Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 326: Killing Ganis, and what happened?

The trigger skill, Shadow of the Demon King, splits into four clones and releases a swarm of putrid bees with a damage of 500 every five seconds. The Shadow of the Demon King lasts for five minutes. After the time is over, it will be determined based on the blood loss of the Shadow of the Demon King. The real body's blood loss, if all four shadows are killed, the real body will have a little life left.

The above are Ganis’ trigger skills. Unfortunately, Chen Fei will not know the specific effect of this skill. Therefore, as he became more and more impatient, the pressure on the keyboard and mouse under his hands also began to increase!

The mouse clicked one after another, and the keyboard pressed several keys in one second! At this time, Chen Fei once again increased his hand speed to the fastest, and similarly, his output ability was also increased to the extreme! As a result, Shadow's blood loss speed is also quite exaggerated!

Only two minutes have passed, and the first shadow's health tank is surprisingly less than 50,000!

Terrible output!

As for the other three shadows, under the siege of everyone, their health loss ranged from thirty to forty thousand to nearly one hundred thousand! At such a speed, I have to say that everyone's fighting power is quite strong!

However, Chen Fei still felt that this speed was too slow! Thinking that Ganis still had so much blood after the shadow was beaten, Chen Fei couldn't calm down at all!

Shadow activated another putrid bee swarm, and the group quickly moved to avoid the skills as much as possible, but two or three units were still hit, but the impact on the battle was not great. Now Chen Fei has confirmed that the interval between shadow release skills is five seconds, which is exactly the same as the cooldown time of the potion. Therefore, as long as all their units are hit by skills from time to time, they can still be replenished with potions.

All the skills on his body were cooled down, and a banishment hit Shadow again, putting him into a state of nothingness. Then, Holy Light, Thunderstorm Bomb, Thunderstorm Flame, Thunderstorm Technique, various large and small skills were thrown out at once! Among them, the holy light accidentally triggered a magic critical strike, causing a total of 9,000 horrific damage! In an instant, more than 10,000 shadow lives were taken away!

Such a powerful wave of skill damage will undoubtedly speed up the killing of shadows. But even so, nearly a minute had passed when the first shadow was killed. There are still five minutes until the countdown ends!

After getting rid of one of them, Chen Fei had no intention of stopping at all. He pulled his unit and continued to attack the shadow that Lin Rong and others were dealing with. This shadow has lost the most blood among the remaining three, having already lost nearly 150,000 lives. Among them, the summoned beasts of Sandan and Zheng Wen are still very powerful, especially Zheng Wen who replaced the Yuan Guards with Fire Yuan Guards. Almost every round of attacks will have a passive trigger, and the damage caused can be regarded as the highest among all. The most one!

There are still two minutes left before Ganis' triggering skill ends, but so far, no unit has been killed or injured.

This skill is absolutely fatal to ordinary players. Four clones release the putrid swarm at the same time. If you happen to be surrounded by them and hit four skills in one go, you will definitely be wiped out by the group! What would have happened if Chen Fei hadn't asked everyone to divide into four teams to fight from the beginning, and asked everyone to retreat when they realized that Ganis was about to enlarge his moves.

In general, as a time traveler, Chen Fei's game experience in his previous life was of great help!

"Everyone, keep up the good work!"

Seeing that time is getting less and less, Chen Fei is also getting more and more anxious! But he has already increased his output to the maximum. If he can further increase his output, he can only rely on luck. If he is lucky, he will trigger magic critical strikes in succession...

With the powerful output of Chen Fei and others, the second shadow's blood loss speed was immediately greatly improved! A minute and a half later, the blood tank has already entered red blood! As long as everyone comes back with a concentrated fire output, it will be enough to kill this shadow!

However, in terms of time, Chen Fei felt that it was not enough no matter how much he calculated!

no! It's too late! Does this copy only fail?

Chen Fei became a little bit uncalm. From the time he came back to now, although many things in the game have changed from before, he has also gone through it quite smoothly. Now that he was about to fail for the first time, he really couldn't accept it for a while.

No! The system should not be set up like this, and it will definitely not let players fail like this.

Forcing himself to calm down, Chen Fei continued to operate, and as everyone focused their fire again, the second shadow was finally knocked out. And there is less than three minutes left. But it was also at this time that it was time for Ganis’ triggering skill!

The remaining two shadows immediately disappeared, and Ganis' true body reappeared on the player's screen. The blood tank on his head had less than ten percent left. That’s a life of less than 100,000!

This time, Chen Fei finally saw the possibility of completing the mission! With less than 100,000 lives, two minutes is enough for them to defeat them all!

However, although Ganis's triggering skill has ended, the rest of his skills have also been cooled down. After reappearing, the first one released is Death Charge! Rushed towards Chen Fei!

It should be said that when Ganis was about to kneel down, his brain started to twitch or something. The others did not choose, but came towards Chen Fei and decisively launched the stone wall! He was easily stopped. Death Charge didn't have the effect it should have, so the effect Ganis's subsequent skills could have would be even less impressive. Until now, everyone has said that it is very easy to deal with it, but there will definitely not be any major mistakes!

When the last thirty seconds of the countdown were left, Ganis's blood tank was finally completely emptied by Chen Fei and others! Seeing Ganis's huge body fall down with a bang, Chen Fei's hanging heart was relieved.

Ding Dong: The player has eliminated Ganis and cracked the effect of the Land of Death. Congratulations on passing the level 30 copy.

Seeing the last sentence of congratulations on passing, Chen Fei immediately left the mouse and keyboard with his hands and shouted "Yeah" very excitedly! However, what he never expected was that after the system prompt, several more prompts popped up. And these two hints made him stunned for a moment, no! Perhaps it’s not too much to call it petrification!

Hint: Dong Ha gets a death certificate.

Tip: Donghe gets the guild token.

Tip: Donghe exits the instance.

Tip: West Lake exits the copy.

Hint: Dong Ha left the team.

Tip: Xihu left the team.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the prompt that came out in one breath...

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