Robin then also informed Patans and Kloba, the reason why the two doctors, were besieging O’Hara – ancient texts.

And this completely made everyone realize that this is the original sin from which they cannot escape – the desire for knowledge.

People returned home in an orderly manner, sorting out their belongings, and although they felt ridiculous and unconvinced that the little girl on the podium said that someone would come to rescue them, this moment turned out to be their only lifesaver.

Because it is no one else who wants to eradicate and annihilate their forces, but the world is righteous.

Walking out of the lecture hall, Robin stood on a high place, looking at the group who scattered home, and smiled slightly.

“Hundred Flowers, Phantom Wings!”

Robin activated the fruit ability to transform into wings, and then a little under her feet, the moon step sent her directly above the huge all-knowing tree of O’Hara, looking at this ancient tree that I don’t know how long it has survived, there is a hint of tenderness in her eyes. Turning her head, Robin looked at the calm sea in the distance, her wings fluttered behind her, her figure instantly flew forward, and her face began to become more and more solemn, because at the end of the distant sea level, she had seen several naval warships.

“Hey! Robin, wait for me! Wait for me! The big red-nosed Bucky chased all the way below until he watched Robin fly out of O’Hara, he looked at the sea in front of him, jumped his feet wildly, and even couldn’t help but think, maybe the broken fruit is not bad….

“Hey, Red Nose. Do you call her Robin, is she called Nicole Robin? Are you also there to protect O’Hara? At this moment a buzzing sound exploded in Bucky’s ears.

Before Bucky could react to someone shouting his most annoying red nose word, he just looked for the sound and found that the ground under his feet was shaking….

At this time, Bucky felt a strong wind coming towards him, and in a stunned moment, Bucky felt that he was grabbed by the huge hand that had been huge, and Bucky, who instantly wanted to fight back, found that this big hand did not have any malice towards him, just gently wrapped himself, did not make an excessive move, but gently jumped on this clenched fist.

The giant with his face surrounded by an orange beard, a cowboy hat and a blue undershirt was now looking at the clown on the tip of his fist.

“You are Vice Admiral, Haguvar D. Sauro!? Bucky was slightly surprised, the giant race in the navy is still very rare, as a qualified pirate, of course, you must have some understanding.

“Oh yes, I used to be in the Navy, but now I’m not.” Sauro smiled and continued, “Do you want to catch up with her? As he spoke, he pointed to Robin, who was flying over.

“Oh, so it is, she’s Nicole Robin.” Bucky nodded and continued, “I want to catch up with her, do you have a way?” ”

Sauro nodded, took off his hat, and placed it in the sea.

Signaling the clown to jump into the huge cowboy hat, he took out a cigar from the neckline, and then handed it to the clown: “Go, if you have the strength you can catch up.” ”

Taking a deep look at Sauro, Bucky cracked his mouth and laughed loudly: “Big man, your choice of the wrong navy is the right choice, you must know that your giant pirate group has always been a famous legend, this time count you as acquaintance, otherwise my Uncle Bucky will definitely teach you a lesson.” ”

Bucky said, took the cigar, and felt that the weight of a cigar the size of a ship’s oarboard was right, so he took the cowboy hat as a boat and the cigar as an oar, and rowed quickly, chasing Robin in the air.


Looking at the ten warships that were getting closer and closer, Robin’s face was cold.

And Robin moved quickly, but after all, she was gliding in the air, and she was noticed by the navy on the warship when she got a little closer, and the navy’s combatants also stepped onto the deck.

“Hey, who is it in the sky, you have entered the alert range of our fleet, please stop approaching immediately!” On one of the ships at the head, a rear admiral shouted.

It’s just that Robin didn’t give any response to this.

Because this was originally a unilateral massacre without declaring war!

It may be only half an hour, or an hour, after these fleets disperse and the dense artillery falls, O’Hara will fall into a purgatory on earth.

And for these navies under the world ZF, then Robin does not care if it is a massacre or not.

“Thousands of Purple Thousand Reds, Genting Kendo, Chopping Iron Style!”

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