Even though I don’t want to be like this! Even no one in their team wanted things to continue like this, but unfortunately, they really couldn't do anything!

The Viper Guards don't have a lot of health, but in the magic immune state, it's impossible to kill most of the Viper Guards in one minute just by relying on their basic attacks! And if you continue to attack the poisonous three-headed basilisk while carrying the attack of the poisonous snake guard, it will undoubtedly be no different from death!

Time passed by second by second, and no matter how anxious I and the others were, they could only choose to wait for the time of the Viper Guard to end. And this is undoubtedly a kind of suffering for them.

Seeing that the blood tank of the poisonous three-headed basilisk has come back up a lot, the duration of the poisonous snake guard finally ends! And with the disappearance of the poisonous snake guard, there was no need to say who was going to issue the order. They all immediately thought about the poisonous three-headed basilisk and launched another attack!

We continued to attack the poisonous three-headed basilisk using the same method, and its triggering skill could only be released once. So with the renewed efforts of Laiya and my team, the blood tank of this creature finally dropped to the level of red blood. , and in the end they were finally killed!

A BOSS strategy battle lasted for more than half an hour, and as far as the result of the battle was concerned, I couldn't say that my losses were huge. At least compared to those in the previous life, he was able to use the poisonous three. The basilisk was killed, right?

Seeing the screenshot of me killing the three poisonous basilisks, Chen Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then, next, it’s time to see how lucky I am and whether I can successfully get what I want...

Chen Fei didn't know it. At this time, I was stunned when I looked at the prompts given in the system bar.

Tip: Obtain Venomous Fang*2

Tip: Obtain Flexible Snake Skin*10

Tip: Get the Fang Dagger

Tip: Get Snakeskin Armor

Four hints of getting something, and then, nothing, nothing else! There is no trace of guild token at all!

how so? After all the hard work and so much loss, there is no guild token?

I already don't know how to describe my mood at this time. But Kelt didn't say anything after watching me touch the corpse. He already realized that the poisonous three-headed basilisk did not reveal the guild token. Unexpectedly, this most disappointing ending really happened.

Everyone wants the guild token, and if the poisonous three-headed basilisk didn't explode with the guild token, it means it didn't explode, and it's an unchangeable ending. It's impossible for the system to reward the guild token after killing the Spider Queen like Chen Fei did. , after all, it is only for those who are the first to conquer the level 40 BOSS.

Seeing that the poisonous three-headed basilisk didn't reveal the guild token, the others didn't know what to say at this time, and they were also in a bad mood. However, being in a bad mood can't change anything. Without a guild token, there is no guild token...

Regarding whether Laiya and others revealed the guild token, the end of the post naturally didn’t know. But it's not difficult to know this. You just need to wait a little and see if I can establish a guild. It's impossible to say that he revealed the guild token but didn't establish a guild.

After withdrawing from the post, it was no longer necessary for Chen Fei to continue to pay attention to what I came to do. What kind of ending should happen is not what he cares about. He just hopes that even if a bad result occurs, I can accept it calmly.


Suddenly, a text message jumped in. Chen Fei's phone vibrated. When he opened the message, he saw that it was from Xia Lan.

Are you OK? You're in the dormitory now, right?

Looking at this content, it is obvious that Xia Lan knows about Chen Fei. Chen Fei didn't know that among the four classes participating in the competition, Xia Lan's class was actually among them.

After thinking about it, Chen Fei simply replied to the message: It's nothing, it's mainly a scratch. Just be careful not to get infected. It should be fine in two days.

The message passed and a reply came back quickly - so you should pay attention in the past two days. If you want to eat later, why don't you just ask Sun Zhenzi and the others to help you pack your bags and take them to the dormitory? It would be more convenient. If you need any help, you can tell me.

This message made Chen Fei smile secretly in his heart. He was not really stupid. A girl with Xia Lan's character would send such a message. How could Chen Fei not know the care contained in it?

Don't worry, I'll pay attention.

With such a simple reply, Chen Fei seemed to be thinking of stopping the topic temporarily. However, he never imagined what would happen if Xia Lan saw his reply like this...

Dinner was just as Xia Lan said. Under Instructor Li's instructions, Lin Rong and others packed the food and brought it to the dormitory for Chen Fei to eat. Then they did a little training in the evening. Of course, Chen Fei doesn't need to care about these things now, and he doesn't need to care about them for two days in a row.

Well, starting from the first day of military training, Chen Fei spent the next two days in the dormitory. It was not until the fourth day of military training that he finally returned to the training team. Compared with Lin Rong, Zheng Wen and others, Chen Fei's skin at this time is much paler than theirs.

The summer sunshine is indeed unforgiving.

As for what happened in the game in the past two days, not much happened. I didn't get a guild token, so I didn't set up a new guild. Instead, the tribe set up a fourth guild. They were from the elite sect. Their strength is enough to kill a BOSS. As for other things, there is no big news in the game.

However, when Chen Fei restarted his military training, the Tiandihui began to arrange something in the dark...

"Guild Master, at our rate, it is estimated that we will be able to upgrade the guild to level three in two days." One of Di Shao's subordinates was reporting to him through voice the progress of the guild's upgrade in the past few days.

Once the Young Master's Guild was established, it has been focusing on improving the guild level, and the speed can be said to be quite fast! Chen Fei's alliance has only been at level two for a few days, and he is already very close to level three! This speed of development is really a bit exaggerated!

Of course, being able to achieve this speed did not happen without any investment. At least half of his pocket money is invested in the game and converted into game currency. As the most popular online game at the moment, World of Warcraft game currency is an income point that many small studios focus on. Moreover, currently, the exchange rate of game currency is not too low.

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