Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 318 The battle with the Shadow of the Demon King, continued^u0026amp;gt;^

After the Revenge Swarm, the Shadow of the Demon King follows with Summoning Bats! Eight bats still have a great impact on the battle! Moreover, because there is a knight next to the Shadow of the Demon King, the bats choose him as the first target of attack! All of a sudden, eight thirty or so injuries popped up, adding up to more than two hundred blood losses! The knight seems to be below half health!

But the skills of the Shadow of the Demon King are not limited to these two! Nightmare Haunting was activated directly against the swordsman and alchemist. Both units happened to attack the spider. After using this skill, they fell asleep one after another.

In five seconds, plus the total damage of 500, as well as the damage from the putrid swarm, the health tank of both units will not exceed a quarter! And there was only one potion in Chen Fei's hand, and it had already been used!

At this time, Chen Fei felt that he still needed another treatment unit...

Fortunately, there are only two spiders left attacking the swordsman and alchemist, so there won't be any big problem. The dragonhawk knights and gunners over there came to help, and these two spiders were easily killed.

However, the problem lies with the Shadow of the Demon King.

The fourth skill continues to be released! Demon Blood Whip! And both whips were thrown towards the knight! If the knight could sustain this skill damage any longer, his health tank would be less than one-fifth! Absolutely dangerous line!

The arcane combination had finished cooling down. When the Demonic Blood Whip was launched, Chen Fei combined the Holy Light first and shined it at the knight! The blood tank instantly increased! But the next moment it dropped immediately. But at least the knight's safety was kept.

Seeing the Demon King's Shadow using all four skills at once, Chen Fei did not dare to let the knight resist damage. He decisively selected it, pulled back, and retreated! Come quickly towards the swordsman and alchemist!

The Dragonhawk Knight and the Gunner continued to deal damage to the spiders. One of them had already been killed, and the other had red blood.

Finally, the great wizard, who was still invisible, interspersed between the knight and the shadow of the devil, and got stuck in a Z shape!

Group invisibility and invisibility are the same. The unit only becomes invisible, but the collision volume still exists, so it can still be blocked!

In fact, the movement speed of the knight is not much different from the shadow of the devil, but the card position of the great wizard is still quite necessary! This can effectively intercept the Shadow of the Demon King and gain more time to come out! Whether it's potion cooling or skill cooling.

The two abominations had already recovered from their dizziness at this time. He moved his huge body and rushed towards Chen Fei.

The situation seems to have become passive for him!

But Chen Fei has become more and more proficient in the game. Now, no matter what unexpected situation occurs, his mind will calmly analyze it as quickly as possible and find the best solution! And now, the same is true!

In the Z-shaped position of the great wizard, the two abominations at the back surpassed the Shadow of the Demon King! This fully demonstrates Chen Fei's operational ability! And under this operation, Chen Fei can combine new skills!

After thinking for a brief moment, Chen Fei chose Stone Wall for his new skill. This skill was often used by him for defense in the past!

First, he continued to activate the cooled holy light on the knight, then used the potion on the swordsman, and finally combined the stone wall to replace the holy light.

But after the stone wall was assembled, Chen Fei did not release it immediately. He held it in his hand, locked his eyes on the two abominations, and continued to wait!

'call! call! ’

Two different voices came from the headphones, and when the voices appeared, the hook of hatred was thrown out. At the same moment, Chen Fei's stone wall also activated. As for the release position, it is right in front of the hateful hook!

The two abominations have not released their hooks until now. It is their hooks that Chen Fei is guarding against!

The speed of the hook was very fast, but it was not as fast as the speed at which the stone wall emerged. The two hooks hit the stone wall at the same time and then were retracted.

After blocking the abominable hook, the great wizard over there no longer blocked the position, and the invisibility time was almost over. Without invisibility, the great wizard might not even be able to withstand two attacks from the Demon King's Shadow. But the invisibility time is about to end, which also means that the cooldown time of several of Chen Fei's skills is also over!

Thunderstorm spells, thunderstorm bombs, thunderstorm flames, and fireballs and ice cones were all used to attack the two abominations. With Chen Fei's spell output, after one pass of the skill, one of the abominations entered the red blood, and the other's blood tank was only a quarter at most. Several ranged units focus their fire a few times, which is enough to kill the Abomination before it destroys the stone wall.

But the prerequisite for this is that the Shadow of the Demon King does not attack the stone wall. In this regard, an interesting idea came to Chen Fei's mind.

The great wizard who originally ducked aside moved around behind the Shadow of the Demon King and launched an attack on him. As his attack passed, the Shadow of the Demon King immediately turned around and locked its hatred on the great wizard! Rush forward with big strides!

Having attracted the hatred of the Demon King's Shadow, Chen Fei naturally controlled the great wizard and started running away. But the movement speed of the great wizard is definitely two levels slower than that of the Shadow of the Demon King! At a distance of five hundred yards, it would take the Shadow of the Demon King five seconds at most to catch up.

Judging from the calculation results, Chen Fei certainly knew what it would look like. Therefore, when the Shadow of the Demon King chased the great wizard, the hero went out with a basic attack and also chased after the Shadow of the Demon King.

As expected, the Shadow of the Demon King caught up with the great wizard within five seconds, raised his paw and slapped him! It directly took away more than half of the great wizard's life! Another claw is enough to kill the great wizard!

However, after being attacked by the Shadow of the Demon King, Chen Fei turned the great wizard in another direction, and quickly bypassed the Shadow of the Demon King and ran towards the hero. In this way, the Shadow of the Demon King can launch a second attack just by turning around!

In this way, it is equivalent to saying that Chen Fei has buried the great wizard! Is it an operational error? Or does Chen Fei have other ideas?

From Chen Fei's point of view, it was definitely not an operational error! As for his idea, it came true when the Shadow of the Demon King raised his claws!

Push and push technique, launch it against the great wizard!

Chen Fei has not used this newly learned skill not long ago. Now, it’s time for this skill to come into play!

Originally, the attack of the Shadow of the Demon King must have fallen on the great wizard, but with the activation of the push-pushing technique, the great wizard instantly jumped out a thousand yards away! It was definitely a matter of seconds! The attack of the Shadow of the Demon King has no second result other than interruption!

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