Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 144: Ghost upper body

"Don't shoot!" Someone shouted, "I'm Dongzi, I don't have a gun in my hand!"

Bang, bang, bang ...

The gun rang, and the man who claimed to be Dongzi did not make any more noise.

At the gate, a few special forces guards looked so cold that they blocked the gate. The muzzle of an assault rifle of one of the special forces guards was still emitting smoke. Apparently he fired on his comrades, but there was no trace of guilt in his eyes.

Behind a palm tree, Ning Tao leaned his head, and he witnessed the entire shooting process. In his line of sight, the advanced weather fields of several special forces guards blocking the laboratory gates clearly appeared in his field of vision. This is the "look". He was suddenly taken aback. The advanced weather field of the several special forces guards was very weak, and there were entangled enchantments among them.

Ning Tao's first reaction was that the special forces guards became monsters, but after careful observation, he found that it was not the case. The enchantments of those special forces were not generated by themselves, but were intruded into their bodies by some means, and the enchantments affected their brains.

Folks have had stories about the upper body of ghosts since ancient times, but that is a story after all, but in front of them is the real "ghost upper body"!

The gate was blocked, and several heavily armed special forces guards stood there. Ning Tao did not dare to pass by. Although his unbreakable fan can block bullets, it is also shot with several assault rifles in the face of a single opponent and close range. Unless he can play the fan at the speed of a five-speed electric fan, he will also Shot into a sieve.

Ning Tao looked back and sneaked along the corner.

The back door was also blocked by several heavily armed special forces guards. The situation on them was the same as that of the front door. There was also a wicked invasion in their heads. They didn't know what they were doing.

Bang bang ...

There were sudden gunshots and roaring noises inside the laboratory.

Anxious in his heart, Ning Tao shifted to a corner, grabbed the drainage pipe and climbed to the roof of Wentianlou.

On the roof, a special forces guard lying next to the daughter's wall suddenly moved over, followed by turning the muzzle, and pulled the trigger against Ning Tao who had just climbed up to the roof.

Bang Bang!

Ning Tao opened the unbreakable fan the moment he adjusted his muzzle, locked the direction of the muzzle, and three bullets hit the fan's surface that said "unbreakable" at that instant.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Three bullets fell on the cement floor, but none of them were deformed. The unbreakable fan had an unexplainable toughness, and it cost four or two pounds.

However, Ning Tao did not dare to entrust him. After three bullets, he flew and hid behind an air conditioner. He had just hid it, and a bullet hit the ground where he had just left without a rule. After some distance, he did not dare to challenge an irrational special soldier. God knows how he will shoot the next shot and where!

Bang bang ...

The bullets hit the air conditioner, the air conditioner trembled, and the casing quickly deformed and shattered.

Ning Tao squatted behind the air conditioner and did not dare to move, but in her heart she counted the number of shots.

Click, click!

The assault rifle of the special forces guard suddenly heard the sound of a shot down, and his assault rifle was out of bullets.

It's now!

Ning Tao suddenly rushed out from the back of the air conditioner. The stored legs were several meters away. It felt like there was a fast-moving elevator under his feet, flying in the void!

There is a ladder under your feet!

He had practiced hard for more than ten days without any success. At the critical moment of life and death, the potential was exciting. He actually did it! There is another very important reason, that is, his Nirumaru has been upgraded to version 20!

At a distance of almost thirty meters, Ning Tao was thrown behind him within three seconds. The machete in his hand was also raised, and it was cut according to the head of the special forces guard.

The special forces guard witnessed this incredible running speed, but he didn't show any slight surprise, even when he saw Ning Tao slashing his hatchet to his head, and he didn't show any slight fear and nervousness. There was still a discreet digging of the magazine from the armed belt, ready to replace his assault rifle.


Ning Tao's hatchet fell on the head of the special forces guard, but he did not use the blade, but the back of the blade.

The special forces guard's head was stunned and fainted until he collapsed to the ground. He did not replace the assault rifle's magazine.

The special forces guard was just shooting him with an assault rifle and wanted to put him to death, but he had no intention of killing the other side from the beginning, because he knew that the other side had only been "ghost up".

After the special forces guards controlling the commanding heights were settled, Ning Tao quickly moved to the roof window. It was a "mouth-shaped" beveled window. The right stainless steel bracket and tempered glass made it very strong, and the hammer couldn't break it.

The location of the skylight is the large experimental area of ​​the laboratory. Ning Tao saw the situation in the laboratory at a glance.

Bullets flew around in the laboratory, experimental equipment and office equipment were shattered, fragments were flying randomly, and a mess. The two sides at war are not the special forces team outside and the special forces guards guarding here, but they are fighting each other!

A familiar figure suddenly came into Ning Tao's sight. She had short hair, lying on the ground with a metal experimental table as a cover, and occasionally probed an assault rifle in her hand to shoot. Around her, scattered pieces of mobile phones.

That's her cell phone.

On the opposite side, a large group of special forces guards approached each other with several metal experimental tables.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Grenade! Be careful!"

A grenade flew from the air to Jiang Hao's position and fell beside Jiang Hao's bunker.

Jiang Hao rolled over and hid under another metal experimental table by his body's inertia.


The grenade exploded, shrapnel fired, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

Although the explosion did not kill Jiang, her body was hit by shrapnel and bloody. The explosion's shock wave also stunned her and several special forces guards around her, losing her combat effectiveness.

The "ghost upper body" special forces guard continued to push the horizontal metal experimental table to Jiang Hao's position, pressing it step by step!

"Are you crazy? We are comrades!" Roared a special forces guard in Jiang Hao's camp, and then he called Jiang Hao, "Jiang team? Jiang team?"

Jiang Hao shook her head hard, but still couldn't get out of the dizziness.

Ning Tao was anxious, but the more urgent he was, the calmer he was. If he breaks the window at this time, the only role he can play is the target, which will be shot into a sieve in one second!

He has to wait, waiting for a surprising chance to win!

In the laboratory, the "special upper body" special forces quickly advanced to the skylight position.

Bang bang ...

Bullets flew from their assault rifles, suppressing fire.

A special forces guard suddenly stood up, turned around and ran to Lin Qinghua's office at the end of the laboratory, but before he took the third step, a bullet hit his back and knocked him to the ground.

Ning Tao suddenly broke into the tempered glass of the sunroof with a hatchet!


The hatchet weapon can even cut the armor of the tank, not to mention the toughened glass. This knife split, and the tempered glass shattered suddenly, and the glass pieces fell sparsely.

A figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed behind the special forces guards who oppressed Jiang Xiang's position.

Before the special soldiers who were "ghost-bound" came back, Ning Tao had chopped a hatchet on the head of a special forces guard.

He still uses the back of the knife.

There was a muffled sound, and the special soldier fainted instantly, and his body fell to the ground as if his bones had been removed.

Before he fell to the ground, the woodcutter in Ning Tao's hand had split into the heads of two special soldiers who were "ghost-bound".

The "special upper body" special forces responded more slowly than normal people, and their thinking was different from normal people. The special force on the rooftop was an example of this. He clearly saw the hatchet looking at his head and chopped it. He did not even hide Hide, and also want to change the magazine. Ning Tao descended from the sky and fell behind them. Most of the "ghost upper body" special forces did not even look back. They still shot at Jiang Hao's position with a gun and suppressed firepower.

Some also found Ning Tao and turned his muzzle towards Ning Tao, but that was too late.


The machete drew a flood-like trajectory in the air, and the head of a special-forces guard with a "ghost upper body" who had just turned his muzzle sharply fell to the ground.

Ning Tao pushed the unbreakable fan forward, blocking the muzzle of a special soldier guard who was "ghost-bound".


The special soldier guard who was "ghost-bound" really fired, but Kezi ejected the chamber and installed it on the unbreakable fan surface, and the warhead was blocked back. The second bullet rammed after it, and suddenly blew up!

Ning Tao's right hand was waved again, and a knife was cut on his head, and there was another person lying on the ground next second.

At this time, Jiang Hao has come out of the dizzy state ~ ~ She saw this scene, and a chin fell to the ground. The man she liked in her heart, with a fan in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other hand, fell from the sky, so she simply and rudely killed a group of heavily armed and lost rational special forces!

But in such a blink of an eye, Ning Tao cut down several special forces guards who were "ghost-bound".

Jiang Hao suddenly woke up, she shouted, "Hit their table!"

Bang Bang!

The special forces guards led by Jiang Hao, who were suppressed by the fire and couldn't lift their heads, seized this opportunity, one after another probing out of the muzzle and firing at the experimental table pushed by the opponent.

The bullets flew, the fragments flew across, and the stainless steel experimental table was slammed, and it didn't look like a table in a blink of an eye.

The special forces guards who were "ghost-bound" were immediately stimulated and fired back, regardless of Ning Tao behind them.

Ning Tao's pressure abruptly reduced, chopped a hatchet and chopped sugar cane, and toppled to the ground by "special upper body" special forces guards.

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