Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 328 Sold the Guild Token

Because something like this happened in Donghe, most people were not interested in choosing rewards. Finally, under Chen Fei's suggestion, everyone helped Yu Ze put together a spiritual wind suit to improve his output, and then upgraded several titles that were useful to the guild. As a result, as long as other people did not have Duplicate titles have been upgraded. Then counting the few who exchanged equipment, no one chose other rewards in the end.

After selecting the rewards for the dungeon, Chen Fei looked at the time and saw that it was very close to lunch. Unknowingly, it took everyone a whole morning to complete the level 30 dungeon. Let everyone go offline to eat first, and tell them to prioritize leveling next. I will find a time in the next two days to launch an attack on the Blood Brood Queen Spider Queen.

After the game was over, my mother happened to call for dinner. Once the game reaches a critical moment, Chen Fei often forgets time while playing. Of course, it cannot be denied that games are really easy for people to forget time.

"Afei, you should go to military training in two days. Remember to pack your things in advance." At the dinner table, my mother reminded me again.

This made Chen Fei realize that almost a month and a half had passed since he traveled back in time. In two days, it will be time for military training in the university. During the two weeks of military training, a lot of things will definitely happen in the game. It’s even possible that players’ levels will gradually catch up!

What's especially important is that Chen Fei must obtain the guild token within these two days! Otherwise, it will be too late to wait until military training to establish a guild...

While Chen Fei was thinking about how to deal with the Blood Brood Queen Spider Queen, on the Donghe side, a group of four people all had excited expressions on their faces.

"Boss, we have distributed these! They are actually guild tokens! The first guild token in the game, we can now be the first to establish a guild!" Nanjiang who was standing aside could not see anything at this time. Unhappy before? After he saw Dong He picked up the guild token, he almost jumped out of his seat!

However, in response to Nan Jiang’s words, Dong He directly replied, ‘Idiot’. This made the three younger brothers stunned.

"It's just the four of us, what kind of guild should we have? Don't you mind it being troublesome? This thing should be sold to the landowner. I'm sure he will be happy to pay for it." Dong He was in a sour mood at this time. Call it a pleasure.

He originally thought that it would be great to be able to hack a piece of purple equipment. If he sold it to the landowner, he would definitely get one or two thousand yuan. But he never expected that he would touch a guild token. You must know that the current stage is exactly when the players are about to reach level 30. What does the first guild token mean? How could he not know? If there is an auction house in the game, Dong He can definitely get a lot of money by putting it up for auction!

In addition to the guild token, the death certificate in the backpack is also a good thing. Class-changing props can be used to transform into dark magician, dark ranger and dark warrior according to different attributes. If you sell it, the price will definitely be high!

Opening the friend bar, Dong He selected the land boy and sent him the attributes of the guild token and death certificate. Next, it's time for him to make a fortune.

Less than thirty seconds after the message was sent, Dong He's cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Mr. Di's number. Quickly press answer.

"I'll pay 50,000 yuan for the guild token, and 5,000 yuan for the death certificate."

As expected of a rich man, he asked for 50,000 yuan. For Dong He, this is a number that he has never heard of before!

However, this time, Dong He held his breath and stopped himself from agreeing.

After adjusting his breathing, Dong He tried his best to make his tone as smooth as possible: "Master Di, this is the first guild token. Do you think you can give me more?"

Dong He's words were met with a brief silence on the other side of the phone, which made him nervous. Mr. Di is the biggest rich man he can contact. If Mr. Land changes his mind and refuses to buy it, then he will have no choice but to try to find other buyers online. As for whether the price will still be like this, he is not sure.

Fortunately, Donghe's luck is still very good today. There was a response from Master Di.

"Two things, I'll give you 70,000 in one go."


As soon as he heard the '70,000', Donghe immediately agreed without thinking.

"That's alright, I'll have someone come over to you and just trade with me on the game later." After saying this, Mr. Di hung up the phone. The three boys on the side watched Dong He put down his mobile phone and suddenly let out a cheer, "70,000 yuan," but they could hear it clearly!

When the surrounding players saw this scene, they looked at them inexplicably. It seemed that two of them had just been killed in the game a few minutes ago. They looked very angry. Why do they want to be so happy now?

"Boss, you are so awesome! Now we will be rich!" Xihu's words were recognized by the other two people. Since they started playing the game World of Warcraft with Donghe, the money in their pockets is huge. There are more and more! This time, they got 70,000 yuan in one go. No matter how good Donghe is, everyone can definitely get 10,000 yuan! Just thinking about it is enough to make them uncontrollably excited!

Not long after, people who often met Dong He came over. If someone was present, Mr. Di would transfer the money to Dong He’s account, and then Dong He handed the two things to Mr. Di through the game. At this point, both parties The transaction is considered complete.

"By the way, how did you get these two things?" The young master on the opposite side sent a message asking.

Dong He didn't hide anything and told the story of how he hacked Chen Fei.

"Haha, I did a good job this time. I will establish a guild later. You can come over to my place and work together. I will give you a position then." After hearing the origin of the guild token, Mr. Di suddenly found it very interesting. Unexpectedly, Dong He actually blackmailed Yi Tian. Yi Tian must be very angry at this. The first guild token, haha, he should be the first to establish a guild by then.

Being able to get first-hand player resources is definitely a huge advantage in the game!

Thinking of this, the young master couldn't help but wonder what Yi Tian's reaction would be if he knew that the guild token was bought by him...

Of course, for now, Chen Fei still doesn't know that the person standing behind Dong He is Shao Shao. However, even if he knew, he might not have any special reaction. It's not like there were no grievances between him and Mr. Di in his previous life.

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