One Piece's Strongest Protagonist Halo

359: Re-entering the Beast Forest!!!

Ask for subscription!!! Ask for flowers!!!, ask for reward!!!, ask for collection!!! , will add rice to warm chuang!!!

. . . . . . . .

What makes Doflamingo even more unbelievable is that, after eating so many delicacies all over the world, he can't tell what animal this barbecue is from.

Because just the piece of barbecued meat in his hand made him feel like he had eaten a treasure trove of meat. Every bite, he seemed to be eating a new piece of meat. The variety of tastes was so rich. Incredible.

After eating the grilled meat, Doflamingo completely ignored why he appeared here, and his mind was completely occupied by the delicacies in front of him.

However, because there are not many delicacies in front of you, and everyone from the Donquixote family is here, it will be almost eaten after a while.

Looking at the last piece of sauce bone on the plate, Doflamingo and the others immediately looked at the person beside them with hostile eyes.

"Then, as the only lady, I'm welcome!!!"

Jorah smiled and reached for the meat on the plate, ladies first, everyone knows.

"Go away you, what era is this, now is the era of equality between men and women, G!!!95

Rao G raised his foot and kicked Jorah in the face, kicking her away.

"G, as the oldest here, I think it should be given to me."


A pair of hands protruded from the ground, grabbed Rao G's feet, and dragged him down, and then the ground turned back to mud, and Rao G's head was exposed outside.

"Breathe!!! The elderly should leave the opportunity to the young, you should eat dirt."

Senor Peake lit a cigarette, took a puff, then drilled into the ground again, put the plate on top of his head, and swam out quickly.


A pair of rock fists appeared on Senor Peake's head, snatching the plate with one hand and hammering it down with the other,

"Hahaha!! In front of me trying to escape from the ground, I really don't know what to do!!

Serka laughed heartily, and controlled the rock to bring the plate over.

"Flying!! Flying!!! 99

Diamanti slapped the ground with one hand, and with him at the center, the ground that was hundreds of miles in radius was like a flag being blown by the wind, constantly agitating.

Seka's rock also became as soft as a piece of cloth, and he couldn't hold the plate anymore, and the sauce bone on it also dropped out of his hand and flew up.

"Jie Hahahaha!!! The meat is mine!!!

Diamanti's body also became like a flag. Following the ups and downs of the ground, it quickly floated over and opened his mouth to pick up the flying meat.

However, Diamanti didn't wait for the meat to fall into his mouth, because the sauce bone actually flew by itself and fell into Doflamingo's hands.

It turned out that Doflamingo had long been surrounded by his own strings, and when the sauce bone was about to fall into Diamanti's mouth, he used the string to pull the meat over


He swallowed the sauce bone in one bite, enjoying the deliciousness of the gravy exploding in his mouth, causing Doflamingo to narrow his eyes.

"Uh heh heh!!! It seems that everyone's strength is not enough!!!"

Licking his fingers and reminiscing the taste in his mouth, Doflamingo laughed recklessly. Although everyone just missed a hand just now, Doflamingo clearly felt the progress of their strength.

"Of course, after being chased and killed by those monsters all night, if I didn't think about several methods, I'm afraid I would have died long ago.

Jorah took out a handkerchief and wiped the footprints on her face, returning to Doflamingo.

"By the way, where is this place?"

Diamanti returned the earth to normal, sat back by the bonfire, scratched his head and asked the people around him.

"I don't know, I remember that I seemed to be in the hospital before, and then I fainted again for some reason, and when I woke up again, I was here..."

Mahabais scratched his head, and his face was also full of doubts. He was the only one who didn't go to grab meat before, because he knew that if he went to grab it with his own ability, he was looking for abuse.

"Isn't it... not?"

Doflamingo looked at the surrounding environment, and the cold sweat broke down, because he thought of a very bad news.

It was the last rays of the sun falling into the sea level, and it was completely dark.




As the last ray of sunlight disappeared from the horizon, the roaring sounds resounded again.

"Hey!!! It's not a forest of beasts!!!"

Diamanti pulled out the great sword from his waist, and he was alert to any changes around him with a cold sweat.

bang bang bang ————

Familiar footsteps sounded, and the ground trembled under these footsteps, but these footsteps were a nightmare for Doflamingo and others, because they remembered their fear of being dominated by the beastmasters last night.

"Roar - 99

With a majestic roar, the three-headed tiger who had always been fat jumped out, its chubby body almost did not stop, and staggered,

"Um 1.2...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."


"Oh oh oh oh·

The other beastmasters also jumped out of the woods, without exception, all of them were fat and unapproachable, without the fear of yesterday,

Originally, according to the original plan, the Beastmasters wanted to scare Doflamingo and others. However, what awaited the Beastmasters was not the screams of fear and running away from humans, but the constant laughter of humans.


"What is that, cat? Did you see it just now, it almost lost its footing."

"And that one, look at that one is a rhino, why did it become a pig?"

“These animals are so kawaii!!!”

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