After rejecting the King of Asasin, Xu Feng quickly received information from the inner ghost.

The King of Assasin tries to cooperate with the Burberry Alliance.

Ekash is quite interested, but the conditions have not yet been finalized and are being negotiated.

This information is certain, and some of it is speculative.

For example, the King of Assasin wanted to use a voting system, in the same way that the guild was governed.

The two coalitions each have 12 seats and are responsible for voting when making decisions.

At the same time, the owners of both alliances have the power of one veto, and the vote is more powerful, one vote counts as two votes.

But Kashye disagreed.

Kashye prefers to become a two-leader structure, with the Barberry Guild as the boss and the Saints Guild as the second.

Usually, both parties are treated the same, but when it comes time to make decisions, the Barberry Guild must have absolute decision-making power.

They are still so confident.

Naturally, the king of Assasin could not have agreed.

The two sides are still negotiating on this issue.

Xu Feng speculated that this information was eighty percent credible.

Even if the details differ, their dispute should focus on who is in power.

Tang Song Fengyue discussed in the alliance group: “Do you think they can finally unite?” Sister

Tang: “It shouldn’t be good, right?” With Kashye obviously going to rip off the bamboo, can such a wise person as the king of Assasin promise to come down?

Blade pointed out: “And the king of Assasin has many younger brothers, and even if he is willing to give in, the younger brothers may not be willing.” ”

I also think that cooperation is unlikely.”

Yu Youwei: “Xu Feng, what do you think?”

Xu Feng: “I think they are more likely to cooperate.” Stepping

on a thousand mountains: “Huh? Why?

Xu Feng: “Their contradiction is mainly in the separation of power, but the fundamental demand is actually the same.” Xu

Feng: “The strength of the Barberry Alliance is not strong enough, obviously there is a gap with us and the Eden Alliance.”

“They also don’t want to cooperate with the Creation Alliance or the Eden Alliance, and once one of them is destroyed, they will have to remain the second oldest.”

“And the strength of the Saints Alliance and the Barberry Alliance is similar, without this concern, the paper strength after cooperation is at least similar to the Eden Alliance.”

After Xu Feng finished speaking, the group was quiet for a moment.

When they heard about the information, their first reaction was that it was impossible to negotiate this matter.

Everyone wants to be the boss.

Although the king of Assasin is having a hard time now, he will not be doomed, and he is certainly not willing to give up too much power.

Xu Feng’s angle is completely different!

The struggle for power is only a superficial conflict.

The deep-seated need for cooperation between their two alliances is enormous.

So at least they have a lot of room for negotiation, and Kashye may not be forced to the end.

It is also likely that the king of Assasin will take a step or two back.

After forming a large alliance, there is actually a lot of room for maneuvering.

The struggle for power can continue after cooperation.

Stepping through the thousand mountains sighed with emotion: “Even if your strength is not so strong, I feel that you will eventually become the leader of the Creation Alliance, this vision is really powerful.” The

blade pointed: “Lie in the groove! This can still be seen this way! Long insight! Tang

Song Fengyue: “I also think that they are more likely to cooperate, but it is really not as thorough as the boss’s analysis.”

Yu Youwei: “Alliance, you are really powerful.” ”

In the alliance group, there was an exclamation.

Xu Feng brushed the monster and chatted with them casually: “This is just a possibility.”

“King Assasin is smart enough that he is even willing to cooperate with me, and surely does not mind letting some benefits out within reason.”

“It’s hard to say with Kashye, if he doesn’t understand the current situation, cooperation may not be possible.”

Love to eat crispy sausage: “Then if they cooperate, will our situation be very bad?”

Blade pointed out: “Yes, once their two alliances become one, won’t we become the weakest on paper?” Tang

Song Fengyue: “Indeed, does the strategy have to be adjusted?” ”

Now there are a lot of disputes between the alliances, and the situation is changing very quickly.

The atmosphere in the group is somewhat tense, and this tension is not caused by fear, but by excitement and nervousness in the face of unknown challenges.

Xu Feng was very calm: “No need.”

“The territory that should be robbed still has to be robbed, the people who should be killed still have to be killed, just hurry up to recruit people and accumulate equipment.”

Four alliances become three, and the pattern will indeed change significantly.

But change doesn’t necessarily bring any risks.

Xu Feng’s interests have not changed, the resources of the wild area are the first priority, regardless of the alliance, these resources must be controlled.

Anyway, in the face of these people, the four alliances became three, and the actual competition was still the same.

Tang Song Fengyue: “That’s right. Blade

pointed out: “Just do it!” It’s useless to think so much. Stepping

on a thousand mountains: “By the way, there has been a problem recently, how should the equipment be distributed?” ”

There are now 7 guilds in the alliance.

Battle groups are divided into alliances, and a group is usually composed of people from several guilds.

The Alliance also doesn’t have a mechanism like guilds that put equipment in and then distribute various points.

This leads to a lot of trouble when it comes to equipment allocation.

To which guild?

Or handed over to the Union?

Tang Song Fengyue: “Do you want to establish the finances of an alliance?” Guilds pay money to keep things running. Blade

pointed: “Not appropriate, right? Who cares about this money? Tang

Song Fengyue: “All guilds have sent people to cross-supervise.” Tang

Song Fengyue: “The materials collected can be put into the warehouses of each family after bookkeeping, and there is no problem with storage.” Stepping

on a thousand mountains: “I think it works.” ”

Love to eat crispy sausages: “Not quite, right? In

the blink of an eye, opinions in the alliance group became divided.

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