Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 322 Clear the place quickly!

With the strength of everyone, there is actually no pressure to eliminate the difficulties of the undead around Ganis. Just in terms of their numbers, they look stressful, but when it comes to fighting, players definitely have many ways to kill them easily.

But the main problem is that these undead units have a very powerful boss guarding them. As for this boss, it is very likely that any skill Ahri can change is enough to change the situation on the battlefield!

One second he was thinking like this, and the next second Ganis was very cooperative and released another skill!

Watching the pair of fleshy wings on his back flap, taking his huge body into the air. Then, a large number of black shadows flew out from under his wings! The black shadows are all bats with red eyes!

Demon Bat: HP 1000, attack 85-90, dodge, hit hard.

The two skills of the bat are the same as before, but its life and attack are doubled compared to those summoned by the Shadow of the Demon King! Moreover, the most exaggerated thing is their number. With this skill of Gannis, twenty bats are the least!

On the battlefield at this time, there were originally a lot of undead units, but now there are so many more bats coming out, and the situation has become more serious in an instant!

Once those bats were summoned, they immediately dispersed into three waves and launched attacks against players in the front, left, and right directions at the same time! With their super fast movement speed and attack speed, and as flying units, the damage they can cause at this time is quite troublesome for Chen Fei's people!

"Xiao Fei, what should I do? These bats are troublesome." Zheng Wen looked at the bats coming over and spoke. In fact, these bats are indeed very troublesome. That heavy attack makes it easy for the respective units to become disconnected when moving. A stun trigger may lead to separation from the team, and even a good skill will be interrupted!

Chen Fei certainly understands these problems, but the key is that the bat itself is a very difficult problem to solve!

"Everyone spread out first! Don't confront us!"

After thinking for a while, Chen Fei finally made such a decision. The combination of undead units and Ganis is not something they can easily deal with!

"Zheng Wen, you accumulate three Feng Yuan guards and come out, I will be useful in a while." Chen Fei added. He began to have a vague response strategy in his mind! As for whether it is actually feasible, we will know soon!

When Zheng Wen heard Chen Fei's words, he consciously pulled the Feng Yuan guard back to prevent him from taking the damage. Sandan also pulled his summons forward, absorbing most of the damage.

The others followed Chen Fei's wishes and began to retreat. As they retreated, the undead units were also divided into three batches, which meant that their output was greatly reduced! For system units to be able to put pressure on players, there must be a sufficient number!

"Everyone spread out and clear out the mobs first! If anyone draws Ganis' hatred, just continue to retreat and don't get entangled with him."

Chen Fei continued. Although only two minutes have passed, you still have to hurry up!

Ganis' hatred was now placed on Sandan's summoned beast. That is Chen Fei and the others.

After summoning the bat, he activated the next skill and charged forward suddenly, carrying blood-red energy, heading straight towards this side!

Death Charge, wrapping itself in energy to launch an impulse, causing 800 points of damage to units in a straight line.

Another skill with terrifying damage! Moreover, the speed of this skill makes it impossible to avoid it by moving! Fortunately, Chen Fei's reaction was quick enough. When he saw that something was wrong with Ganis, he immediately formed a stone wall and released it in front of everyone, blocking Ganis' charge.

However, Ganis's charge ended, but his skills still continued! Especially his charge actually did some damage to the stone wall! This collision immediately left about one-third of Shiqiang's health! Followed up and destroyed the stone wall with one claw! This attack is too high!

Ganis's next skill was to instantly output five blood-red energy whips from his right paw, and whipped them at Chen Fei and others!

Blood Claw Whip, each energy whip causes 500 damage to the target and locks it in place for three seconds.

A skill stronger than the Demonic Blood Whip of the Shadow of the Demon King! If five whips hit the same unit, it will cause a full 2,500 damage! Even the shield warrior with the most health cannot resist it!

Watching Ganis's skill activate, Shen Feng consciously controlled his hero to stop at the front of the team before Ganis' skill came over, and Absolute Guard turned on! It’s as if he decided to bear all the damage from this skill alone!

As the energy whip hit Zheng Wen, each one took away a good part of his life! However, with the absolute protection and blessing, he can still withstand the damage caused by the skills! With a bottle of potion and a holy light in the middle, he can absorb all the damage from this skill, and he can ensure that his blood tank is still above half!

By the way, three seconds in place will not add up.

"Well done!" Chen Fei couldn't help but praise Shen Feng's timely response. After all, among everyone, he is the only one who can master this skill by himself.

While another skill of Ganis was solved, the damage done to the undead units by people from the other two directions also began to bear fruit. Some units with low health were killed one after another. If this trend continues, it will only be a matter of time before these monsters are solved.

However, the problem Chen Fei and others are currently facing is also time...

Five minutes have passed since the battle began, and within a quarter of the time, the mobs around Ganis were finally cleared away by everyone! During this period, in addition to the skills he had used, Ganis also released two more skills. One is to summon hellfire, with a life of 10,000, an attack of 250-300, and a chaotic attack. The armor is heavy armor 10, with magic. Free of sacrifice, in terms of single combat power, it is quite powerful! Especially when it falls, units within the range will suffer an additional 400 points of damage and be stunned for 2 seconds.

The other one is haunted by the same nightmare as the Shadow of the Demon King. There are no surprises when dealing with skills that have already been experienced.

At this point, there are still fifteen minutes before Alsace is judged dead by the system. And next, everyone must get rid of Ganis within this time and empty out his entire one million lives!

This level of difficulty is a bit high...

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