Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 515 Is the strengthening too much?

What surprised Chen Fei even more was the duration of time standing still!

For the unenhanced Forgotten, Chen Fei clearly remembered that its static effect was five seconds, but now for the enhanced Forgotten, at least eight seconds had passed, but it was still continuing. Several units inside the barrier have been killed! The speed is quite fast!

"Hey, hey! Don't just watch! Hurry up and help!" Finally, the players trapped in the barrier sent a message. Only then did the onlookers come to their senses and throw their skills at the Forgotten One again.

However, what is surprising is that when the players' skills landed on the static barrier, it was like hitting the water. After a few visible ripples, there was no effect at all! Not to mention damage, it didn't even hit the Forgotten One!

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and then he also took action, launching a thunderstorm technique against the stasis barrier. But two seconds later, the thunderstorm technique had no special effects at all! No lightning appeared! It's like he didn't release this skill.

Immediately, Chen Fei guessed that in addition to the enhanced effects seen earlier, this barrier actually also had special effects of resisting magic! The general meaning here is that the stasis barrier is a magic immunity energy shield, and all skills that hit it are invalid.

This is not a good sign. Fortunately, there is only one Oblivion now, and players still have a great advantage in terms of numbers.

Unfortunately, Chen Fei's idea was shattered in the blink of an eye - when the stasis barrier of the Forgotten One in front of him lasted for a full twelve seconds before disappearing, a large number of Forgotten Ones suddenly appeared out of thin air around the players! There was no sign, it just appeared all of a sudden!

I wipe it!

Chen Fei said this directly in his mind! Just a cursory glance revealed that there were nearly ten Forgotten Ones! The total number of players around him is only a dozen. If you include mercenaries, I'm afraid there will be no more than forty at most! And this number, in front of the Forgotten One, is actually not enough!

A time-stopping coverage area is enough to include all of the player's units within the range before the player can react!

The Forgotten Ones appeared out of thin air without any pause. As long as there was a player unit within their attack range, they immediately launched a direct void attack, and then time stopped! The two skills are quite coherent! All of a sudden, nearly half of the surrounding players were controlled by the Forsaken!

The scene suddenly developed in a direction that was very bad for the players!

Chen Fei was also targeted by a Forgotten One. However, Chen Fei's reaction speed is much faster than ordinary players after all! When the Forgotten One launched a direct void attack at him, Chen Fei quickly switched to the wizard. When the Forgotten One stopped and raised the iron rod in his hand to continue to activate Time Stop, the Sheep Transformation Technique hit it first. !

No matter how much the Forgotten One's magic resistance is, as long as it is not immune to magic, Chen Fei still has a way to deal with it!

After turning the Forgotten One into a sheep, Chen Fei immediately hit it with Banishment, and then, thunderstorm bullets! Thunderstorm flames! Gale and thunder! Fire tornado! Fireball, Ice Cone, Ground Sting... Except for the Sheng Yao Ming Lei, which was suppressed, Chen Fei activated all the other skills in one go!

With just such a set of skills, more than 8,000 lives of the Forgotten Ones were wiped out! The powerful output immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding players.

"Oh no! Brother, where did you come from? Your skills have changed so much?"

"Wait a minute, this guy has a lot of mercenaries! Couldn't he be Yi Tian?"

"He is Yi Tian! I recognize his mercenary team! And besides Yi Tian, ​​who else can use the skills he just had?"

"Oh my god! We actually met Yi Tian! Master, do you still need a younger brother? I would love to be your younger brother!"

"Brother Yi Tian, ​​is your alliance still short of manpower? I can join you now!"

The players immediately recognized Chen Fei and sent various messages one after another. This makes their situation worse: the Forgotten One will not give you free time to send messages. If there is a slight delay, it will definitely hit you in the face with a skill, followed by continuous iron rod attacks!

Sure enough, when everyone was sending messages, the Forgotten Ones who were farther away took advantage of this and came up, and included several players into their stasis barrier.

Seeing that something was wrong, Chen Fei quickly took down the keyboard and typed quickly - everyone, stop sending messages, work hard, and deal with these monsters first.

After seeing Chen Fei's message, the surrounding players finally took action again. Those player units that have not yet been controlled are moving towards him, as if they regard him as their savior. Perhaps, in their opinion, it was easy for Chen Fei to use his strength to deal with the monsters in front of him.

Unfortunately, the actual situation is that it is obvious that Chen Fei's set of skills just caused damage. The set of explosions just now, with the addition of the Holy Glory Dark Thunder at the end, could only cause over 10,000 damage. But according to normal calculations, for a monster without magic resistance, that set of output can definitely do more than 13,000 damage! Comparing the two, the Forgotten's magic resistance is at least 40%!

This value is really high! Forty percent of magic resistance, this means that some bosses above level 50 may not have such high resistance!

Something's wrong! The first thought in Chen Fei's mind was that there was something quite wrong with this setting!

Before coming in, seeing the tenfold reward, Chen Fei could guess that the difficulty of this copy would not be low. But no matter what, it shouldn’t be this high! In addition, the Forgotten's blood volume is doubled and the control is extremely long. These are quite unreasonable settings!

To put it more clearly, according to its setting, players who run in at this stage will die! And the probability of death is nearly 100%! Even Chen Fei felt that players might not be able to survive in it even if their average level is above level 40 - a range skill that lasts for more than ten seconds, and when the Forgotten One is inside the barrier, they still can't survive in it. Being immune to various skills is equivalent to being invincible! But the players can only watch helplessly and get beaten! No matter how high the level is, it just means that you have more health and can withstand a few more attacks from the Forgotten!

key point! We still have to find the key points! At least, it is necessary to understand what hidden tasks this copy has arranged for the players. Do you want to eliminate these forgotten people, find something, or simply hold on for twenty minutes?

These conjectures are all possible...

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