Xu Feng spent a lot of money to raise the blood-colored rose, just to do this kind of thing.

He doesn’t mind being a chicken brother at all and delaying the record.

However, Xu Feng still tried to find another solution first.

“Is there any way to quickly collect spirit grass?”

Wei Shisong said: “I know you are in a hurry, but don’t be in a hurry first.

“Egg fried rice is very hot, I fried it and told you.”

“There is a way.”

When Xu Feng heard that there was a way, he was not in a hurry at all.

He sent a message to Tang Song Fengyue: “Let Brother Chicken not rise, he will rise so quickly that I will find someone to kill him.” Tang

Song Fengyue: “Coincidentally, Brother Chicken just told me to let you go up a few handfuls, and he was afraid.”

Xu Feng chatted casually with him.


Wei Shisong put a bowl of egg fried rice in front of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked down at the fried rice and was a little surprised: “It’s a good fried ah.” ”

The egg mixture and rice are combined to give off a rich aroma after stir-frying in oil.

It is topped with a little chopped green onion, which is steamed by the heat to give a shallow taste.

Wei Xiangqing served a bowl of rice by himself and sat down next to Xu Feng.

She handed Xu Feng the spoon.

Xu Feng took a spoon and ate the fried rice.

The aroma is overflowing, and the aroma of rice and egg is perfectly blended.

The salt smell is just right.

It was indeed delicious.

Xu Feng’s satiety value will not fall, but eating has no effect.

Every family in Yuan Village also opened meals one after another.

Xu Feng looked inside, and the entire village was filled with a slow-paced comfort.

He ate three bowls of fried rice in a row.

After eating.

Xu Feng opened his mouth and asked, “What way?”

Wei Shisong wiped his mouth and said, “Between the human world and the underworld, there is more than one chaotic place.

“The Lingling Beach is only the smallest of them, and it only has a legendary attic that is quite eye-catching.”

“The Chaotic Land with the Most Spirit Grass is the Fallen Soul Origin.”

Xu Feng’s eyes lit up: “Can I pick enough 70 10,000-year spirit grasses in 30 hours?” ”

He has to set aside at least 30 hours to steadily rise to level 70.

Stay in Chaos for up to 30 hours.

Wei Shisong nodded: “Of course it’s no problem.

Xu Feng said: “Okay, I’ll go to the Fallen Soul Plain.”

Wei Shisong said with a solemn face: “Don’t rush to make a decision first. ”

The Fallen Soul Plain is not the same as the Spirit Desert, it is very dangerous.”

Xu Feng didn’t care too much: “There are more soul devourers? That’s a good thing.

“By the way, you can also eat some breathing proficiency.”

Wei Shisong said, “It’s not just the Soul Eaters.

“You know that living beings go to the underworld after death, right?”

Xu Feng nodded: “I’ve seen souls crossing the River Styx.

Wei Shisong continued: “Then it is easy to explain.

“There are two ways for the souls of living beings to enter the underworld, through the River Styx, and through the land of chaos.”

Xu Feng frowned and asked, “Doesn’t the Styx rarely appear?”

Wei Shisong sighed: “That’s the problem.

“Before the Middle Ages, the River Styx was not what it is now, it was there all year round.”

“But that time… Anyway, something happens, and most of the souls of living beings will pass through the land of chaos.

“But many souls cannot safely enter the underworld and become evil spirits.”

Xu Feng asked, “These evil spirits are dangerous?

A trace of jealousy flashed in Wei Shisong’s eyes: “Yes, you will have a price for killing evil spirits.” ”

After killing the evil spirit, you will passively obtain a memory of the other party.”

“Some people stayed in the Fallen Soul Plain for a while, and when they came back, they insisted that they were dead and eventually committed suicide.”

Xu Feng asked, “Can you not kill evil spirits?”

Wei Shisong shook his head: “Evil spirits can track you, and if you don’t kill you, there will be more and more evil spirits behind you.”

“In short, you have to pay attention to your mental state.”

“As long as it is not completely distorted, it can be restored when it returns to the human world.”

Xu Feng took out the three fragments of the Sun and Moon Diagram: “I know, send me to the Fallen Soul Origin.”

Wei Shisong took the fragment, and an emerald green light bloomed on his hand.

The scroll opens on its own and glues together.

Xu Feng had a feeling in his heart: “This sun and moon diagram seems to be Wei Shisong’s things, and he controls it very skillfully.”

“This vitality force is a bit like the breath of bamboo.”

“He really has something to do with the imperial family.”

2 minutes later.

The picture scroll is fully restored.

Wei Shisong looked at Xu Feng: “Is there anything else to ask?”

Xu Feng sorted out his thoughts: “How long is the interval between entering the Fallen Soul Origin twice?”

Wei Shisong said: “It will take 108 hours. A

trace of solemnity flashed under Xu Feng’s eyes.

In 108 hours, Xuanyuan Longbow was sent directly.

It is necessary to bring back at least 50 Ten Thousand Years Spirit Grass during this time.

Xu Feng sent a message in October Hong’s group.

“I’m going to do a mission, it may take a little longer.”

Xu Feng: “The guild can operate normally. Zhou

Yanan: “Go with confidence.” He

Xishan: “Nan Nan, what you said is the same as the boss can’t come back.”

Zhao Jingxin: “Don’t worry, boss, we’re fine.”

Shen Wanqiu: “Can I accompany you?”

Xu Feng: “No, single-player mission.”

Shen Wanqiu was a little worried: “Then you have to be careful.” ”

She’s said this many times.

But every time she couldn’t help but worry.

Xu Feng replied casually, “Got it, there’s nothing else, right?”

He greeted both Yu Youwei and Blood Rose, and then looked at Wei Shisong.

“Come on!”

Wei Shisong nodded and took out a cyan brush.

He waved his pen.

Above the edge village, it was wrapped in a magic array.

Wei Shisong bit his finger, and a few drops of blood fell on the sun and moon chart.

In an instant, a black-red light appeared.

“Put your hand on the sun and moon chart!”

Xu Feng immediately complied.


The scene in front of him changed, and he came to a world surrounded by mist!

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