Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 303 Kill Herod and advance to level 30 dungeon

The Holy Demon Tower stood up again, and a large number of summons also appeared one after another. Then, the guards for the Prime Minister rushed towards Herod. Under their attack, Herod was easily led within the attack range of the Holy Demon Tower. And this guy, just like last time, still chose to charge over and launch whirlwind at the Holy Demon Tower!

In the same scene, Chen Fei naturally activated the stone wall to block Herod out! Blocked his whirlwind slash. Then, he pre-stored the fire meteorite and waited for his whirlwind to end.

"Take action!"

At the moment when Whirlwind Slash ended, following Chen Fei's order, everyone threw their skills at Herod at the same time! Among them, Corn's skills were the first to be used on him! And that skill is Exile!

Herod's body turned into a state of translucent nothingness in an instant. In this case, all the summoned beasts could only watch except for the magical attack of War Eagle. On the contrary, the Holy Demon Tower is still attacking, and its attack power is also increasing! For players, a wave of skills will increase the damage by 1.5 times, and the damage caused will definitely be extremely exaggerated!

Various skills, large and small, are released one after another! Fireball, Ice Cone, Stinging Thunderball, Chen Fei's Double Thunder, Wind and Thunder Array, Thunderstorm Bomb, etc. Among them, his thunderstorm technique luckily triggered a magic critical strike, and the damage value directly exceeded one thousand and five! And its exaggerated numbers! After releasing the banishment, Corn also released all his skills. Finally, he ended with a flame tornado, aiming at Herod!

Under the void, the damage of this skill reaches as much as 300!

The effect of banishment only lasted three seconds on Herod, but in these three seconds, the damage done by everyone was absolutely terrifying! A total of nearly 20,000! After Herod recovered, the flaming meteorite in Chen Fei's hand smashed down and pushed the guy directly out! A large number of summoned beasts rushed forward and surrounded this guy! Don't give him any room to move at all!

And Corn's flame tornado still caused continuous damage to Herod! In an instant, his blood loss exceeded 25,000!

However, Herod is also a leader-level monster, and his strength is not weak. After being surrounded by summons, this guy immediately launched a spinning slash, knocking out most of the life of all the summons around him! Then, he took advantage of the situation and slashed at a Tuyuan guard, killing him instantly!

But when Herod was about to continue launching basic attacks, his body once again entered a state of nothingness! Chen Fei's exile is launched! Along with this, there are a large number of small skills that everyone has cooled down! Don't underestimate these small skills. This wave easily took away more than 5,000 HP of Herod!

When Chen Fei's banishment effect also disappeared, everyone turned to basic attacks. Yes, everyone has not released any other skills except small skills! As a result, Herod's blood loss rate immediately dropped a lot!

But this has long been expected by Chen Fei! In fact, at this moment, his entire battle idea has been fully demonstrated: similar to before, relying on a large number of summons to contain Herod and preventing him from causing damage to the unit; while the output point is from the original target. Sora's magic became what it is now - double banishment directly! Rely on numerous skills for explosive output!

The result of the battle was quite remarkable. Herod's blood loss exceeded 30,000, almost 40,000! It’s already one-tenth of his value! As for the time, less than a minute has just passed! And based on the cooling time of Exile, no matter how slow it is, one minute is enough for everyone to cool down all their skills!

If we follow this train of thought, Herod will surely fall in just ten minutes! What everyone needs to do is just to fight for about forty seconds during the skill cooling period!

Thinking of this method, it's a shame that Corn also had banishment after changing his job, otherwise Chen Fei wouldn't have thought of using banishment for output. He had forgotten before that there was also a banishment skill that could also be used as a control skill.

In the end, Herod collapsed under another round of skill explosions from everyone.

"Yeah!" Sun Zhenzi cheered. Following the first one, he ran up to touch the corpse, and then said, "I'll wipe it! Something good has come out again!"

Sun Zhenzi cheered loudly, and the message he sent appeared in the message column.

Bloody Battle Ax: Level 30, purple, attack 130-150, increase strength by 20 points, basic attack with 35 points of bleeding effect per second, lasts for three seconds, can be stacked three times. Attached skill, Madness, increases attack speed by 25%, takes 30% additional damage, lasts for 15 seconds, and has a cooldown of 60.

It is indeed a good thing, the purple two-handed axe. Counting its increased power, the attack power directly breaks through to 150! Once the bleeding effect accumulates to three levels, the sustained damage will be quite terrifying! As for Madness, this skill is inferior to Herod's Madness, but it is still a very good skill in itself. Overall it is worthy of being a purple weapon.

Apart from Lin Rong, no other warrior could use the two-handed axe, so naturally it was given to him. But this thing can only be equipped at level 30, so he can't use it for the time being...

After solving Herod, Chen Fei did not impulsively want to go to the church to kill the other three monsters. Because, in memory, those three guys were at least twice as difficult as Herod! It’s simply not something they can handle now!

However, being able to kill Herod is already a very good reward for them. The Scarlet Monastery became the leveling place for everyone in the next two days, and Xia Peng and others also came here to level up. Once you figure out the tricks here, it will be much easier to deal with them...

Two days later, everyone broke through the level 30 level one by one, put on some better equipment, and learned more powerful skills. Next, it was time to launch an attack on the level 30 dungeon!

On the morning of the third day, a group of people arrived in front of the dungeon NPC. Starting from the six people at the beginning, they joined from the east, west, north, south, followed by future professional players like Corn, and then Xia Peng and others, exactly one or two people. A team of ten!

"Look! It's Yi Tian's group!"

Someone has already discovered Chen Fei and others. After going through the online competition, players became more and more familiar with their group. Especially Yi Tian, ​​as the champion, has attracted even more attention.

"Looking at such a big group of them, are they trying to conquer a new dungeon?"

"Definitely! Yi Tian's ability to lead the team is absolutely formidable! Those dungeons were the first ones he conquered before, and now he must conquer the level 30 dungeon!"

"That's awesome! I really want to join Yi Tian's team! If I have a big thigh to hold me, my leveling speed will be super fast!"

"Brother, stop thinking nonsense. Yi Tian's team members must be very strong. How can ordinary players like us get their turn?"

Under the discussion of the players, Chen Fei clicked to enter the dungeon...

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