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Chapter 231: Not the same reconnection (1)

Although Liu Yan came to collect the materials, it was estimated that he would be treated as an enemy simply. The opponent also has a lot of seven-level strengths. When the time comes, he will definitely not get any benefits. Therefore, he still intends to cooperate with technology first, and tap into them a little bit, then it will be much easier to get some materials.

The professor glanced at the light brain in Liu Yan's hand. "It turns out that we are being neglected. I don't know where your honour comes from?" In terms of handling people, the professor is considered a few top-level figures. Even without ability, Liu Yan could feel the professor's true feelings revealed, and the kind smile was very contagious.

Liu Yan "The technical level here is very high, I don't think you will talk about it here!" Although the professor is very strong, it is not top-notch in terms of technology.

The professor nodded. "You're right, I'll call others to come, and invite you to come with me." Then he turned to John and said, "John, you can now finish the duty early. Go back to school first." !"

John nodded, "Good professor!" He walked away quickly. He just looked at the performance of the professor just now. Liu Yan's strength is actually stronger than that of the professor. The existence of that level actually wants to deal with him! Now think about it, it is really good for the other party to talk about being alive. Thinking of this, John only felt a cold behind, and his steps became faster and faster.

At this moment, the New York Temple, SHIELD Headquarters, Stark Private House, and several famous hero gathering places have all received signals from the Avengers Building.

Seven-level signal, the highest level signal!

Liu Yan followed the professor to the conference room on the top floor, where there were nearly a hundred seats, each of which represented a hero with a rating of six. This is where the Avengers convene meetings, and every major resolution will be held here.

The professor smiled and said, "Please wait a moment, I think they will come soon." The voice just fell, a magic portal appeared here, and Dr. Strange came out. For the first time, Dr. Qi's eyes fell on Liu Yan.

"Hello, this is Dr. Strange."

"Liu Yan, someone who comes to deal or cooperate with you."

Shaking hands, the two parties are currently in a state of peace. Soon, other superheroes arrived. Iron Man, Ultron, Vision, Dr. Reed, Dr. Banner, Dr. Antman, Dr. Destruction. A group of scientists with more than six levels of strength have all come here.

"Re-introduce myself, my name is Liu Yan, a person who wants to have technical exchanges and cooperation with you, comes with goodwill." Liu Yan smiled and looked at the crowd. The true strength of these people ranges from four to Level 6 varies, of course, this rating has nothing to do with the strength they can play, just a simple life strength level.

"We remain skeptical about whether you really came with good intentions. In addition, I personally doubt that your technology can communicate with us." The first thing to say is Iron Man, which is still so proud and unpleasant.

Liu Yan smiled. "Of course, this is the basis of the transaction and cooperation between us. I can show a part of it so that you have a basic judgment." As Liu Yan opened the virtual screen of Guangnao, several technological products appeared one after another. , But Tony and others were not too surprised. They all have their own areas of expertise, and their technological styles also have their own routes, so they are not curious about the effects of the items displayed by Liu Yan. They can also make things that have the same effect.

After glancing at everyone's expressions, Liu Yan smiled. "It seems to be a genius-level scientist, I'm going to come up with some real materials!" Speaking of manipulating the light brain to switch the content, this time is a video, showing The content is the battle of the mechanical warriors!

"Is this a smart robot or a manually-operated mechanical armor?" Tony said first. He is the most powerful and most interested in machinery.

Liu Yan "This is a mechanical warrior warrior. They have basic combat procedures and great power." At this time, some data and light skills of mechanical warrior warriors have been displayed on the screen.

This time, several other people were surprised. Originally they thought it was just a powerful fighting robot, and the means was nothing more than melee or hot weapons. But I did not expect that there would be such a powerful energy attack.

Looking at the timer on the chest of the mechanical warrior, Tony seemed to think of himself. That was a long time ago, because the accident caused him to need an electromagnet to maintain his life. However, with the improvement of technical means, this problem has been solved, but the energy source of the chest is still retained on the armor, which has become his symbol.

"I have a question. What is the energy of this robot? I think of several kinds of energy, it is impossible to complete such an attack easily, unless your combat time of this robot warrior is only one minute."

Liu Yan "Actually, this is the focus of my communication. Psionic energy, an energy that has been in the universe for a long time." An introduction to psionic energy appeared on the screen and showed other manifestations of psionic energy.

"What!", "This is impossible!", "This is not scientific!"

After seeing the message of psionic power, everyone except Ultron showed a surprised look, because psionic power actually contained all the matter they knew! Or psionics is the fundamental form of these substances! It's like a scientist and a magician arguing whose world theory is correct, but discovering that they have one source of knowledge!

This near-breaking impact on Tony and others was not small, and the scene fell silent.

Liu Yan "So, can we discuss the transaction and cooperation now?" He is not worried about whether Tony and others can accept the psionic technology. They are all top scientific and technological personnel in the Marvel world, accepting a new Technology is not too difficult.

Tony wasn’t the first to speak this time, Dr. Kiwi said slowly, “I see, this kind of psionic power you bring is not just a technological energy!”

Liu Yan "Yes, it can be used not only as a scientific and technological energy, but also as an energy for cultivation, to improve physical fitness, and even to prolong life." For future cooperation, Liu Yan has no intention of hiding this information.

Improving physical fitness and prolonging life span have shocked several people. You know that although they are powerful, they are really not long-lived in terms of longevity. Although they can use some means to prolong their lives, those are not normal means.

"We can work with you, but how do you ensure that this psionic power is not a means of manipulating people?" Dr. Destruction asked, as a person who combines magic and technology, he has unique insights into this means. It was discovered by him that a method of combining magic and technology passed over DC Earth to control people.

Liu Yan smiled, "If you have to worry about these things, then I don't think there is any need to talk about talking about letting out some of their own breath, let them feel their strength." If you feel that my strength needs to play such a conspiracy, then I have nothing to say. Or, are you planning to use this excuse to **** the technology in my hand? "

The professor said, “Don’t be angry, Mr. Liu Yan. Although we can’t guarantee that you really cooperated with us, we are willing to believe that you are not malicious. It’s better to do some technical exchanges. Your residence in the building temporarily, we Once it is determined that this new energy source is not harmful, it can naturally proceed to the next transaction."

Liu Yan snorted "Either talk now or don't talk!"

Dr. Banner “Although I don’t know how your Lord broke through our defensive system and entered the earth, as the avenger who protects the earth, it is the responsibility to manage all threatening buds!”

"Your Excellency will stay for the time being! As long as we confirm that this energy is not harmful, we will apologize to you." Dr. Kiwi said.

Liu Yan stood up with a sneer. "Since you have no idea of ​​going on, I will leave first!" ()

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