Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 337: Attacking the Spider Queen, Part 2

Raise your body and spit out a mouthful of venom! The damage caused by this continuous skill is considerable!

But what surprised Chen Fei was that the targets of the Spider Queen's skills were not the remote units in the back row, but the melee units and summoned creatures in the front row!

"For melee combat in the front row, those with a blood volume lower than a thousand and two will retreat first, and those with a blood volume higher than a thousand and two will pull away to both sides. Don't worry about the summoned beasts, Shen Feng, Fei Suo, and Treasure Grab. You should pay attention to using the group supplement scroll. . "The release of the Spider Queen's skills made Chen Fei understand that it would give priority to locations with a large number of units, and he immediately responded accordingly.

As soon as Chen Fei opened his mouth, several players in the front row followed suit and made corresponding moves according to what Chen Fei said. Such a quick reaction made Xiaoqiang and others behind him very surprised. They exclaimed that this was the operational strength of the strongest team in the game. It was indeed very powerful!

After suffering a wave of poisonous damage, Shen Feng was the first to use the group healing scroll, and the damaged unit's health immediately recovered. However, the supply amount of the group supply scroll is only two hundred, which is not as good as the damage of the Spider Queen's skills. But what everyone needs is just to let the summons last longer in the front row. As long as they can persist until all the mobs on the scene are cleared, then their mission is completed.

In fact, this is not an unattainable task. Thanks to everyone's skills, the monsters on the scene can be eliminated very quickly! In the blink of an eye, one-third of the mobs have been cleared away!

Seeing that the mobs were easily dealt with by everyone, the Spider Queen activated her second skill. Just like before, he summoned a little spider from a corpse on the ground. Here, the number of little spiders greatly exceeded Chen Fei's expectation! And the reason for this happened to be the result of everyone's powerful output - with everyone's skills, all the mobs were killed, and the corpses naturally piled up together. For the Spider Queen, it was like completely summoning the little spider. Conditions!

With one skill, at least twenty corpses will be transformed into little spiders, and more than fifty! The number is twice that of Passerby Gate!

"All melee units retreat! The summons try to attract the hatred of those little spiders. Zheng Wen and the Tuyuan guards prioritize taunting the little spiders. The long-range units retreat while attacking the little spiders. Xiaoqiang, come from the other side. , also help clean up the little spiders, but be careful, melee units must not go up!"

There were so many little spiders that Chen Fei had to ask Xiao Qiang and others to help early. Originally, according to his plan, Xiaoqiang and his group were to stay behind to help clean up the mobs. In order not to lose output, Chen Fei naturally did not want his teammates to waste their combat power, so asking Xiaoqiang and others to help was of course the best choice.

It's a pity that the situation changed too quickly, Chen Fei had better deal with the situation quickly!

The little spider's movement speed was incredible, and he collided with the summons in a blink of an eye. With a 'bang', he started to self-destruct, causing 300 range damage, and the health gauges of several nearby summons dropped instantly!

But did the little spiders come up one by one?

Not really!

As the first little spider self-destructed, the following little spiders self-destructed one after another! The health tank of the summons was empty in the blink of an eye, and more than a dozen summons fell to the little spider's self-destruction in an instant!

Fortunately, although the summons were killed, the number of little spiders also dropped to less than twenty. In addition, under the attack of everyone, several of them were killed - the little spider only had three points of life, but each attack could only kill one point of its life, and this thing was immune to magic!

Seeing less than ten little spiders getting closer and closer to everyone, Chen Fei thought for a while and decided not to retreat and started to attack again. But before he could speak, the Spider Queen over there activated her skills again!

The huge spider web caught a large number of retreating units! The scope of the spider web was so large that it not only caught several melee units that retreated, but also his own units! There are Si Gai and Sandan beside him!


Seeing so many units trapped, Chen Fei immediately realized that something was wrong! And the Spider Queen's next actions indeed verified his idea!

The huge body suddenly jumped up. According to the situation at the passerby's door before, in three seconds at most, the Spider Queen would fall from the sky! Take away 500 lives of all units within the skill range! Then, if it continues to activate the fifth skill, the units on the scene will definitely be killed or wounded immediately!

Frowning his brows, Chen Fei never expected that his group would encounter the same situation as the passers-by.

But the more critical the moment, the more Chen Fei forced himself to calm down. The control of these spider webs is very strong, but is there really no solution to it?

"Priest, hurry up and use Dispel." The moment after the spider queen took off, Chen Fei immediately said this into the headset. One second he spoke, and the next second the priests Si Gai and Shen Feng released the dispersion on both the long-range unit and the melee unit at the same time.

Surprisingly, the spider silk was really dispelled! However, the range of dispelling skills is much smaller than the range of spider silk. and……

‘Bang! ’

The Spider Queen fell from the sky at this moment, landing between melee and long-range combat, but still caused 500 damage! The damage range of this skill is also larger than expected!

However, what makes people even more worried is the Spider Queen's follow-up skill! So far, Chen Fei still doesn't know whether it is a powerful skill that is triggered!

Therefore, before the Spider Queen landed, Chen Fei had already prepared the skills to deal with it! The moment the Spider Queen landed, the push technique was activated decisively. The hero moved to the left side of the Spider Queen the next moment. Then, the flaming meteorite fell from the air and hit the Spider Queen accurately!

‘Bang bang bang~’

After the meteorite hits the target, the sound effect when it exits is as cool as ever, and under its impetus, the Spider Queen is of course unable to release the next skill.

"Hurry back." Chen Fei quickly urged. Under the cover of the meteorite, it was enough to cover them from the Spider Queen's skill range. More importantly, everyone had enough time to recover. Various potions and recovery skills were launched one after another to replenish the blood tank of the damaged unit as quickly as possible.

While Chen Fei was dealing with the Spider Queen, the remaining little spiders took advantage of this moment to stick to Xiao Qiang and others. Watching the Spider Queen activate her skills, the group of them even forgot to operate it! Waiting for them to react, the little spider was already on their faces, and six little spiders exploded at the same time!

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