wet and muddy, and accidentally falls into the swamp, so you have to be careful. During the walking, he also awakened the state of smelling nose, and used his nose to assist the lack of vision.

After a while, Lingtu has not been found, but Ning Tao has accidentally found several medicinal materials for refining the primary prescription Dan. He also discovered a rule that the easier it is to produce spiritual materials in places where there is aura, some ordinary medicinal materials will become precious spiritual materials after being immersed in the aura over the years. The so-called near Zhu is red and the black is black, so it is normal for the near spirit to be spiritual.

The sky was getting brighter, and the visibility in the abyss canyon had improved a few meters. A quagmire appeared in front of Ning Tao and Qing Zhui, and the ripples of ink in the seeker's urn collapsed down like a bottomless black hole in the urn. This situation has given an important reminder that the spiritual soil is in the mud.

There is no spirit valley in the quagmire, but there is a white lotus flower. Its lotus leaves are pure and flawless, and its stems and flowers are pure and flawless. There is a holy light in this dim environment, in this dirty environment. It was a sacred and magical existence in the dirty black mud.

Ning Tao's mind suddenly emerged an illustration and related description in the outline of the spiritual material, saying blurtly: "Holy lotus, that is the legendary white jade holy lotus!"

The white jade sacred lotus, a treasure among the spiritual materials of the ancient period, has the magical effect of purifying the impurities of the body and the thoughts of the soul. Sitting in the lotus training is of great benefit. It can purify the impact of training on the body and soul, and keep people in a state of "exercise right" to avoid going into the magic. In addition, it is also the best spiritual material for refining elixir. The quality of elixir refining with elixir such as Baiyu Shenglian will be much higher than that without adding. More importantly, it can also be added to it. The "Elixir" guarantee is added to your elixir.

In short, it is the "right" spirit.

"Xunzu Dan's Dan Fang is not complete, but will this white jade lotus be a complete spiritual masterpiece of Xun Zu Dan Dan Fang? Regardless, dig it back and say it again." Ning Tao thought to himself Then, he said, "Qing Zhui, work."


As soon as his words fell, a figure of Bai Shengsheng had plunged into the mire. He glanced aside and glanced at him, then saw the tight-fitting bodysuit Qing Qing chased off the ground. Just as he identified the Baiyu Shenglian in the pond and imagined what he could do with it, Qingzhui was ready to dig the soil.

Entering the quagmire, Qing Zhui's body went into a monster state, and a huge green scale snake tail shot in the quagmire, her body dived into the quagmire.

But when Ning Tao stared closely at Baiyu Shenglian in the quagmire, expecting it to appear in the picture of the quagmire, a sudden wind rang.

Ning Tao looked up suddenly, a dark shadow had already hit him head on, that speed is as fast as a meteor! His brain had just given a command to dodge, and a big furry foot was already in his chest.


Ning Tao's body flew up ~ ~ The shell usually hit the stone wall, and then fell to the ground.

The dark shadow leaped up. At a height of more than ten meters, the boulder generally fell down, and a pair of big feet stepped on Ning Tao's back again.


Ning Tao exhaled a spit of blood, that is, this spit of blood released the impact of some internal organs. If he hadn't practiced casually in the elementary introductory practice boxing and had a spiritual airbag body guard, he would have been stepped into a piece of persimmon by the other two violent attacks.

Heiying thought that Ning Tao was dead. He came down from Ning Tao's back and kicked Ning Tao's abdomen gently. Its intention is probably to turn Ning Tao over, but it also has a terrifying power. Ning Tao's body flew up again and hit the stone wall behind him.

However, this time Ning Tao did not fall to the ground, the moment his back hit the stone wall, his legs kicked on the stone wall, his body like an arrow pierced into the shadow. In that process, his right hand had already taken the hatchet from the belt, and chopped it according to the shadow of the head.

It was also in this opportunity for the Jedi to fight back that he finally saw what the guy who attacked him was, and at this sight, the hairs of his whole body stood upside down!

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