Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 179 The Lich takes action

Shen Feng used a holy light to refill Chen Fei's knight health tank, but one of the corpse dump trucks was killed, and the other one was also below half health. Judging from the knight's attack, it is estimated that in less than ten seconds, this corpse dump truck will be dismantled into parts. Faced with a large amount of firepower, the slaughterhouse had already lost more than half of its health at this time! If this situation continues, there should be no chance for the slaughterhouse to produce a second wave of units.

However, Chen Fei will not take it lightly. The situation seems to be very good now, but no one can say whether there will be any accidents in the future, especially the lich in the stronghold has not taken action yet! Although this guy is not Sugard, his strength is definitely not weak. And you can’t see any attributes, which makes people have to care!

Fortunately, the Lich did not react at all until the corpse truck was dismantled, and the Slaughterhouse had less than one-fifth of its health left! As long as he works hard and is about to destroy this undead stronghold, Chen Fei is already halfway through the strategy!

But, will things really go as smoothly as Chen Fei thought?

The answer came quickly, and it was a pretty bad answer!

Seeing that the blood volume of the slaughterhouse was finally reduced to the last trace of blood, what no one expected was that when it was about to be destroyed, two abominations appeared on both sides of the slaughterhouse at just this moment! After the slaughterhouse was destroyed, the Lich, who had been silent, finally took action at this time!

The Lich suddenly raised his hand, and the rotten ground around him began to stir, bringing up a lot of dust, and in the dust, eight spider figures appeared!

What's even worse is that at the Temple of the Curse, four necromancers also appeared at the same time! At this moment, the number of combat units in the stronghold suddenly reached fourteen! And only two of these abominations are melee units, and the rest are all long-range units! If all the long-range units focus fire on the same unit, I'm afraid not a few units can resist the next round of damage!

"Everyone retreat to the arrow tower!" Without any hesitation, Chen Fei decisively chose to retreat! Now it is obvious that the enemy's combat effectiveness has reached a very strong level! So naturally, you shouldn't fight on the opponent's main battlefield. At least, you can't bear the attack of the ziggurat, right?

Everyone also understood that the undead army was very strong at this moment. As soon as Chen Fei said it, a group of people quickly retreated to the arrow tower. As for the undead, since the Lich had already taken action, he naturally led all the units to catch up! It can be described as menacing!

Lich: Stupid humans, don’t use your insignificance to resist death!

A lich's monologue popped up on the information bar, which unexpectedly triggered Chen Fei. But now is not the time to pay attention. Watching the undead troops form a formation and catch up. The two abominations are in the front, the spider is in the middle, and the lich and the necromancer are at the end. What is surprising is that the witch has not started fighting yet. The demon started to take action, putting two frost shields on Abomination!

Frost shield increases the unit's armor by 5 points. Melee unit attacks will reduce attack speed and movement speed by 25% for 5 seconds.

With the protection of frost shield, it can effectively weaken the combat effectiveness of melee units. Fortunately, this skill can be dispelled. When there is a fight later, just ask the priest to dispel it and it will be done. What made Chen Fei more concerned was the purple-black energy ball floating in the Lich's hand. If he remembered correctly, there was only one situation where the energy ball would appear, and the unit had magic ball equipment. !

The ball equipment is used as a secondary weapon, but it can actually be regarded as a special type of equipment. It is not for the purpose of improving attack power. The characteristic of the magic ball itself lies in the various special effects it comes with. What Chen Fei knows is that the ball of fire can cause splash damage, the ball of frost can cause freezing deceleration, and the ball of poison can have a poisoning effect. As for the magic ball on the Lich, it was the first time for Chen Fei to see it, and he couldn't help but be wary.

By the way, equipping the orb can also give the unit anti-air capabilities.

Seeing the undead units approaching little by little, Chen Fei naturally couldn't let them get close so easily. The skill that has finished cooling is activated at the place where the units are most concentrated! Still a powerful double thunder skill! These two skills are placed in the area of ​​the middle spider. After the explosion, nearly half of their health tank is taken away. For the subsequent battle, it is helpful for everyone to kill the spider.

However, what shocked Chen Fei was that just after the damage was done, the Lich took action the next second! Several balls of dark green energy shot out from its hands, landing on each spider accurately, instantly pulling the spider's health back up to 600!

Depend on! Is there any mistake? Group obsession? !

Chen Fei was really stunned! He has seen the deadly entanglement several times in this life, not to mention the past life, but he has never heard of the group death entanglement, not to mention seeing it in the previous life! But in front of me, the lich actually has such perverted skills! This is simply a skill specially developed for Chen Fei!

Unwilling to give up, Chen Fei followed closely and continued to activate his skills! This time he launched a tornado, and he still didn't believe that the cooldown of group death coil was very short! The tornado swept out, rolling up the two abominations and four spiders. Not many units were hit, but the main purpose of Chen Fei's skill was not to damage, but to disrupt the opponent's formation: the two parties were fighting. , the side with a formation will definitely have an advantage! Just imagine how terrifying it would be if the long-range units were in a good position and could focus their fire output on every point on the battlefield. On the other hand, if the long-range units spread out in twos and threes and attack randomly, the damage caused may be the same, but what unit can this kill? The reason why players are stronger than system troops is that they can carry out concentrated attacks and prioritize the elimination of more threatening units, thereby quickly leveling or even widening the gap between the two sides!

The units brought up by the tornado were controlled back and forth for more than three seconds, effectively staggering the formation of the undead troops. The uncontrolled spiders were on the same line as the abominations after the control was restored, and the controlled spiders were on the same line as the necromancers and lichs. a line. After a while of fighting, the spiders in front will definitely become the primary targets!

However, it was not enough to disrupt Chen Fei like this! What is the distance between the two? Everyone estimated that only two rounds of attacks would be the most effective, and the Lich behind would be able to take action!

Therefore, Chen Fei decisively continued to activate his skills! Great wizard, quagmire magic!

As he becomes more and more familiar with the game, Chen Fei is remembering some game knowledge from his past life more and more clearly. After combining the memories of his past life and integrating everything now, Chen Fei's understanding of Warcraft is getting deeper and deeper! I also have a better understanding of the use of mire technique!

Used to disrupt the formation and increase the distance between the enemy's front and rear teams, the mire technique is definitely a magical skill! While effectively widening the distance between the front and rear, it may also separate the troops behind into two parts again! The trapped effect triggers exactly this effect!

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