Only I Can Use Summoning

Chapter 40: , 2 skills

Liu Yueying and Zhang Ze watched nervously as the iron-toothed wolf fought with the dead butcher!

At this time, the iron-toothed wolf has been promoted to the second level, and its combat power is comparable to that of the Goblin king. It just doesn't know who is better than this death butcher.

The result came out soon, the iron-toothed wolf grabbed the death butcher with one paw, only causing more than a hundred damage!

It was the death butcher who slashed the iron-toothed wolf, but took away more than 300 points of damage!

It is clear at a glance which is strong and which is weak.

"Sure enough, it's the boss in the dead zone, and its strength is even better!" Zhang Ze nodded secretly.

Liu Yueying on the side said worriedly: "Your iron-toothed wolf is no match for him, let's go up and help, otherwise, it won't last long under Death Butcher's hands."

Liu Yueying's analysis was accurate. After only a few rounds of fighting between the Iron Tooth Wolf and the Death Butcher, the blood volume had dropped to one-third!

And the death butcher hasn't used his skills yet!

"Poisonous spider! Trapped the butcher of death!" After Zhang Ze gave the order, the poisonous spider threw out a web, trapping the butcher of death in place, and Zhang Ze took the opportunity to withdraw the iron-toothed wolf.

If the fight continued, the iron-toothed wolf would really die in battle.

But now it is in a fighting state, and the iron-toothed wolf can't recover its blood volume. Even if Zhang Ze takes it back to the summoning space, it can't recover its blood volume.

"It would be nice if there was a nanny job next to us, and our combat endurance would be stronger." Zhang Ze said with a curled lip.

"I do have a friend who is an auxiliary occupation, but unfortunately she is not here." Liu Yueying said with some regret.

Little Princess Money has the A-level innate skill [Green Blessing] that can restore blood volume. She has excellent skills and often saves the lives of her companions at critical moments. She is a very competent priest.

The Death Butcher was trapped in place by the spider web, roaring angrily, Zhang Ze ordered the Sky Swallowing Frog and the Stone-Throwing Goblin to attack the Death Butcher from a distance, but the damage was very limited.

The Sky-Swallowing Frog can cause about two hundred points of damage, while the Stone-Throwing Goblin can only cause double-digit damage.

Not to mention Zhang Ze himself, barely breaking through single-digit damage.

"I'm going to kill you! Eat your flesh!"

Suddenly, the Death Butcher let out a roar, which startled Zhang Ze and Liu Yueying.

"How can this guy speak human language?" Zhang Ze looked surprised, it was the first time he heard a monster speak.

Liu Yueying said: "I heard from my sixth uncle that the monsters in the higher level have higher IQs and can speak our language, so they are getting harder and harder to fight."

Zhang Ze nodded and thought to himself: "I hope this death butcher's IQ is not too high, otherwise it will be even more difficult to deal with!"

The time for the spider web was over, and the Death Butcher rushed towards Zhang Ze. Zhang Ze urgently ordered the Goblin King to rush up to fight, and at the same time, he also asked the iron-toothed wolf to assist.

Liu Yueying lifted the Western Sword and said to Zhang Ze: "I'll go up and help too!" and rushed over.

Zhang Ze can only guard the rear with summoned monsters such as Sky Swallowing Frog and Stone Throwing Goblin, and carry out long-range assistance attacks.

The Goblin King is stronger than the Iron-toothed Wolf, but still a bit inferior to the Death Butcher, but he is better because of their large number, plus Liu Yueying's talent skill [Light Slash] is powerful, and the battle After that, half of the Death Butcher's HP was knocked out!

"Damn it!" The Death Butcher suddenly yelled, crossed his swords, and used a skill at the Goblin King!

"Your Goblin King is attacked by the death butcher skill [Bone Crushing], and his attack power drops by 20%, defense power drops by 20%, and speed drops by 20%!"

"Fuck! This skill is amazing!" Zhang Ze's eyes widened. This skill called [Bone Crushing] almost destroyed his Goblin King!

After the Death Butcher used the [Bone Crushing] skill on the Goblin King, he turned around and used another skill on the Iron-toothed Wolf!

He threw one of the long knives at the iron-toothed wolf fiercely, and in an instant, the long knife sank into the iron-toothed wolf's chest!

The iron-toothed wolf screamed, his blood volume was cleared to zero, and he fell to the ground and died, his body disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

"Your iron-toothed wolf was attacked by the death butcher's skill [Death Throwing]! It caused 450 points of damage! It's dead!"

Zhang Ze's mouth was wide open, this death butcher actually knows two skills, and his throwing knife is too ruthless, he instantly killed his iron-toothed wolf!

Although they feel distressed, there is nothing they can do. Now they must try their best to kill this death butcher, otherwise, once all the bosses under Zhang Ze are killed, it will be their turn next!

Gritting her teeth, Liu Yueying frantically attacked from behind the Death Butcher. She wanted to take advantage of the Death Butcher's attention focused on the Goblin King to inflict as much damage as possible on him.

"Come on! We will definitely win!" Zhang Ze cheered loudly.

After hearing this, Midsummer Night's Dream, who was controlling the illusion, shouted: "I said How are you doing? I can hold on for half an hour, so hurry up!"

On his side, Doctor Legend and Harrison were still besieging the phantom of the Death Butcher, waiting for the "skill" time to end.

Zhang Ze had no time to talk to A Midsummer Night's Dream. He kept micro-manipulating the Goblin King and the Poisonous Spider. As long as the Death Butcher used his skills, Zhang Ze immediately let the poisonous spider trap the Death Butcher with its web, and the Goblin King Withdraw to take refuge.

If the Death Butcher didn't have a target to release, the skills would disappear automatically, and Zhang Ze would send the Goblin King to fight.

This kind of roguelike style of play worked well, and a group of people knocked out 20% of Death Butcher's HP.

Now, the Death Butcher only has about 30% of his blood left.

"Slash of Light!" Liu Yueying was also full of hope, as if she had seen the dawn of victory.

But at this moment, the Death Butcher suddenly turned around, knocked Liu Yueying into the air with a collision, then rushed to the bottom of the bell tower, and climbed to the top of the bell tower with three or two strokes! That nimble agility really makes people unable to connect with his fat and bloated body!

"What's the situation?" Zhang Ze looked surprised, Liu Yueying's eyes widened in astonishment, and said, "Is he trying to escape?"

It is nothing new for monsters to run away. Zhang Ze has met goblins who can run away before.

According to Liu Yueying, the higher the level of the monster, the higher the IQ, and it is within the normal IQ range to run away if you can't beat it.

However, Zhang Ze and Liu Yueying were taken aback by Death Butcher's next actions.

I saw this guy sitting on the bell tower, with his legs dangling outside, and one hand turned into a huge meat leg out of nowhere, and he started to eat it!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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