Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 364 A big BOSS appears in Lordaeron

After thinking for a while, Chen Fei decided that it would be more appropriate to take the two of them to the Big Ogre. Although many players are leveling there at this stage, if you bring a girl, you don't have to think about how efficient it is, as long as Just make sure they are safe enough when leveling up.

He led the two of them directly out of the city. As soon as they came out, three mercenaries followed. As soon as Chen Fei's six mercenaries were displayed, they immediately attracted the attention of the players at the gate of the city. Several of them even directly sent messages asking if Chen Fei could lead them.

And Xia Lan is also three healing mercenaries.

However, Zhang Yan's mercenaries surprised Chen Fei. They were actually three elf huntresses! Moreover, after she left the city, the hero summoned a white tiger and went straight to it. Isn't this the White Tiger player that Chen Fei met in the arena? However, at that time, the opponent only had two huntresses.

"Hey! Zhang Yan, did you compete with me at that time!?" Chen Fei asked immediately.

The answer is naturally yes, Zhang Yan is the Fei Yue in the game. Chen Fei was surprised. To put it this way, Zhang Yan's skills are completely acceptable!

"What's wrong?" Sun Zhenzi heard the noise and came over quickly. Chen Fei did not hide anything and simply told everyone about Zhang Yan's affairs. But even this was enough to surprise everyone.

"Isn't it? Zhang Yan, you are so powerful! You can't even beat Xiao Fei!?" Sun Zhenzi was a little stunned, as if he couldn't believe that a girl could have such strength.

Zhang Yan just smiled: "At that time, I actually had the advantage of being invisible. Moreover, I was actually killed by Chen Fei very cleanly. How can it be so easy to win against him? ”

Having said that, after a while, everyone has a preliminary understanding of Zhang Yan's operations. With her strength, joining the guild will definitely improve the guild's strength...

Soon, Chen Fei and the others arrived at the ogre's territory. There are really a lot of players leveling up here. Chen Fei had already seen this when he was completing guild tasks yesterday. What surprised Chen Fei was that before he could take action, a private message suddenly popped up from the message bar.

The message was sent by Feiyu, who teamed up with Chen Fei yesterday - Brother Yi, can you continue to lead us today? We will also attract monsters for you.

Is this considered addictive after being led by Chen Fei for a while?

In fact, after teaming up with Chen Fei yesterday, Feiyu and his team had completely realized his powerful strength. Since then, they have been thinking about how fast they would be able to upgrade if they had such a master to lead them. . Therefore, they came to the game very early today, wondering if they would encounter Chen Fei again.

As a result, they finally met.

After thinking about it, Chen Fei still added Feiyu and the others to the team. Although he alone is enough in terms of output, he can't attract monsters. With Feiyu and a few others, the problem of attracting monsters has been solved.

After forming a team, the natural next step is to start leveling up. Feiyu and others only need to pull monsters, while Chen Fei and Zhang Yan are responsible for clearing monsters. As for Xia Lan, they just need to gain experience... The time for leveling passed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, an hour passed. Under the leadership of Chen Fei, the priests from Xia Lan and Feiyu were promoted to one level.

But by now, Chen Fei and his team had also attracted the attention of the surrounding players. The speed of clearing monsters was much faster than others, and soon someone discovered that Yi Tian was leveling here.

This made Chen Fei consider whether to change his leveling place. After all, considering his combat power, the speed of clearing monsters may make people feel that he is robbing monsters.

But before he could make a decision, Zheng Wen suddenly broke the news about an explosion.

A level 35 BOSS spawned in the ruins of Lordaeron, causing players from both camps to fight frantically.

Chen Fei didn't need to think about what would happen when a level 40 BOSS appeared. At this stage, many players were thinking about creating a guild, but they just lacked a guild token, and this sudden BOSS was enough to make them crazy. stand up. Especially now that players from two camps are engaged in a melee. After everyone launches an attack on the BOSS, it is completely uncertain who will kill the BOSS in the end. Maybe a lone player is lucky enough to give the BOSS the final blow, thus Got the qualification to touch corpses.

However, if you are qualified to touch corpses, it remains to be seen whether you can successfully touch BOOS's corpse...

"Xiao Fei, do we want to join in? It is estimated that nearly half of the players in the entire game will rush into the ruins of Lordaeron." Sun Zhenzi looked like he wanted to join in, as if he wanted to join in the fun.

Lin Rong objected: "Since there are so many players entering, if we join in, there is no chance that anything unexpected will happen if we go in by ourselves."

"However, if we can grab a level 40 BOSS, the items that will be revealed will definitely sell for a lot of money, right?" Zheng Wen gave his own opinion.

Zheng Wenze said nothing, probably weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

Chen Fei also started thinking, and he came much faster than others thought.

First of all, the Ruins of Lundamlon is a chaotic map. Players from different camps rush in and hit with various range-of-range skills, which will definitely hit players from the opposing camp. Just imagine hundreds of tribe players throwing various skills at them together, and one of them is accidentally included in the skill range. Even Chen Fei can't guarantee that he can survive.

Secondly, there is the problem of BOSS itself. Chen Fei didn't know which BOSS this BOSS was. If it is a powerful BOSS, then the damage it causes to players will definitely not be small. As for not being killed, that's impossible. Hundreds of players can take away the BOSS's tens of thousands of lives with just one round of basic attacks! Can you still let it kill all the players? You know, the human wave tactic is the most powerful one in the game.

The last point is the ownership of the BOSS, which is what happens after the BOSS is killed. There are so many players participating in the battle, so after the BOSS is finally killed, the players will definitely start looting, and in order to ensure that they can grab what the BOSS explodes, players from both camps will definitely start attacking each other. If the ownership of a BOSS is in the opposite camp, then if you kill the player on the opposite side, won't the ownership be lost immediately?

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